Careers Resources

Careers Resources

Resources for searching for funding to undertake further study in the UK

Database of funded postgrad opportunities and scholarships in the UK and internationally.

University of Aberdeen Funding Database

Searchable database of funded places and scholarships, both for study at the University of Aberdeen and elsewhere.

Scholarship Search

Searchable database of scholarships in the UK, both for UK and International Students.

Specialist jobsite for careers in academic, research, science and related professions. Thousands of jobs, free Jobs by Email service, specialist careers advice, blogs and much more.

Postgraduate Funding

This site allows you to find funding opportunities specific to your requirements and circumstances.

Grants Online

Listing of trusts and charities offering funding for educational purposes.

Turn 2 Us

Website containing a searchable database of organisations offering financial support.

Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding

This guide allows you to search for charities and trusts who offer funding for postgraduate study. There are also useful tips on how to make effective funding applications. Please ask at our Reception desk if you wish to consult the guide.

  • Author: Luke Blaxill and Shuzhi Zhou

You will find this book in the Careers Service library on the second floor of the Hub.

FindAMasters scholarship

FindAMasters offer a £6,000 Masters scholarship each year to new students enrolling on postgraduate study programmes.

FindAPhD Funding Awards

Gain a postgraduate scholarship from and win your share of £12,000 on offer. Available for all subjects at any university currently listed on