IT Requirements

In this section
IT Requirements

IT Requirements

You will need access to:

  • A computer (PC, laptop or Mac) operating on:
    Windows 7 or later Mac OS 10.10 (Yosemite) or later, preferably Mac OS 10.12 (Sierra)

    All our teaching materials are smartphone and tablet friendly. However, you're likely to need a proper laptop or computer keyboard for completing the end of course assessment comfortably.

    MyAberdeen is compatible with all browsers except Internet Explorer. You can use:

  • Google Chrome (recommended)
  • Microsoft Edge (PC only)
  • FireFox
  • Safari
  • For mobile

    MyAberdeen is also available as an app, called the Blackboard app. It allows you to access course essentials on smartphone and mobile devices.

  • Reliable internet access with reasonable download speed. We broadly estimate at least 2Mbps so that you can benefit from the interactive one-to-one tutor time.

  • Speakers or headphones
    A headset with built-in microphone and earphones is useful if you're likely to study in an environment with background noise.
  • A webcam may be desirable for some interactive sessions.