Herbivores and ecosystem dynamics in the changing north

Herbivores and ecosystem dynamics in the changing north

This is a past event

James Speed, Associate Professor/Researcher, University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

Panopto Recording


"My research involves a range of taxa from vascular plants and bryophytes to invertebrates, birds and large mammalian herbivores. I work at a range of scales, from the individual to the ecosystem, with short-term experiments to palaeoecology, and from local scale patterns to regional scale processes. I have worked in environments from the high-arctic and temperate-alpine regions to boreal forests and African savannahs. A core interest is the impact of vertebrate herbivores and land-use on plant populations and communities. My work also focuses on the ability of herbivores to affect ecosystem and vegetation states and the how the impact of herbivory on ecosystems feeds back to herbivore populations."

James D. M. Speed - NTNU

James Speed
Hosted by
Sarah Woodin