Dr Jean-Christophe Comte
Hydrogeology, Groundwater modelling, Hydrogeophysics
- About
- Email Address
- jc.comte@abdn.ac.uk
- Telephone Number
- +44 (0)1224 272914
- Office Address
- School/Department
- School of Geosciences
- 2023-present: Reader in Hydrogeology, School of Geosciences, University of Aberdeen
- 2019-2023: Senior Lecturer in Hydrogeology, School of Geosciences, University of Aberdeen
- 2014-2019: Lecturer in Hydrogeology, School of Geosciences, University of Aberdeen
- 2014-2016: Visiting researcher, Queen's University Belfast
- 2009-2014: Postdoctoral research fellow in Hydrogeology/Hydrogeophysics, School of Planning Architecture and Civil Engineering, Queen's University Belfast
- 2008: PhD in Hydrogeology, Department of Geology, University of Avignon 'Contribution of electrical resistivity tomography to variable-density groundwater flow modelling in coastal aquifers - Application to three contrasted climate settings (Canada, New Caledonia, Senegal)'
- 2003-2009: Hydrogeologist consultant, HYDRIAD, Nimes
- 2002-2003: DESS (MSc2) Hydrogeology, University of Avignon
- 1998-2002: DEUG-Licence-Maitrise IUP (BSc, MSc1) Geological and Environmental Engineering, University Paul Sabatier Toulouse
External Memberships
- Executive Editor of Hydrogeology Journal - Official Journal of the International Association of Hydrogeologists
- Panel member, UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) cross-council Interdisciplinary Assessment College
Featured publications
- Olabode, O. F., & Comte, J. C. (2024). Water scarcity in the fast‐growing megacity of Lagos, Nigeria and opportunities for managed aquifer recharge. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water e1733.
- Bachtouli, S., Abidi, M., Comte, J. C., & Zairi, M. (2024). Potential for fresh submarine groundwater occurrence in an arid Mediterranean region: the case of Gulf of Gabes, Tunisia. Hydrogeology Journal 32(2), 359-378.
- Wu, P., Comte, J. C., Li, F., & Chen, H. (2023). Influence of tides on the effectiveness of artificial freshwater injection in mitigating seawater intrusion in an unconfined coastal aquifer. Journal of Hydrology 617, 129043.
- Mezquita González, J. A., Comte, J. C., Legchenko, A., Ofterdinger, U., & Healy, D. (2021). Quantification of groundwater storage heterogeneity in weathered/fractured basement rock aquifers using electrical resistivity tomography: Sensitivity and uncertainty associated with petrophysical modelling. Journal of Hydrology 593, 125637.
- Oiro, S., Comte, J. C., Soulsby, C., MacDonald, A., & Mwakamba, C. (2020). Depletion of groundwater resources under rapid urbanisation in Africa: recent and future trends in the Nairobi Aquifer System, Kenya. Hydrogeology Journal 28, 2635-2656.
- González-Quirós, A., & Comte, J. C. (2020). Relative importance of conceptual and computational errors when delineating saltwater intrusion from resistivity inverse models in heterogeneous coastal aquifers. Advances in Water Resources 144, 103695.
- Comte, J. C., Wilson, C., Ofterdinger, U., & González‐Quirós, A. (2017). Effect of volcanic dykes on coastal groundwater flow and saltwater intrusion: A field‐scale multiphysics approach and parameter evaluation. Water Resources Research 53(3), 2171-2198.
- Comte, J. C., Cassidy, R., Obando, J., Robins, N., Ibrahim, K., Melchioly, S., ... & Davies, J. (2016). Challenges in groundwater resource management in coastal aquifers of East Africa: Investigations and lessons learnt in the Comoros Islands, Kenya and Tanzania. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 5, 179-199.
- Comte, J. C., Join, J. L., Banton, O., & Nicolini, E. (2014). Modelling the response of fresh groundwater to climate and vegetation changes in coral islands. Hydrogeology journal 22(8), 1905.
- Comte, J. C., Cassidy, R., Nitsche, J., Ofterdinger, U., Pilatova, K., & Flynn, R. (2012). The typology of Irish hard-rock aquifers based on an integrated hydrogeological and geophysical approach. Hydrogeology Journal 20(8), 1569.
- Comte, J. C., & Banton, O. (2007). Cross‐validation of geo‐electrical and hydrogeological models to evaluate seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers. Geophysical research letters 34(10).
- Research
Research Overview
- Quantitative hydrogeology
- Hydrogeophysical methods for aquifer parameter estimation and calibration of groundwater models
- Groundwater resources in complex hydrogeological environments, including coastal, islands, fractured rocks and volcanic aquifers
- Saltwater intrusion and sustainability of fresh groundwater resources in coastal aquifer systems
- Groundwater and resilience to global changes, incl. urban hydrogeology, floods & droughts, interactions with surface water, managed aquifer recharge
- Hydrogeological properties and processes underpinning sustainable geothermal development
Research Team
Current PhD students (lead supervisor)
- Belay Sisay - Sustainable management of fresh groundwater resources in coastal East Africa
- Brady Johnson - Groundwater resilience to drought in Scotland
- Alfred Awuah - Coupled hydrogeophysical modelling of groundwater flow in fractured rocks
- Oluwaseun Olabode - The potential of managed aquifer recharge in Sub-saharan Africa
- Hamish Johnson - Groundwater and nutrient dynamics in heterogeneous agricultural catchments
Recently completed PhD students (lead supervisor)
- Joel Blackburn - Understanding stream-aquifer interactions and their influence on flow regimes and fluvial processes in a newly restored ephemeral stream
- Jesus Mezquita - Hydrogeophysical approaches for characterising flow and storage in weathered/fractured aquifers
- Samson Oiro - Impact of climate change and human activities on groundwater resources in the Nairobi and Tiwi aquifers: two strategic Kenyan aquifers under high pressure
Funding and Grants
- International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) for Official Development Assistance (ODA) Project Grant - A hidden water crisis in the fast-growing coastal megacity of Lagos: is unregulated groundwater abstraction causing aquifer depletion and saltwater intrusion? (2023). PI.
- Centre of Expertise for Waters CREW - Future predictions of water scarcity in Scotland: impacts to distilleries and agricultural abstractors (2023-2024). Co-I.
- Scottish Funding Council Hydronation programme - The role of groundwater in adapting to climate change and increasing resilience to drought in Eastern Scotland (2023-2027). PI.
- Royal Society International Exchange with Jilin University, China on managed aquifer recharge (2023-2025). PI.
- Centre of Expertise for Waters CREW - Understanding the relationship between water scarcity and land use in private water supply catchments (2023-2024). Co-I.
- NERC Exploring the Frontiers research grant [NE/X011593/1] - Hydro-g: Monitoring groundwater resources using low-cost microgravity sensors (2023-2024). Co-I, led by the University of Glasgow.
- Department for the Economy/Geological Survey of Northern Ireland - Near-surface geophysical characterisation at the Stormont Estate, Belfast to support its geothermal development (2022). Co-PI, with Queen's University Belfast.
- GCRF/Academy of Medical Sciences/Geological Survey of Ireland - Groundwater-g: Supporting groundwater resources management using low-cost microgravity technology (2020-2022). Co-I, led by Queen's University Belfast.
- GCRF/Scottish Funding Council Covid-19 Response Research Grant - COVID-19 and water security in the world's largest refugee camp: can groundwater development safely meet the increased water demand to fight COVID-19 in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh? (2020-2021). PI.
- World Bank/AURECON applied research grant - Groundwater numerical modelling in support of strengthening of water resources planning, monitoring and management in Kenya (2018-2020). PI.
- AHRC/GCRF/University of Nottingham Research Grant - Kisima project: Historical and future groundwater well management on Kilwa Kisiwani island, Tanzania (2019-2020). Co-I, led by the University of Dar Es Salaam.
- Royal Society Newton International Fellowship (Dr Andres Gonzalez Quiros) - Monitoring and coupled hydrogeophysical modelling of saltwater intrusion in heterogeneous coastal aquifers (2019-2021).
- NERC/DFID Research Grant [NE/S005943/1] - SHEAR Programme: Connect4 water resilience: connecting water resources, communities, drought and flood hazards, and governance across 4 countries in the Limpopo basin (2018-2020). PI.
- NERC Urgency Grant [NE/R002568/1] - Extreme rainfall and floods in arid regions (Botswana): replenishment or contamination of water resources? (2017-2018). PI.
- United Utilities Water/Environmental Agency applied research grant - Understanding stream-aquifer interactions and their influence on flow regimes and fluvial processes in a newly restored ephemeral stream (2017-2022). PI.
- Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Environment and Sustainability Research Grant [ESRG3/16] - East African groundwater resources under climatic and human pressure (2016-2017). PI.
- Geological Survey of Ireland Research Grant [2015-SC-003] - Determining fractured bedrock aquifer parameters using Magnetic Resonance Sounding to better constrain numerical groundwater models in support of catchment scale water resource management (2016). Co-I, led by Queen's University Belfast.
- Elphinstone Fund/Water Resources Management Authority of Kenya PhD Scholarship (Mr S. Oiro) - Comparative hydrogeology of the Nairobi volcanic suite aquifer and the Tiwi coastal aquifer (2015-2018).
- NERC/DFID/ESRC Research Grant [NE/L001888/1] - UPGro Programme: Towards Groundwater security in coastal East Africa (2013-2014). PI.
- EuropeAid/African Union Research Grant [EuropeAid/130-741/D/ACT/ACP] - Groundwater resource in basement rocks of Africa (2012-2015). Co-I, led by the Research Institute for Development IRD.
- Department of Employment and Learning Northern Ireland PhD Scholarship (Mr N. Dickson) - Incorporation of multi-scale hydrogeophysical datasets into numerical groundwater models (2012-2015).
- Teaching
Teaching Responsibilities
- MSc in Geophysics Programme Director (2021-2024)
MSc teaching
- GL5059 Near surface & Environmental Geophysics (MSc in Geophysics) - course coordinator and core teaching
- GG5578 Hydrological Extremes under Global Changes (MSc in Sustainable Water Management) - course coordinator and core teaching
- GG5080 Integrated Water Resources Management | Groundwater management (MSc in Sustainable Water Management)
- GG5079 Water in the Environment | Global groundwater and river baseflow (MSc in Sustainable Water Management)
Undergraduate teaching
- GL4535 Geoscience and the UN Sustainable Development Goals | Groundwater resources (BSc year 4)
- GG4071 Environmental Hydrology | Groundwater hydrology (BSc year 4)
- GG2510 Mapping and Monitoring the Environment | Environmental geophysics (BSc year 2)
- GG2013 Physical Environments | Groundwater: An introduction (BSc year 2)
- Publications
Page 6 of 7 Results 51 to 60 of 65
Groundwater prospection in Grande Comore Island - Joint contribution of geophysical methods, hydrogeological time-series analysis and groundwater modelling
Active Volcanoes of the Southwest Indian Ocean: Piton de la Fournaise and Karthala. Bachelery, P., Lenat, J., Di Muro, A., Michon, L. (eds.). Springer Verlag, pp. 385-401, 17 pagesChapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-31395-0_24
Integrating aerial geophysical data in multiple-point statistics simulations to assist groundwater flow models
Hydrogeology Journal, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 883-900Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-015-1258-x
Integrating petrography, mineralogy and hydrochemistry to constrain the influence and distribution of groundwater contributions to baseflow in poorly productive aquifers: Insights from Gortinlieve catchment, Co. Donegal, NW Ireland
Science of the Total Environment, vol. 500-501, pp. 224-234Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.08.105
Modelling the response of fresh groundwater to climate and vegetation changes in coral islands
Hydrogeology Journal, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 1905-1920Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-014-1160-y
Coupling ground and airborne geophysical data with upscaling techniques for regional groundwater modelling of heterogeneous aquifers: case study of a sedimentary aquifer intruded by volcanic dykes in Northern Ireland
Water Resources Research, vol. 50, no. 10, pp. 7894-8001Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/2014WR015320
Combining multi-scale geophysical techniques for robust hydro-structural characterisation in catchments underlain by hard rock in post-glacial regions
Journal of Hydrology, vol. 517, pp. 715-731Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.06.004
The typology of Irish hard-rock aquifers based on an integrated hydrogeological and geophysical approach
Hydrogeology Journal, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 1569-1588Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-012-0884-9
Expertise hydrogéologique pour la gestion durable de la lentille d'eau douce et des captages AEP de l'île d'Uvéa, Territoire de Wallis et Futuna: Rapport final, document No 1 - Synthese hydrogéologique et modélisation de la lentille
Commissioned by Service Territorial de l'Environnement de Wallis et Futuna. 61 pagesBooks and Reports: Commissioned ReportsExpertise hydrogéologique pour la gestion durable de la lentille d'eau douce et des captages AEP de l'île d'Uvéa, Territoire de Wallis et Futuna: Rapport final, document No 2 - Résumé des résultats et recommandations
Commissioned by Service Territorial de l'Environnement de Wallis et Futuna. 13 pagesBooks and Reports: Commissioned ReportsAssessing spatio-temporal patterns of groundwater salinity in small coral islands in the Western Indian Ocean
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, vol. 10, no. 1, 1-12Contributions to Journals: Articles