Careers Resources

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Careers Resources

Further study and research in the UK

Prospects Postgrad Course Search

Comprehensive database of courses and research opportunities in the UK, searchable by subject area, location and keywords.

Find A Masters

Searchable database of Masters courses in the UK and internationally.

Search for postgraduate courses by subject area and compare up to 4 courses against your specified criteria (entry requirements, fees, mode of study etc.).

Specialist jobsite for careers in academic, research, science and related professions. Thousands of jobs, free Jobs by Email service, specialist careers advice, blogs and much more. PhD search

Search for current PhD opportunities by keyword, location and discipline.

Find a PhD

Searchable database of PhD opportunities in the UK and internationally.


Course search and information on postgrad study in the UK.

Database of funded postgrad opportunities and scholarships in the UK and internationally.

Postgraduate Guides: Art and Design Postgraduate Courses

Only UK guide dedicated to postgraduate art and design courses - available for reference from the Careers Service library.

  • Author: Beryl Dixon
  • Published: 2008
  • Edition: 6

You will find this book in the Careers Service library on the second floor of the Hub.

Information about postgrad study in the UK, including a course search, funding and scholarships.

Postgraduate Forum

Forums from the FindAPhD and FindAMasters websites which allow current and prospective postgraduates to discuss issues relating to postgraduate study and life.

My World of Work course search

Search for courses throughout Scotland for gaining skills that can boost your career prospects.

Mini Career Course: Applying for a Masters

This mini career course is designed to help you to prepare to make applications for Masters degrees. Key resources are highlighted and you will have the opportunity to review extracts from personal statements.

Mini Career Course: Applying for a PhD

This mini career course is designed to help you to prepare to make applications for PhD level study. Key resources are highlighted.