Careers Resources

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Careers Resources

The resources listed below are mostly hosted on external websites. The Careers and Employability Service website also has information on preparing for Interviews. Find out more.


Interview Success: video-based online course

The University of Aberdeen has partnered with eCareersGrad to provide access to this modular, video-based, interactive eLearning course. The course includes:

  • over 60 video-based candidate example answers for popular sectors including consulting, finance, law, public sector and academia.
  • over 10 recruiter answer scoring guides and illustrated answer structures for introductory, motivation, competency, commercial awareness, strength-based (and weakness) and scenario questions
  • spotlights on anticipating potential questions, dealing with video interviews and what to ask the interviewer
Click/ tap on the link below to find out how to access this free resource.

Mini Career Course: Successful interviews

This mini career course aims to develop your understanding of the different types of interviews used by recruiters - whether the interview is by phone, online or in person.

Guide to creating STARR examples

Employers often assess evidence of applicants demonstrating their required competencies (or skills) in their selection process. Evidence of these competencies is assessed in application forms and during interviews and assessment centres. You can use this guide to the STARR structure to ensure you articulate your competencies in enough depth for employers to assess you.

  • Author: University of Aberdeen Careers Service
  • Download PDF 464.8 KB
Strength-based interviews (targetjobs)

Find out what to expect from strength-based graduate job interviews, which focus on what you enjoy doing as a way of assessing your personal attributes and innate aptitudes.

Video interview elearning course (PwC)

This resource gives you an insight into preparing for video interviews, followed by example questions where you can watch candidates giving answers, provide your own comments and find out what PwC thought.

Expert video interview tips to impress recruiters (targetjobs)

Whether it's a live Zoom interview or a pre-recorded video interview, our expert video interviews tips will help you secure an internship or graduate role.

Technical interviews: putting your graduate science skills to the test (targetjobs)

They won't be looking for Einstein, but science interviewers will want to see whether you know your stuff, can think ideas through and be the best graduate for the job.

Interview questions tool (

A handy questions toolkit to practise a wide range of common interview questions and suggested responses. This will help you prepare in advance and be equipped to answer a wide range of competency, motivation and biographical questions, whether the interview is for an academic or professional role.

Questions to ask at a job interview (Reed)

Articles from recruitment specialists Reed on what to ask and what not to ask at the end of an interview.

Books on Interviews

The Sir Duncan Rice Library contains a range of books on how to prepare for and make the most of interviews. Click the link below for details.

What to wear to a job interview (targetjobs)

Ready to plan your interview outfit? These tips on what to wear to an interview (and what not to wear) will help you look and feel confident on the day.

30 behavioral interview questions to assess soft skills (Linkedin)

This resource is aimed at recruiters rather than candidates but it offers a useful insight into the types of questions recruiters ask and what they are looking for in candidate answers.

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