Dr Gerard Hough

Dr Gerard Hough
Dr Gerard Hough
Dr Gerard Hough

Senior Lecturer

Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 272375
Office Address
CB503 50/52 College Bounds
Old Aberdeen Campus
College Bounds
AB24 3DS

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School of Divinity, History, Philosophy & Art History


I have taught at Aberdeen since 2005. During that time I have also served as the Undergraduate Programme Co-ordinator for the Philosophy Degrees and as Director of Education for the School of Divinity, History, Philosophy and Art History.

Before coming to Aberdeen, I studied at University College Dublin, the University of St. Andrews, and the University of Sheffield. My PhD thesis focused on the work of W.V. Quine in the philosophy of language.

My main teaching and research interests are in the philosophy of language, metaphysics, and the history of Early Modern Western Philosophy.

Internal Memberships

Admissions Selector for the MA and BSc UG degree programmes


Research Overview

Philosophy of Language (especially theories of reference and the semantics of belief reports)

History of Analytic Philosophy (especially the work of W.V. Quine)


Teaching Responsibilities

In 2022-23 I am teaching on PH201B "What We Are: Mind in a Physical World", PH2532 "Doing Bad Things with Words: Philosophy and Harmful Speech", PH306D "Current Research Topics in Philosophy", and PH5066 "Philosophy and Society". I am also course co-ordinator for PH402D "Philosophy Dissertation".


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