Chair in Molecular Ecology and Evolution, Dean for Postgraduate Research
- About
- Email Address
- s.piertney@abdn.ac.uk
- Telephone Number
- +44 (0)1224 272864
- Office Address
Rooms 410 (Office) and 222 (Lab) Zoology Building
- School/Department
- School of Biological Sciences
- School/Department
- Senior Vice Principals
- Research
Research Overview
Research within the Piertney-Lab focuses on the interplay between evolutionary and ecological dynamics in natural populations. From an eco-to-evo perspective, I examine how different ecological, environmental and behavioural processes drive microevolution, adaptation and speciation. Then from an evo-to-eco perspective, I link how genetic diversity affects individual fitness, population dynamics, ecosystem function and population persistence.
Studies have either a gene-centric focus, examining candidate genes of known ecological importance and adaptive significance (e.g. MHC, MC1R, IFN), or exploit next-generation 'omics technologies to gain a more holistic understanding of adaptation and genome-wide responses to environmental and ecological change.
Current Research
- Piezophilic adaptation in deep-ocean amphipods (NERC).
- The genomic landscape of speciation and adaptive variation in the intertidal isopod Jaera albifrons (NERC).
- Emergence, spread and persistence of maine invasive non-native species (with Marine Scotland Science, and South Atlantic Environment Research Institute).
- Genome-wide responses to demographic perturbation in insular populations of water voles (BBSRC)
- PolyExESS - Extreme environment simulation system for experimental evolution (NERC).
- The ecology, evolution and epidemiology of zoonotic pathogens in fragmented multi-host populations (BBSRC).
- The epigenomic landscape of maternal effects in the soil mite Sancassania berlesei (NERC).
- Teaching
- Publications
Page 13 of 15 Results 121 to 130 of 143
Dispersal, intraspecific competition, kin competition, and kin facilitation: A review of the empirical evidence
Dispersal. Clobert, J., Danchin, E., Dhondt, A. A., Nichols, J. D. (eds.). Oxford University PressChapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: ChaptersPolymorphic microsatellite DNA markers in black grouse (Tetrao tetrix)
Molecular Ecology Notes, vol. 1, pp. 303-304Contributions to Journals: ArticlesSex identification of the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra by PCR typing of spraints
Conservation Genetics, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 181-183Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1026551510861
- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus
Fine-scale genetic structuring on Manacus manacus leks
Nature, vol. 408, pp. 352-353Contributions to Journals: ArticlesMatrilineal genetic structure and female-mediated gene flow in red grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus): An analysis using mitochondrial DNA
Evolution, vol. 54, pp. 279-289Contributions to Journals: ArticlesMicrosatellite markers for the fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox)
Molecular Ecology, vol. 9, pp. 489-490Contributions to Journals: ArticlesSpatial arrangement of kin affects recruitment success in young male red grouse
Oikos, vol. 90, pp. 261-270Contributions to Journals: ArticlesGenetic diversity in the Eurasian otter, Lutra lutra, in Scotland. Evidence from microsatellite polymorphism
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 68, pp. 73-86Contributions to Journals: ArticlesIsolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the freshwater gastropod, Biomphalaria glabrata, an intermediate host for Schistosoma mansoni
Molecular Ecology, vol. 8, pp. 2149-2151Contributions to Journals: ArticlesMetapopulation genetic structure in the water vole, Arvicola terrestris, in NE Scotland
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 68, pp. 159-171Contributions to Journals: Articles