Short-Term Mobilities

Short-Term Mobilities

If you are keen to enhance your studies at University of Aberdeen with some time abroad, but a full semester or year-long exchange or traineeship doesn't suit your circumstances, then you may wish to consider a short-term mobility.  Many universities worldwide offer short term mobility programmes, normally summer or winter schools taking place over semester breaks, allowing you to gain an international experience and enrich your CV. 


Most host institutions will charge a tuition or participation fee for summer/winter schools. If the programme is offered at one of our partner universities the fee may be discounted, waived or additional benefits like free accommodation offered. Where discounts or benefits are available to Aberdeen students this is noted in the information below.

Please get in touch with if you are interested in an opportunity which requires us to nominate you.

In addition to tuition fees, you should consider travel, accommodation and living costs. Often these will be outlined on the partner university's webpages.

Summer Schools


2024 Summer School information coming soon


Now Closed - International Summer University WU Vienna University of Economics and Business

Limited fee-waived spaces available

SUWU participants can benefit from various cultural and social activities organized by the ISUWU team. These activities give participants the opportunity to get to know life in Vienna, Austria and their fellow students at the same time. The social program is a mix of social, cultural and international events

  • Duration: July Session = 1 July to 19 July 2024; August Session = 22 July to 9 August 2024
  • Level: Undergraduate and Graduate programmes
  • Tuition fee: Limited fee-waived spaces available! Please email before 7 March 2024 to request nomination. If you are successfully nominated, the total fee will be €740 per session. Non-nominated students's course fee is €1,380 per session. Fees include courses and course materials, coffee and lunch on weekdays, public transit during the session, cultural and social events. It is possible to attend both sessions back-to-back, email about nomination availability.
  • Accommodation: Not included, recommended accommodation near the campus is available with special prices for ISU WU participants here
  • Deadline: 31 March 2024 for applications independent of nominations, 10 March 2024 if you wish to be nominated

Click here for more information on their website

Click here to read their factsheet


Now Closed - Graz International Summer School Seggau (GUSEGG) 2024

The Graz International Summer School Seggau is designed for internationally oriented, highly motivated students from all disciplines, who wish to deepen their understanding of current European and international affairs by studying and discussing global developments and challenges within the context of transformation processes and demographic change reflecting aspects of individual, social, political, religious, cultural, literary, regional, economic, cohort and national identities. This year's topic is 'Disruptive Imagination and Resistance in Europe and the Americas: State - Society - Religion'.

  • Duration: 30 June - 13 July 2024
  • Subject areas: Multi-disciplinary with a focus on Social Sciences
  • Tuition fee: Programme cost of €2400 including tuition, room and board (double or triple rooms and 3 meals per day)
  • Accommodation: Included in the tuition fee, arrange by the University of Graz
  • Deadline: 25 February 2024

Click here for more information on their website

You can also download their flyer and download their poster

There is also a video to give you a taster of the GUSEGG activities


2024 Summer School information coming soon


University of Victoria - Short-Term Programmes 2024

The Gustavson School of Business at the University of Victoria is offering a variety of short-term summer programmes. They are offering two programmes for the summer of 2024: the International Summer Institute for Business Management (ISIBM), crafted specifically for undergraduate students, and the Summer Graduate Business Studies (SGBS) program, tailored for graduate students.

  • Duration: ISIBM Programme One: 4 July - 25 July 2024; ISIBM Programme Two: 1 August - 19 August 2024. SGBS Programme: 17 June - 25 July 2024
  • Subject areas: Business Studies and Business Management
  • Level: Undergraduate and graduate students
  • Tuition Fee: ISIBM Programme One: $5,200 CAD; ISIBM Programme Two: $4,950 CAD; SGBS modules from $2,650 CAD for one module to $7,850 CAD for three. Please note that tax is not included in these prices. A limited number of competitive scholarships available by emailing the scholarship application form to before 24 May 2024.
  • Accommodation: Price includes on-campus housing, tuition, materials, activity program and meal card.
  • Deadline: ISIBM Programme One: 14 June 2024; ISIBM Programme Two: 12 July 2024; SGBS Programme: 31 May 2024

For more information, check their website here


Now Closed - University of British Colombia - Vancouver Summer Program

The VSP is a wonderful opportunity for students to study at the beautiful University of British Columbia, Vancouver Campus. By offering globally relevant academic courses and sociocultural activities specific to Vancouver and its surroundings, the VSP encourages students to engage in cross-disciplinary learning and develop their understanding of Canadian culture and values.

  • Duration: June Session: 7 June to 7 July 2024; July Session: 12 July to 12 August 2024
  • Subject areas: Variety of courses, check the subject list per session here
  • Level: Mostly undergraduate with some programmes being open to graduate students
  • Tuition Fee: $5,825 CAD per session; includes application fee of $125 CAD, accommodation, course materials and medical insurance.
  • Accommodation: Included in the programme fee
  • Deadline: June Session: 1 March 2024; July Session: 24 April 2024

For more information, check out their website and their VSP Civil Engineering brochure


2024 Summer School information coming soon


Now Closed - Luojia Global Summer School - Wuhan University

Luojia Global Summer School was initiated by Wuhan University in 2006. Under the theme of “Asian Architectural culture and heritage”, the program has been endeavouring to provide an exchange platform for international students to get a better understanding of Wuhan University and China. Students will be able to enrich their knowledge of Asian Architectural culture and heritage. In addition, the program will organize field trips and cultural activities.

  • Duration: 24 June - 05 July 2024
  • Subject areas: Asian Architectural Culture and Hertiage
  • Tuition Fees: Waived if students are nominated by the University of Aberdeen. Please email by 6 May 2024 to be nominated.
  • Accommodation: Included in the programme fee
  • Fees to pay: Airfare to and from the summer school, meals, costs for the trip to SuZhou (about $600 USD)
  • Deadline: Extended to 30th May 2024. Please email to be nominated

For more information, check out their brochure


Now Closed - Nanjing Agricultural University Summer School

Nanjing Agricultural University is offering two summer schools this year. Programme one is 'Discovery for Chinese Veterinary Medicine' and is focused on the theory and application of Chinese Veterinary Medicine as well as animal acupuncture. Programme two is 'One World, One Health' and is focused on health, specifically relating to food production and processing.

  • Duration: 29 July - 11 August for programme one; 7 - 22 July for programme two
  • Subject areas: Health and Veterinary Medicine
  • Tuition Fees: $2000 USD per course, includes accommodation, food, and field trips.
  • Accommodation: Included in the programme fee
  • Deadline: 29 April 2024

For more information, check out the brochure for 'Discover for Chinese Veterinary Medicine' and for 'One World, One Health'


Now Closed - Wuhan International Summer Programme

A two-week language and culture programme with scholarship funded places available. In the mornings, a Chinese language course takes place at the university's School of International Education (国际教育学院), and in the afternoons, cultural excursions and workshops are on the agenda. A weekend excursion to nearby Changsha is also planned. For students, this offers an opportunity to experience the vibrant life in the city of Wuhan with its renowned university and to deepen their Chinese language skills.

  • Duration: 01-14 September 2024
  • Subject areas: Chinese Langauge and Culture
  • Eligibility: Only suitable for students with an HSK certificate at the time of departure
  • Tuition Fee: Covered by the host, along with accommodation and cultural activities
  • Accommodation: Included in the tuition fees for the programme duration
  • Deadline: 24 April 2024

How to apply:

Email your CV and cover letter to no later than 24th April 2024. The cover letter should include your date of birth, passport number, HSK certificate details or plans to sit HSK, and the reason you would like to participate in this programme.

Czech Republic

Now Closed - Masaryk University Summer Schools

Our 2+ week in person summer schools continues our commitment to provide students with a comprehensive academic and social program that enables them to learn and grow both in and outside of the program.

Some of these programmes are designed as a part of our Intensive 2 Week Summer School, where multiple courses from a wide variety of Masaryk University study programmes and departments will be offered. These courses will be arranged in an intensive and dynamic form, each working day there will be an academic session. In the afternoon and evenings students come together from across disciplines to enjoy everything Brno has to offer! In addition to the academics, daily cultural and social programming will be offered, including the option of day trips.

  • Duration: Varies with each course; majority are between May and August 2024
  • Subject areas: Check their website for the full list of available courses and levels. Includes Pharmaceutics, Anthropology, Business, Sport Sciences, Politics, Chemistry and more
  • Tuition Fee: Varies per course. Typically €1,200 for 2 week courses and up to €4,250 for 4+ week courses
  • Accommodation: Included in the tuition fees for the programme duration
  • Deadline: Check each course as deadlines vary between 01 April 2024 and 01 May 2024,  check here for more information. Early Bird deadline of 01 February 2024 for some courses.

Now Closed - Copenhagen Business School Summer University

CBS Summer University gives students the opportunity to study at CBS, one of Europe's largest business schools, which has "The Triple Crown" accreditation (EQUIS, AMBA and AACSB), an acknowledgement only shared by around 100 business schools worldwide. Experience exciting courses taught by brilliant faculty as well as the amazing spirit of wonderful Copenhagen. Be inspired by the international environment with participants from over 50 countries.

  • Duration: 24 June - 2 August 2024 (6-week course); 24 June - 15 July 2024 (3-week course); 14 June - 5 July 2024 (2-week course)
  • Subject areas: Business-related courses
  • Level: Undergraduate and Graduate
  • Tuition Fees:
    • Non-EU/EEA/Swiss Citizens: DKK 12,000 (bachelor 3- and 6-week courses); DKK 5,750 (bachelor and graduate 2-week course). DKK 15,000 (graduate 3- and 6-week courses)
    • EU/EEA/Swiss Citizens: DKK 6,000 (bachelor and graduate 3- and 6-week courses); DKK 2,875 (bachelor and graduate 2-week course)
    • We have limited, fee-waived spaces available - please email before 15 February 2024 to request nomination.
  • Accommodation: Not included in the programme fee. On-campus accommodation is available, however the rental period is a minimum of one month.
  • Deadline: Applications online from 6 February - 14 March 2024 (including course payment)

For more information visit their website and download their brochure here


Now Closed - Aarhus University Summer University

Aarhus University is a dynamic, modern and highly international university. Since its founding in 1928, it has grown to become a leading public university with international impact and reach across the entire research spectrum. This year, Aarhus University Summer University is offering more than 85 courses in English at Bachelor or Master level within most academic areas, over two different terms. As all teaching is research-based, courses have a strong academic foundation. All courses are planned to take place on campus.

  • Duration: Term 1: 2 - 19 July 2024; Term 2: 22 July - 9 August 2024
  • Subject areas: Variety, check their website for a list of all courses
  • Level: Undergraduate and Graduate
  • Tuition Fees: Varies per course, please check their website for more details. We may be able to negotiate a limited amount of reduced-price spaces, please email by 26 February 2024 to enquire about the possibility.
  • Accommodation: Not included in the programme fee. Aarhus has limited on-campus accommodation available from 4300 DKK - 7250 DKK.
  • Deadline: 15 March 2024

For more information visit their website


2024 Summer School information coming soon


Now Closed - Turku Åbo Summer School

Turku Åbo Summer School offers you the best of five Turku area universities and universities of applied sciences. Experience top education, make friends from all over the world and spend the summer of your life in the oldest study city in Finland! They focus on offering the summer school students courses with diverse teaching methods and interactive learning. With their Sustainable Social Programme, they want to balance studies by offering you the most interesting activities in the Turku region in an environmentally friendly way.

  • Duration: 5-16 August 2024, Orientation day on 2 August 2024
  • Subject areas: For a full list of courses available, visit their website here 
  • Tuition Fee: In-person courses: €75.00; Online courses: €50.00
  • Accommodation: Not included in the fees, students are responsible for finding their own accommodation
  • Deadline: Applications close 14 April 2024

For more information visit their website


Now Closed - University of Bordeaux Summer Schools

Taking place throughout June and July 2024, the University of Bordeaux Summer Schools programme offers a range of high-quality, international summer schools for graduate and doctoral students as well as young researchers. Topics cover a variety of disciplines, ranging from African studies to artificial intelligence to cardiology to digital humanities to neuroscience and more! These courses are highly selective and target international talents. Course content offers an enriching curricular experience with, depending on the discipline, a mixture of theoretical and practical training that demands a notable level of expertise and knowledge.

  • Duration: Each course is 3 - 13 days long between 3 June 2024 and 27 July 2024
  • Subject areas: Political Science, Economics, Energy, Medicine, Philosophy, Life Science, Cardiology, and Neuroscience
  • Tuition Fee: Varies per course between €450 - €1600 for in-person courses and €150 for online courses
  • Level: Varies per course between graduate, Master, post-graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral students
  • Accommodation: Included in the course fee. Course fee also includes breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks and social programs.
  • Deadline: Varies per course. Keep an eye on their website here

For more information check out their website here


Now Closed - University of Rennes 2 - CIREFE Summer Course

The University of Rennes 2 is offering their summer language courses in 2024. There are options for all levels of French, from complete beginners at an A1 level to the most proficient speakers at a C2 level. All courses involved about 18 hours of French lessons per week and students at a level B2 and above can choose an option course focused on Cinema or Economics. The courses also include one excursion per week to discover Brittany and cultural outings to cinemas, museums and festivals.

  • Duration: 24 June - 12 July 2024 (3 weeks)
  • Subject areas: French language
  • Tuition Fee: €650.00, including cultural activities
  • Level: A1 - C2 level French speakers (beginners included)
  • Accommodation: Not included in tuition fees but students can email to be lodged with a host family
  • Deadline: 31 May 2024

Check out the course description here and visit their website here for more information and the application


Now Closed - Catholic University of the West (UCO) Ecological Transition Summer School

UCO would like to present a short program for the month of June 2024 on its Angers campus.The subject of the program will treat questions about Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) together with local transformation and sustainability networks (teaching 100% in French).


Participants will not need scientific knowledge, this program will be open to any student interested in the issue of ecological transition and environmentalism which concerns us all. The objective is to find a certain mix of students, coming from different geographical regions, to confront the question of ecological transition and to share their issues, experiences and national and regional specificities on the subject.

  • Duration: 11 - 21 June 2024
  • Subject area: Ecological Transition - 100% in French
  • Tuition Fee: €1,300 tuition fee, including accommodation and some meals
  • Level: Open to any students, please note that all classes are taught in French
  • Accommodation: Included in the tuition fee
  • Deadline: 15 February 2024

Be sure to visit their website here and their brochure for more information


Now Closed - University of Strasbourg Summer School - The European Identity: Past, Present and Future

Strasbourg is located in the very heart of Europe and is home to several major European Institutions. Numerous initiatives for European youth also take place in the city (European Youth Event, European Movement France, Young Europeans France, etc.). As a result, Strasbourg embodies fundamental European values, and they are thrilled to share them with students. This Summer School brings together academic courses scheduled in the morning and cultural activities in the afternoon, with a focus on Europe and a hint of "French touch". The program is open to both undergraduate and graduate students, with all courses taught in English.

  • Duration: 17 - 28 June 2024
  • Subject areas: Intersectional approach to European Identity. Check the provisional program here
  • Tuition Fee: €1,200 tuition fees, including accommodation
  • Level: Open to undergraduate and graduate students
  • Accommodation: Included in the tuition fees
  • Deadline: 15 March 2024

Be sure to visit their website here for more information and the application


Now Closed - INSA Lyon INNOV@INSA

INSA Lyon is one of France’s leading universities for science and technology. During this 4-week short program, students will learn about perspectives in Engineering and Innovation through innovative and interactive teaching. While planting the seeds of an innovative and sustainable engineering project, students will enjoy hands-on experiments and acquire valuable international experience for their professional futures. Students will get to know French culture and the beautiful city of Lyon, and learn some French.

  • Duration: 16 May to 14 June 2024
  • Subject areas: All students will take Franch Language courses (Track 3) in addition to choosing either Track 1 - Connected Devices and Smart Devices, or Track 2 - Management and Innovation in Europe
  • Level: Open to all Science and Engineering students at undergraduate or graduate level
  • Tuition Fee: Full cost of €5,300 including accommodation, half-board, and leisure activities organised by INSA Lyon
  • Accommodation: Included in the tuition fees for the programme duration
  • Deadline: 15 March 2024

For further information, check their website and download the programme overview


Now Closed - CILEC- Centre International de Langue et Civilisation

The International Center for Language and Civilisation (CILEC) is the school dedicated to French as a foreign language taught at Jean Monnet University. Saint-Etienne is one of the most affordable cities to live in France. Being close to Lyon (45 minutes by train), Saint-Etienne is perfectly located to travel to the Alpes, the French Riviera and Paris. The summer language course is a comprehensive program of 40-80 hours (20 hours a week) from 24 June to 19 July 2024. Each week of face-to-face courses revolve around a different core theme.

  • Duration: Beginner 2 week course: 24 June - 5 July 2024; Non-Beginner 2 week course: 8-19 July 2024; 4 week course: 24 June - 19 July 2024.
  • Subject areas: French language
  • Tuition Fee: €400 each for the 2 week courses, €680 for the four week courses
  • Level: A1-B2 level French speakers (beginners included)
  • Accommodation: Students taking the 4-week course can choose between private student residences or host families, varying from €580 - €690 for the month. Students taking the 2-week course will be given hotel suggestions. Course fees includes socio-cultural activities.
  • Deadline: 1 May 2024

Check out their brochure here and visit their website here for more information and the application


Now Closed - Sciences Po Lille Summer School

Sciences Po Lille is offering their 2024 summer school for an enriching exploration of Europe’s various aspects. Delve into topics ranging from Europe and violence to religion in migration experiences. Sort out the complexities of the European Union and engage yourself in discussions on the philosophical construction of Europe and its critics.You will also be able to master your French language to connect with the French culture. Additionally, you will take part in field trips to the Sénat in Paris and to the European Parliament in Brussels.

  • Duration: 24 June - 19 July 2024
  • Subject areas: Social Sciences (taught in English) and French language
  • Tuition Fee: €3400.00; includes tuition fees, accommodation, cultural activities and field trips
  • Level: Undergraduate and postgraduate students
  • Accommodation: Included in the course fee
  • Deadline: Interested students need to apply online by 13 May 2024 and (separately) email by 13 May 2024 to be nominated as well.

For more information check out their website and download their brochure


University of Trier 51st International Summer School

Expand and improve your German language skills during a summer course at an internationally oriented university in one of the most beautiful regions of the European Union! All programme points are coordinated in terms of content and are included in the total price. The course motto "Germany and its Neighbors" indicates that in the context of this course, European understanding plays a central role in the linguistic as well as in the scientific and regional aspects - this is part of the self-image of Trier University as a university in the Euroregion SaarLorLux. The course is not only about language proficiency, but also about strengthening your oral communication skills and immersing into German academic fields, German communication and culture.

  • Duration: 05 - 31 August 2024
  • Subject areas: German language and classes at various levels
  • Tuition Fee: €750, includes classes, excursions, social events, evening programmes and a public transport ticket
  • Accommodation: Not included in the tuition fees but limited dorm rooms are available for €400
  • Deadline: 25 July 2024

For further information and application information, visit their website and view their flyer


Now Closed - Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz - GO Mensch 2024

Limited Turing Funding may be available, read below for further details. Information regarding funding to be confirmed at a later date.

This year's GO project includes a week of interdisciplinary academic talks at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and a second week of excursions to various places in Rheinland-Pfalz that demonstrate the influences of the "Mensch" on our environment. During this time, you will have the chance to work on creative group projects focussing on the Anthropocene while working together with Scottish, Irish, Latvian, and German students. The project will end with the Scot-t Fest during which you will have the opportunity to showcase your individual group projects. The project's main language will be English, but you will have chances to speak and thus practice German as well.

  • Duration: 3 June - 14 June 2024 (optional German course) and 17 June - 30 June 2024 (GO Mensch programme)
  • Subject areas: Interdisciplinary approach to the influence of people on the environment with optional German language.
  • Tuition Fee: Approximately €350 for the GO Mensch programme and German language course. Turing Funding may be available for applicants to the 4-week programme, however it is not guaranteed and would be limited. Please note that students will first need to apply independently for the programme with JGU Mainz by the deadline.
  • Accommodation: Fee does not cover accommodation, however JGU will assist successful applicants with finding affordable accommodation.
  • Deadline: 1 March 2024 to apply on the GO Mensch website. Some late applications may be accepted, email by 01 April 2024.

View their brochure here check their website for more details


Now Closed - HFT Stuttgart Interdisciplinary Summer School

HFT Stuttgart will host their first Interdisciplinary Summer School in August 2024. In a very practice-orientated format, students from all over the world and within a variety of fields of studies will have the opportunity to expand their skills in Managing International Projects, Intercultural Communication and Group Work, as well as in German Language. Additionally, they get the chance to implement their knowledge through working on their own project within an international team. As well they will be able to benefit from ideas and inspiration from business partners in one of the economically strongest regions of Germany.

  • Duration: 01 - 16 August 2024
  • Subject areas: Architecture and Design, Civil Engineering, Physics, Business Administration, Computer Science, Mathematics
  • Level: BA and MA students from the above degrees
  • Tuition Fee: €990 as a partner university of HFT Stuttgart. Includes accommodation, courses, cultural visits and public transport within Stuttgart. Limited scholarships of €400 are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • Accommodation: Included in the tuition fees.
  • Deadline: 31 May 2024

For further information, visit their website and complete the application form


Now Closed - JGU Mainz - Forster Summer School 2024

The Faculty of Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Geography and Geosciences at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz if offering the the 5th International Forster Summer School 2024. They invite students to go and discuss the topic of sustainable future – concepts, conditions, chances” from different angles and perspectives. The interdisciplinary Forster Summer School is open to Bachelor, Master and PhD students. The summer schools offers the unique chance to discuss current scientific positions from multiple perspectives with experts from the fields of chemistry, geography or geosciences and others. The whole program will be held in English.

  • Duration: 19 - 30 July 2024
  • Subject areas: Interdisciplinary approach on the topic of global change, focusing on sustainable futures. Ideal for students studying Chemistry, Geography, Geosciences and related sciences.
  • Tuition Fee: €60 participation fee including courses and cultural programs.
  • Accommodation: €300 for accommodation with breakfast in a youth hostel and transfer for excursions.
  • Deadline: 14 April 2024. The PDF application form can be found on the JGU website here and emailed according to instructions on their website.

View their brochure here check their website for more details


Now Closed - Osnabrueck University Summer School

Osnabrueck University is offering three levels of German Language and Culture summer schools this year with various levels and lengths. The A1 level course and A2 level course offer participants with no prior knowledge of the German language the opportunity to acquire the foundations of German and to experience more than 1000 years of German culture and civilization in and around the city of Osnabrück, the City of Peace. By the end of the program, students will have mastered basic language skills in German equivalent to level A1 or A2. The Advanced Intensive German course offers the same, with the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of the language for students who already have an A2/B1 level of German.

  • Duration: 7 - 27 July 2024 (A1 and A2 level); 1 - 31 July 2024 (Advanced Intensive German)
  • Subject areas: German Language, culture and civilization
  • Level: Undergraduate and graduate students
  • Tuition Fee: A1 and A2 level courses are normally €1400.00 but are available at €1150.00 with a University of Aberdeen discount. Advanced Intensive German is normally €2500.00, but is available at €2250.00 with a University of Aberdeen discount.
  • Accommodation: Included in the price, arranged by the University
  • Deadline: 14 April 2024

For more information visit their website

Be sure to also check out the brochures for the A1 and A2 level courses, and the Advanced Intensive German course


Now Closed - University of Tubingen - International and European Studies Summer School

With its traditional, yet very dynamic setting, the T-IES short-term programs at the University of Tübingen give you the unique opportunity to experience Europe up close! In Tübingen they take sustainability, community, integration and - in general - working together locally on solutions for global challenges seriously. Always united, always in diversity, always Tü. The four-week programs (in June and August) offer students the opportunity to study in Tübingen, make friends, learn the language and study Europe and the European Union. The summer schools are aimed at advanced students of social sciences and/or humanities with a basic knowledge of the EU and a strong interest in Europe and the EU. All programs include German lessons.

  • Duration: June Session: 31 May - 28 June 2024; August Session: 01 - 30 August 2024
  • Subject areas: Social Sciences and Humanities focused on European studies, check their pamphlet for a breakdown of the different subject tracks
  • Tuition Fee: €1950.00 program fee. Tuition fee-waived spaces available that have a total program fee of €1400.00. To register your interest in a reduced-fee space, please email by 01 May 2024.
  • Accommodation: Included in the program fee, in addition to study trips, social activities and public transit within Tübingen.
  • Deadline: 01 May 2024 to be nominated for a reduced-fee space

For further information and application information, visit their website for the June Session and August Session


Now Closed - KU Eichstatt Ingolstadt - Summer School 2024

The Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU) gives students and professionals from all over the world the opportunity to study abroad in the heart of Bavaria. You can choose between three different courses that include language classes to suit your level of proficiency. You will gain valuable insights into German and Bavarian cultural traditions, literature and history, and also have the chance to visit iconic landmarks. We organize excursions to destinations such the UNESCO World Heritage Bamberg and Ingolstadt (famous for AUDI).

  • Duration: 21 July - 09 August 2024
  • Subject areas: German Language Intensive for Beginners (A1 level), German Language Intensive and Cultural Studies (A2-C1 level), German Intensive Literature and Movies (B2-C2 level).
  • Tuition Fee: €599 (early-bird discount of €50 off)
  • Accommodation: Not included in the tuition fees but can be arranged by KU Eichstatt Ingolstadt's International Office
  • Deadline: 30 April 2024

For further information and application information, visit their website and view their flyer

Hong Kong

Now Closed - CUHK (Chinese University of Hong Kong) Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (SURP)

SURP provides an opportunity for international students to undertake research attachments for eight weeks during the summer. Students will be actively engaged in research under the supervision of a CUHK faculty member and earn three credits upon successful completion of the programme. In addition, a series of structured learning activities will be organised to enhance the students’ research experience. Students will also have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture through various social activities and excursions.

  • Duration: 23 June - 17 August 2024 (8 weeks)
  • Subject areas: Over 90 research topics over a variety of faculties. For more information, check here.
  • Level: Undergraduate
  • Tuition Fee: Limited fee-waived spaces available. Email to enquire about nomination for fee-waived spaces by 23 February 2024. Otherwise, HK$8,151 tuition fees.
  • Accommodation: Optional on-campus accommodation available with a fee of HK$8,800 for the session.
  • Deadline: Email before 23 February 2024 to secure a nomination.

For more information, visit their website here.


Now Closed - Lingnan University Liberal Arts Summer Institute 2024

Lingnan University (LU) is a liberal arts research university in Hong Kong with the longest established tradition among the local institutions of higher education. The University ranks 17th for “Quality Education” in THE University Impact Rankings 2024. The institute brings students from around the world for an exciting learning experience on Lingnan’s campus. Participants of Liberal Arts Summer Institute can expect an amazing summer, experiencing Lingnan’s residential halls, interacting with a community of like-minded students, and exploring the vibrancy and diversity of Hong Kong culture.

  • Duration: 29 May - 10 July 2024 (Session One); 11 July - 31 July 2024 (Session Two)
  • Subject areas: Variety of course to pick from, click here for the course list
  • Level: Undergraduate students (not open to final-year students) with a minimum GPA of 2.5 (calculated by Go Abroad Team)
  • Tuition Fee: Tuition fees waived
  • Accommodation: Current estimate for Session One is $2,623 HKD for hostel fees and $215 HKD air-conditioning fee. Current estimate for Session Two is $1,586 HKD for hostel fees and $130 HKD for Session Two.
  • Deadline: Interested students have to email to be nominated by 28 February 2024. Nomination and student application need to be completed online, recommendation letter (done by the Go Abroad Office) and Visa application form need to be physically mailed to Lingnan University by 4 March 2024.

For more information, visit their website here


Now Closed - University of Hong Kong Summer Institute - Joint Summer Camp in Thailand, Hong Kong and Japan 2024

A joint summer camp co-organised by Chulalongkorn University, the University of Hong Kong, and Hokkaido University. This camp provides you with a unique opportunity to obtain hands-on learning experience at three esteemed higher institutions in Thailand, Hong Kong and Japan. The objectives of this camp are to enhance understanding the foundation and overview of various issues related to sustainability, especially in the fields of Industry 4.0, Sustainability and Circular Economy, and One Health, develop willingness to communicate with other students with diverse national and cultural backgrounds and discuss how to tackle issues related to sustainability.

  • Duration: 14 July - 3 August 2024. Session will be in Hong Kong 14 - 20 July, followed by Thailand 21 - 27 July and in Japan 29 July - 3 August 2024
  • Subject areas: Interdepartmental approach to sustainability
  • Level: Undergraduate students
  • Tuition Fee: $3900.00 USD includes accommodation, lunch, field trip and transportation to airport (flights not included)
  • Accommodation: Included in tuition fee
  • Deadline: 31 March 2024

For more information, visit their website here


Now Closed - The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) International Summer Exchange Program (ISP)

The HKUST International Summer Exchange Program (ISP) welcomes students from our partner institutions to study at HKUST in the summer on tuition-waived, exchange student basis. The program aims to create a rewarding exchange experience for students from around the world. It comprises high-quality courses taught by regular HKUST instructors and opportunities to participate in local excursions that enable students to gain insight into the region.

  • Duration: 17 June to 10 August 2024
  • Subject areas: School of Science, School of Engineering, School of Humanities and Social Science, plus Interdisciplinary Studies. Courses will be published early 2024 on their website
  • Level: Undergraduate-level courses
  • Tuition Fee: Tuition fees waived under exchange student basis.
  • Accommodation: Fee of $10,500 HKD that will cover application, visa, travel insurance and accommodation from 13 June to 11 August 2024
  • Deadline: If you wish to secure a spot, please email no later than 12 February 2024 to be nominated. 

For more information visit their website

Download their brochure


2024 Summer School information coming soon


2024 Summer School information coming soon


Now Closed - University of Bologna: Summer School in Classical Languages

The Bologna University Summer School in Classical Languages, organised by the Department of Classics and Italian Studies, offers intensive courses in Greek and Latin with the aim of enabling students to read some of the fundamental texts of our cultural tradition. Classes will be held in person at the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies of the University of Bologna with the assistance of a resident tutor; all activities will be in English.

  • Duration: 17 June to 5 July 2024 (3 weeks)
  • Subject areas: Beginners Latin, Intermediate Latin, Beginners Greek
  • Level: All undergraduate and postgraduate students
  • Tuition Fee: €900 for a single course (Greek or Latin), €1450 for a double course (Greek and Latin). Fee includes courses, course materials and cultural activities.
  • Accommodation: Not included
  • Deadline: 3 June 2024

For more information and for the application details, please visit their website


Now Closed - Tokyo Metropolitan University Summer Programme on Japanese and Japan Studies

Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU) offers students an exclusive 3-week program intensive Japanese-language and culture course. The 3-week program consists of Japanese language study, Japan Studies, Home Visit, Career Workshops, and field trips. The Japanese language classes at three levels (Survival, Basic, and Pre-intermediate) are designed for those who have just started learning Japanese or want to accelerate their language study.  Immerse yourself in Japanese language and culture while exploring the time-honoured concept of Dō (pronounced doh), meaning the “way.” Dō embodies the lifelong pursuit of mastery, a philosophy deeply rooted in Japanese culture.

  • Duration: 25 June - 12 July 2024 (3 weeks)
  • Subject Area: Japanese language and culture
  • Eligibility: Undergraduate and Graduate students
  • Application Deadline: Please email by 5 April 2024 at the latest to secure one of the limited exchange spot. This programme exclusive for students who have been nominated by us so be sure to email your interested as soon as possible.
  • Fees: 140,000 JPY, includes accommodation
  • Accommodation: Included in the tuition fees.

For more information visit their website and check their brochure


Now Closed - Akita International University Japanese Language and Culture Study Program 2024

The AIU Summer Program is a six-week, six-credit, intensive Japanese language and culture study program designed for highly motivated undergraduate students around the world. Participants can take elementary courses taught by experienced Japanese instructors to hone their Japanese language skills in a small class environment. Class levels are for absolute beginners or beginning learners of Japanese language.

Program Details:

  • Schedule: June 16 - July 24 2024 (6 weeks)
  • Eligibility: Only suitable for undergraduate students with a GPA of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Application Deadline: Please email by 12 February 2024 at the latest to secure an exchange spot. Nominated students will get the tuition and processing fee (130,000 JPY) waived. Final application deadline for nominated students is 15 March 2024.
  • Fees: 380,000 JPY plus 5,000 JPY deposit. Price includes room and board, and activities such as Japanese culture workshops and field trips.
  • 1 participant = 0.5 semester exchange place

For more information visit their website and download their brochure


2024 Summer School information coming soon


2024 Summer School information coming soon


Now Closed - ITESO, Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara - International Summer Program

The International Summer Program at ITESO offers course taught in English and Spanish, taught jointly by an ITESO and an international professor. All courses (except Spanish Language) are co-taught with international professors and ITESO professors.  Courses are offered in Spanish, English, or both.  Students enrolling in courses offered in Spanish must prove a B2 level of Spanish and for those offered in both Spanish and English – a B1 level of Spanish is required.  Students will take classes with ITESO students.

Program Details:

  • Duration: 17 May - 14 June 2024
  • Subject areas: Check their online guide for the full list of courses available
  • Tuition Fee: $2094.50 USD. Fees include courses, access to all campus facilities, fieldtrips (two per course), airport pickup, orientation, and official transcript. A limited number of tuition fee-waived spaces may be available; email by 12 noon 21 March 2024.
  • Accommodation: Housing available for $406.25 USD within walking distance of the campus
  • Deadline: 1 April 2024.

For more information, email and see the brochure here


Now Closed - VU Amsterdam Summer School

This year's Summer School will occur between 6 July and 4 August (including arrival and departure days). VU Amsterdam provides top-notch short courses in subjects like international law, environmental science and policy, and statistical research. Their summer school professors are passionate about sharing their knowledge through interactive lectures, group discussions, and practical assignments. A diverse and inclusive environment fosters cross-cultural understanding and encourages collaboration. VU Amsterdam also offers exciting social activities such as city tours, museum visits, and workshops. These allow you to explore one of the most beautiful capital cities in Europe and gain valuable insights into Dutch culture.

  • Duration: 6 July - 4 August 2024
  • Subject areas: Wide variety, check their website for the full list
  • Level: Undergraduate and postgraduate
  • Tuition Fee: Discount available for University of Aberdeen students as a partner; €995 for a three-week course and €680 for a two-week course. Some competitive scholarships available, check their website for more information.
  • Accommodation: Not included in tuition fees, recommended third-party accommodation can be found in the Welcome Guide
  • Deadline: 01 May 2024

For more information, visit their website here and check out their Welcome Guide


2024 Summer School information coming soon


2024 Summer School information coming soon


Now Closed - University of Ljubljana School of Economics and Business Summer School

Ljubljana Summer School is open to Bachelor and Master students, as well as recent graduates and young professionals who wish to acquire new knowledge in specific areas. They welcome students from partner and non-partner institutions worldwide as well as students from the University of Ljubljana. The University of Ljubljana strive to keep the programme and classrooms groups international and culturally diverse.

  • Duration: 8 - 24 July 2023 (3 weeks)
  • Subject areas: Predominately Economics and Business course. For a list of all courses, check the website here
  • Level: Undergraduate and postgraduate (Master's) students
  • Tuition Fee: One course fee of 650.00;  two course fee of 1,100.00
  • Accommodation: Optional Hospitality Package of 440.00; includes accommodation in student residence with breakfast and includes lunch in the university cafeteria on weekdays, check here for more information
  • Deadline: 3 June 2024

Check their website for detailed information about courses, applications, fees and expenses

South Africa

2024 Summer School information coming soon

South Korea

Now Closed - Yonsei University Korean Language Institute 3-Week Programme

The 3-Week Program is perfect for those seeking a short-term intensive Korean experience. In the afternoon, students can experience Korean culture through one of the many special activities. Students can experience various special activities such as Korean cooking, crafts and Taekwondo in the afternoon (1 day a week, 2 hours a day). Korean Classes are held 5 days a week (from 9:00 to 13:00) for 3 weeks (total 60 class hours).

  • Duration: Summer (1) Session: 6 - 27 August 2024
  • Subject areas: Korean Language and Culture
  • Tuition Fee: 1,075,000 KRW including cultural experience fee and application fee
  • Accommodation: Not included in program fee. The host will be able to provide advice for finding accommodation in the area.
  • Application Period: 19 April - 21 June 2024

Check their website for more information


Now Closed - Yonsei International Summer School

The Yonsei International Summer School (YISS) opened its doors in 1985 and since then, YISS has become an integral part of campus life based on a unique blend of Korean and global cultures. YISS continues to grow and evolve, accommodating the needs of a rapidly changing student body and meeting the challenges of a fast-paced global society. The 2024 program includes courses from the arts, culture, and humanities while also offering cutting-edge classes in management and economics, global issues, history, social sciences, and science and technology.  Moreover, a shorter, 4-week option is also provided to accommodate students that can only be away for a limited period of time.

  • Duration: 4-week course: 27 June - 23 July 2024; 6-week course: 27 June - 6 August 2024
  • Subject areas: Wide variety, click here for course lists
  • Tuition Fee: One course: 1,750,000 KRW; Two courses: 3,150,000 KRW; Three courses: 3,750,000 KRW. Plus 100,000 KRW application fee. Early Bird Discount if you apply by 14 March and pay by 28 March 2024. Some scholarships are available, click here to check eligibility
  • Accommodation: Not included in program fee. Limited on-Campus housing available, starting at 655,000 KRW for 4 weeks and 1,008,000 KRW for 6 weeks.
  • Application Period: 28 March 2024 for Early Bird application, 23 May 2024 for standard application.

Check their website for more information


Now Closed - Seoul National University International Summer Program

The ISP is a 5-week intensive summer program (June 24 ~ July 26, 2024) which is a unique blend of academic excellence, cultural immersion, and vibrant social engagement. Designed for both international and SNU students, the ISP offers targeted coursework spanning various academic disciplines, led by distinguished faculty from SNU and visiting scholars. The program stands out for offering a diverse array of courses (more than 40) across disciplines, all taught in English.

  • Duration: 24 June - 27 July 2024 (5 weeks)
  • Subject areas: Variety of courses in Arts and Humanities, Biology, Business and Economics, Asian Studies, Korean Studies, Health Sciences, Sciences and Technology, and Social Sciences
  • Level: Current undergraduate and graduate students
  • Tuition Fee: Varies from 1,2000,00 - 3,348,000 KRW dependent on how many courses you take, plus 200,000 KRW application fee. If you apply before 7 April 2024, an automatic Early Bird discount of 20% will be applied.
  • Accommodation: Optional on-campus accommodation available for 900,000 - 1,200,000 KRW for the 5 week period
  • Application Period: 7 April 2024 Early Bird deadline for 20% discount, 9 May 2024 standard deadline

Check their website and informational brochure for more information


Now Closed - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - Summer School of Economics and Business

Join an exclusive 4-week study program that offers some of UAM’s high-quality courses, all taught in English by top professors and researchers of UAM’s School of Economics and Business Studies. The SSEB brings together students from all over the World and a few local students in a truly international environment. The courses are complemented by social and cultural events, as well as academic field trips, which are not offered during the regular Fall and Spring semesters.

  • Duration: 1 July - 26 July 2024
  • Subject areas: Environmental Economics and Policy Analysis, International Finance, Global Marketing, Doing Business in Spain
  • Level: Undergraduate level
  • Tuition Fee: Early Bird: €1,199 - €1,924; Regular: €1,399 - €2,199. Tuition fee dependant on the amount of courses taken and include the costs of social and cultural events, as well as field trips included in the Program.
  • Accommodation: Not included in program fee. The Office of Study Abroad at UAM will provide help in finding accommodation for interested students. There are some on- and off-campus housing options available on a first-come first-served basis.
  • Deadline: Early Bird application deadline: 28 February 2024; regular application deadline: 14 June 2024

Download their brochure and check out their Fact Sheet for more information


Now Closed - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - Tourism Summer School

New this year is a Tourism Summer School, covering the following topics: sustainable tourism, crypto-economics and metaverse applied to tourism, human resources management, hotel finance, customer experience management, and attractions management in Madrid. Given our academic strength in this field, the economic importance of Tourism in Spain, and that the UN World Tourism Organization is headquartered in Madrid, we have created this new summer program for 3 2024. It is offered at the same time as the last two weeks of our traditional Summer School of Economics and Business (SSEB). If you wish, you can combine the first two weeks of the SSEB (July 1-12, 2024) with the Tourism Summer School

  • Duration: 15 July - 26 July 2024
  • Subject areas: Tourism
  • Level: Undergraduate level
  • Tuition Fee: Early Bird: €1,199 - €1,924; Regular: €1,399 - €2,199. Plus application fee of €100. Tuition fee dependant on the amount of courses taken and include the costs of social and cultural events, as well as field trips included in the Program.
  • Accommodation: Not included in program fee. The Office of Study Abroad at UAM will provide help in finding accommodation for interested students. There are some on- and off-campus housing options available on a first-come first-served basis.
  • Deadline: Early Bird application deadline: 28 February 2024; regular application deadline: 14 June 2024

Download their poster and check our their Fact Sheet for more information


Now Closed - UAB Barcelona Summer School

UAB Barcelon Summer School program comprises a training offer of 29 undergraduate subjects, from all academic fields - Sciences, Biosciences, Health Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Social and Legal Sciences and Engineering. It takes place from late June to early August, once the ordinary academic year is over. The courses are mostly taught in English even though a few of them are taught in Spanish, where students can earn from 6 to 12 ECTS in two 3-week periods.

  • Duration: First period: 25 June - 12 July 2024; Second period: 15 July - 2 August 2024
  • Subject areas: Sciences, Biosciences, Health Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Social and Legal Sciences and Engineering
  • Level: Undergraduate and postgraduate
  • Tuition Fee: €910 Course Fee. Early Bird discount of 20% if you enrol before 15 May 2024
  • Accommodation: Not included in program fee. Residence Halls and Hotel Campus accommodation available; Residence Halls available with a discount for those participating in the summer program.
  • Deadline: Early Bird application deadline: 15 May 2024; regular application deadline: 2 June 2024

Download their brochure and visit their website for more information


Now Closed - University of Zurich International Summer School

The University of Zurich is excited to announce that they will be returning to host their summer programs on their beautiful campus in the heart of Zurich! This means that participants will get the best out of what Zurich have learned from student engagement and teaching formats. Students will get to enjoy highly interactive and innovative sessions and a comprehensive social program. Zurich are offering two courses this year: "Deep Dive into Blockchain - Linking Economics, Technology and Law" and "International Sports Law: Legal Challenges in the Fight Against Doping". Please click each course name to view the respective flyers.

  • Duration: 1 July to 19 July 2024
  • Subject areas: Two courses are on offer; Blockchain and Sports Law
  • Level: Bachelor and Masters students are encouraged to apply
  • Tuition Fee: 3,450 Swiss Francs, including accommodation. Discount of 1,000 Swiss Francs is available for University of Aberdeen Students on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • Accommodation: Included in tuition fees
  • Deadline: 15 April 2024; information on how to apply can be found on their website. University of Aberdeen discount is first-come, first-serve.

Visit their website for more information


Now Closed - University of North Carolina Wilmington Summer School

The UNCW Summer Session II (June 25-July 25, 2024) offers 4-week intensive, in-person courses in the city of Wilmington, North Carolina. This year's available course is EBD 281 - Creativity and Innovation in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. The course focuses on the processes for fostering creativity and innovation with an emphasis on the creative process, creative problem solving, and intrapreneurship. Particular attention is directed to the development of new products, services, processes, and business models. Located nine kilometers from the beach, UNCW offers visiting students educational courses and coastal living.

  • Duration: 25 June - 25 July 2024
  • Subject areas: Entrepreneurship and Business; see the course details here
  • Tuition Fee: $1,705.00 USD tuition fees plus $1,900.00 programme fee.Programme fee includes accommodation, meal plan and health insurance. Limited tuition-fee waived spaces are available, email before 01 April 2024 to express interest in being nominated.
  • Accommodation: Programme fee includes on-campus accommodation and meal plan.
  • Application Period: 15 April 2024 for tuition-paying students. If you are interested in a tuition fee-waived space, please email before 01 April 2024

Check their brochure and website for more information

Winter Schools


2024 Winter School information coming soon

South Korea

2024 Winter School information coming soon