Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 5 of 5, 10 - 19 March 2016
"Iraq in the Middle East: 25 Years after Desert Storm: society, culture and regional politics"
Dr Andrea Teti is the keynote speaker for the Iraqi Cultural Day, organsied by the Iraqi-Australia Graduate Forum (IAUGF). The 2016 Iraqi Cultural Festival-Keynote Speaker is supported by the Australian Government through the Council for Australian-Arab Relations (CAAR) of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Co-presented with the Department of Arabic Language and Cultures, the European Studies Program and the Sydney Democracy Network Andrea Teti's visit is made possible by the Council for Australian-Arab Relations, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) - Roundtable: "Europe and the Arab Uprisings Five Years On: The Betrayal of Democracy" -...
Interview with Phillip Adams, host of Late Night Live on ABC's Radio National (RN)
"It's now five years since the 'The Arab Spring' which saw ousting of totalitarian regimes in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Yemen - and the promise of new civil societies in those countries. Sadly there's been a return to authoritarianism, disenfranchisement and chaos across the region. Andrea Teti argues that the...
"Democracy Without Social Justice"
Tuesday 15 March: Macquarie University Joint seminar hosted by the Department of Memory, History, Politics & International Relations, and the Centre for Middle East and North African Studies, Macquarie University Sponsor: Council for Australian-Arab Relations, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) 1200-1330h
"Iraq in the Middle East 25 Years after Desert Storm: society, culture and regional politics"
Friday 11 March @6.30pm: Melbourne: seminar hosted by the Iraqi Australian University Graduates Forum and Deakin University Sponsor: Council for Australian-Arab Relations, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT