Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 4 of 4, 01 - 20 September 2021
Simulator set to transform North Sea decommissioning and energy transition projects
An immersive simulation suite that will transform approaches to offshore decommissioning and renewable energy infrastructure projects in the North Sea was officially launched in the north-east of Scotland today (Tuesday, September 21).
Aberdeen Institute at SCNU welcomes first intake of students
Staff and students attended the official opening of a new institute created by the University of Aberdeen and South China Normal University last week (September 9).
PREDICT project to find better ways of protecting our oceans
Scientists from the University of Aberdeen (UoA) and North Highland College's Environmental Research Institute, part of the University of the Highlands and Islands, will lead a new project to determine where offshore wind developments should be located in order to better protect marine life in the future.
App to help Scottish skippers reduce bycatch scoops industry sustainability award
An innovative app being used by Scottish skippers to share real-time information with each other about the location of hotspots of unwanted fish has scooped a sustainability award.