Dr Mingyuan Chu

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Dr Mingyuan Chu
Dr Mingyuan Chu
Dr Mingyuan Chu


Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 273940
Office Address

School of Psychology
William Guild Building
Room T10
Kings College
Old Aberdeen
AB24 3FX

School of Psychology


  • PhD Psychology 
    2008 - University of Birmingham 
  • MSc in Neuropsychology 
    2005 - University of Bristol 
  • BSc in Applied Psychology 
    2004 - Nankai University 

Memberships and Affiliations

Internal Memberships

Senior personal tutor

International exchange officer

External Memberships

Editorial Board member for GESTURE

Member of Experimental Psychology Society

Member of International Society for Gesture Studies


Research Overview

People spontaneously produce nonverbal behaviours, such as facial expressions, gestures, and body postures, in everyday communication. These body movements play a crucial role in facilitating our spatial thinking and language processing. My research focuses on 1) the mechanisms underlying the interaction between the language and action systems; 2) how hand movements facilitate problem solving and language processing; 3) how gestures facilitate pragmatic and emotional processing during language comprehension; and 4) individual differences in gesture and speech. To address these issues, I combine multiple methodologies, including electrophysiological (EEG), virtual reality, motion tracking, eye tracking, and behavioural experimentation.

Funding and Grants

2022-2023  EPS Small Grant (PI: Mingyuan Chu)

2020-2022  Leverhulm Research Project Grant (PI: Mingyuan Chu)

2020            EPS Symposium Grant (PI: Mingyuan Chu)

2019            Research Enhancement Scheme, University of Aberdeen (PI: Mingyuan Chu)

2018-2019   EPS Small Research Grant (PI: Mingyuan Chu)

2018-2019   Carnegie Incentive Grant (PI: Mingyuan Chu)

2016-2018   British Academy Small Grant. (PI: Mingyuan Chu)

2007            Experimental Psychology Society Grindley Grant

2006-2008   School PhD Scholarship, University of Birmingham

2005-2006   Departmental PhD Scholarship, University of Bristol

2005-2008   Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme


Teaching Responsibilities

Level 2 Advanced Psychology A - Concepts And Theory

Level 3 Methodology A

Level 3 Methodology B

Level 3 Memory and Language

Level 4 Current Topics in Psychological Studies


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Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Journals