Dr Greta Bocedi
- About
- Email Address
- greta.bocedi@abdn.ac.uk
- Telephone Number
- +44 (0)1224 272392
- School/Department
- School of Biological Sciences
- Publications
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Heatwaves during early development have long-term consequences for parental care in adulthood
Animal Behaviour, vol. 217, pp. 65-72Contributions to Journals: ArticlesAccounting for extinction dynamics unifies the geological and biological histories of Indo-Australian Archipelago
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 291, no. 2031, 20240966Contributions to Journals: ArticlesDisentangling evolutionary, geometric and ecological components of the elevational gradient of diversity
Evolution Letters, qrae04Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/evlett/qrae048
Capacity for recovery in Bornean orangutan populations when limiting offtake and retaining forest
Diversity and Distributions, e13852Contributions to Journals: ArticlesSexual selection and mate limitation shape evolution of species’ range limits
Evolution, vol. 78, no. 5, pp. 951–963Contributions to Journals: ArticlesEnvironmental variance in male mating success modulates the positive versus negative impacts of sexual selection on genetic load
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 1242-1254Contributions to Journals: ArticlesInferring the distributions of fitness effects and proportions of strongly deleterious mutations
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics Mission, vol. 13, no. 9, jkad140Contributions to Journals: ArticlesExperimental evolution of dispersal: unifying theory, experiments and natural systems
Journal of Animal Ecology, vol. 92, no. 6, pp. 1113-1123Contributions to Journals: ArticlesImpact of Phylogenetic Tree Completeness and Misspecification of Sampling Fractions on Trait Dependent Diversification Models
Systematic Biology, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 106-119Contributions to Journals: ArticlesEco-evolutionary extinction and recolonization dynamics reduce genetic load and increase time to extinction in highly inbred populations
Evolution, vol. 76, no. 11, pp. 2482-2497Contributions to Journals: Articles