Dr Yukiyo Nishida

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Dr Yukiyo Nishida
Dr Yukiyo Nishida
Dr Yukiyo Nishida


Accepting PhDs

Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 274511
Office Address
MacRobert Building
Old Aberdeen Campus
581 King Street
AB24 5UA

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School of Education


Yukiyo Nishida is a member of Early Years within the School of Education. She specialises in Early childhood education and Comparative Education.


  • DPhil Comparative Education 
    2007 - University of Oxford 

External Memberships

The International Froebel Society 


Research Areas

Accepting PhDs

I am currently accepting PhDs in Education.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your research ideas further.

Email Me


Accepting PhDs

Research Specialisms

  • Early Childhood Studies
  • Early Years Teaching
  • Education Policy
  • Education Studies

Our research specialisms are based on the Higher Education Classification of Subjects (HECoS) which is HESA open data, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.

Current Research


Selected Publications


Bruce T., Nishida, Y., Powell, S.,  Wasmuth,H., Whinnett, J. (2023) The Bloomsbury Handbook to Friedrich Froebel, London: Bloomsbury

Nishida, Y. (2009). The challenge of multiage primary education in public education. Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM Verglag, Dr. Mueller.

 Book chapters

Nishida, Y., Sims, M. & Mukugi, K (2021). Changing worldviews?:A comparative study of Japanese and Australian students of early childhood education on study abroad programme in Zuocheng Zhang, Trevor Grimshaw, and Shi Xingsong (Eds.) International student education in tertiary settings: Interrogating programmes and processes in diverse contexts” (the ‘Work’), (pp. 60-81) London: Routledge

Nishida, Y. (2018). The Transfer, Translation and Transformation of Froebelian Theory and Practice: Annie L. Howe and her Glory Kindergarten and Teacher Training School in Kobe, Japan, 1889-1929. In T. Bruce, P. Elfer, & L. Werth (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Froebel and Early Childhood Practice: Re-articulating Research and Policy. London: Routledge

Nishida, Y., & Abe, F. (2016). 'Come, let us Live with our Children' : Undokai, the children's Play Festival at a Froebelian Kindergarten in Japan, 1889-2015. In H. May, K. Nawrotzki, & L. Prochner (Eds.), Kindergarten Narratives on Froebelian Education: Transnational Investigations (pp. 151-165). London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Journal articles

Nishida, Y. (2022). Missionary women’s contribution to the development of kindergarten teacher training in Japan:  Annie L. Howe and her Glory kindergarten teacher training school, History of Education Quarterly 64(4) 1-28

Nishida, Y. (2020). Froebelians “Made in Japan”: A History of Kindergarten Teacher Training Course in Nineteenth-century Japan, History of Education Researcher, No. 105, 10-20.

Nishida, Y. (2019). Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something Froebel? The development of origami in early childhood education in Japan. Paedagogica Historica, 55(4), 529-547.

Nishida, Y. (2018). Origami and Froebel Stars: Froebel’s Theory and Pedagogy in Japanese Kindergartens, History of Education Researcher, No. 101, 12-22.

Nishida, Y. & Sims, M. (2018). Short-Term International Experience (STIE) and Students' Understanding of Quality Early Childhood Service Provision. Journal of Education and Learning7(2), 21-33.

Nishida, Y. (2015). A chrysanthemum in the garden: a Christian kindergarten in the Empire of Japan. Paedagogica Historica, 51(3), 280-297.

Nishida, Y. (2014). "Come, let us live with our children!" The Kindergarten arrival in Japan. Early Education Journal, 72, 6-7.