Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 6 of 6, 05 - 28 October 2022
Strong performance from University of Aberdeen in new QS sustainability ranking
The University of Aberdeen has performed strongly in a new QS sustainability ranking achieving an overall position of 64th in the world and 17th in the UK.
Business leader Ewan Venters talks rural economy at University event
The challenges facing the rural economy will be among the key themes discussed at the 2022 Watt Hepburn Lecture which takes place next month.
Hemp has the potential to make Scotland's agricultural sector carbon neutral
Hemp has the potential to make Scotland's agricultural sector carbon neutral as well as providing huge economic benefits, a new report has found.
Energy transition skills training body receives £1m funding boost
An initiative involving the University of Aberdeen which aims to provide the energy sector with the skills and talent to meet the challenges of the energy transition has been awarded £1,000,000 by the Scottish Government.
Babies have air pollution in their lungs and brains before they take their first breath
Unborn babies have air pollution particles in their developing lungs and other vital organs as early as the first trimester, new research has revealed.
Rowett's grandson visits Aberdeen for Boyd Orr lecture
John Quiller Rowett's grandson Jan Chojecki was welcomed to a special lecture as part of celebrations to mark 100 years since the establishment of the Rowett Institute.