Dr Timothy Stone

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Dr Timothy Stone
Dr Timothy Stone
Dr Timothy Stone

PhD, BA (Hons)


Accepting PhDs

Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 274351
Office Address
733 MacRobert Building
Old Aberdeen Campus
581 King Street
AB24 5UA

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Business School


I joined the University of Aberdeen Business School in 2007 having previously held academic posts at the University of Stirling and City College Norwich. I have also worked in retail and the not-for-profit sector.

I hold an undergraduate degree in marketing from the University of Stirling, in which I also studied management and philosophy. Thereafter, I was awarded a Faculty Scholarship to study for a PhD at the University of Stirling under the supervision of Professor Douglas Brownlie and Dr Paul Hewer. My thesis attempted to better understand elderly consumer’s cultural experiences of care homes.

My current research interests are within marketing theory and consumer research.


  • PhD Marketing 
    2006 - University of Stirling 
  • BA (Hons.) Marketing 
    1999 - University of Stirling 

Latest Publications

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Research Overview

My primary research interests are located within marketing theory and consumer research.


Previous research projects have focused upon:

(~) The self and identity.

(~) The sacred and consumer research.

(~) Dwelling and rural tourism development.

(~) Theoretical reflections upon consumption, ageing and dementia.

(~) The role of consumer introspection theory (CIT) within consumer research.

(~) What it means to be an elderly consumer within a care home.

Research Areas

Accepting PhDs

I am currently accepting PhDs in Management.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your research ideas further.

Email Me


Accepting PhDs

Research Specialisms

  • Marketing

Our research specialisms are based on the Higher Education Classification of Subjects (HECoS) which is HESA open data, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.

Current Research

Manuscripts in progress:

(~) Stone, T., Gould, S. & Patterson, A. (Tourism Paper 1).

(~) Stone, T., Gould, S. & Patterson, A. (Tourism Paper 2).


Current PhD Supervision:

(~) Zhang, Y. Topic: Anthropology of consumption. Second supervisor - Dr. R. Smith (Dept. of Anthropology).


I am interested in supervising PhD research in the following subject areas:

(~) Artificial intelligence.

(~) Branding.

(~) Religion/spirituality.

(~) Historical marketing.

(~) Self/Identity.

Past Research

Former PhD students:

(~) Dr. Temitope Bodunrin. The Practice of Mindfulness and its Implication for Transformative Consumer Research. Passed with Minor Corrections.

(~) Dr. Xiaoqing (Joyce) Chen. A Phenomenological Understanding of Rural Tourism: A Case Study of a Chinese Village. Passed with Minor Corrections.


I have been involved in collaborative research projects with the following not-for-profit organisations:

(~) Centre for Tobacco Control.

(~) European Union.

(~) Grounds for Learning.

(~) World Wide Fund for Nature.

Enquiries about future collaborations would be welcome from for-profit or not-for-profit organisations that are engaged in providing/promoting:

(~) Branding.

(~) Religious/Spiritual values.


Teaching Responsibilities

Postgraduate - MSc Marketing Management

(~) Marketing Communications (Course Coordinator).

(~) Consumer Behaviour (Course Coordinator).

(~) Strategic Brand Management (Course Coordinator)



Non-course Teaching Responsibilities

(~) Personal Tutor.

(~) Online Course Development.


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Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Conferences

Contributions to Journals