Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 6 of 6, 01 - 22 October 2020
University of Aberdeen Celebrates Centenary of Chair in Economics
The University of Aberdeen is today celebrating the 100th anniversary of one of its most prestigious Chairs, as well as the life of Sir Thomas Jaffrey who established the Chair.
Checkmate for Aberdeen Computing Science Student in top international hackathon
Aberdeen student and avid hackathon competitor Rufus Behr has scooped one of the top prizes in an international programming competition organised by some of the US' leading universities.
Prestigious international award for graduate
Congratulations to one of our newest graduates, Jasper Friedrich, who has won a prestigious international award for an essay on nationalism.
Competition linked to Aberdeen 2040 strategic plan yields promising ideas
The winners of a student competition to develop an initiative that supports the University of Aberdeen's Aberdeen 2040 strategic plan have been announced.
Welcome Tracey Slaven
Tracey Slaven has been appointed as University Secretary and Chief Operating Officer at the University of Aberdeen.
University to celebrate Black History Month
The University of Aberdeen will celebrate Black History Month throughout October.