Civil and Environmental Engineering, MEng

In this section
Civil and Environmental Engineering, MEng


Civil and Environmental Engineering is a hugely relevant degree for today. The environment is a major consideration for local, national and international companies and governments, but never more is this true than when it comes to engineering projects of all sizes. Greater consideration has to be given to a range of environmental factors and this degree will go some way to making students aware of them.

Study Information

At a Glance

Learning Mode
On Campus Learning
Degree Qualification
60 months
Study Mode
Full Time
Start Month

This Honours degree programme follows a similar structure to the straight MEng Civil Engineering degree. The major difference is the compulsory requirement to study the Environmental Engineering course in year 4. This particular course deals with various aspects related to:

  • surface water: sources of water pollution and their impact on aqueous environment and public health, water quality and supply, wastewater treatment;
  • soil and groundwater: groundwater flow, groundwater contamination and pollution, subsurface contaminants transport mechanisms, sustainable land-groundwater management;
  • solid waste: sources of solid waste, characterisation and treatment of solid waste, solid waste management;
  • air pollution and control: air pollutants and sources, air pollution meteorology, pollutant dispersion in the air, air pollution control.

Students will develop a greater understanding of the environmental challenges and considerations required as part of major civil engineering projects, how to manage these challenges and implement effective solutions.

What You'll Study

The first two years cover general Engineering, with elements of Chemical, Mechanical, Petroleum and Electrical/Electronics, as well as Civil. In the later years you specialise, following your chosen discipline in greater depth. You do not need to finalise your choice of specialisation until you begin third year.

It is possible to move between MEng and BEng and this can be accomplished at any point until the second half session of fourth year. Successful BEng candidates will be offered the chance to change to the MEng and there is no quota, meaning that if grade requirements are met that transfer is guaranteed.

Year 1

Compulsory Courses

Getting Started at the University of Aberdeen (PD1002)

This course, which is prescribed for level 1 undergraduate students and articulating students who are in their first year at the University, is studied entirely online, is studied entirely online, takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete and can be taken in one sitting, or spread across the first 4 weeks of term.

Topics include University orientation overview, equality & diversity, MySkills, health, safety and cyber security, and academic integrity.Successful completion of this course will be recorded on your Transcript as ‘Achieved’.

Principles of Electronics (EG1008)

15 Credit Points

The aim of the course is to introduce basic concepts of electrical & electronics within a context of general engineering. The topics covered are kept at an elementary level with the aim of providing the foundational material for subsequent courses at levels 1 and 2. The course adopts the philosophy of application oriented teaching. During each topic the students will be provided with examples of day-to-day devices. Topics covered include dc circuit analysis, electronic amplifiers, digital circuits, optoelectronics, and ac theory.

CAD and Communication in Engineering Practice (EG1010)

15 Credit Points

The course is designed to introduce the students to different methods of communication in the process of interchanging ideas and information. Oral presentation and writing of technical reports are introduced. The importing data from web-based and library-based sources will be integrated through information retrieval and investigative skills training. Professional ethics are covered on plagiarism, copyright and intellectual property. Engineering drawing skills and knowledge of relevant British and International Standards will be developed through intensive training in the use of computer aided design and modelling package, SolidWorks. Standard drawing formats including 3D depiction of stand alone parts and assemblies are covered.

Fundamentals of Engineering Materials (EG1012)

15 Credit Points

Engineering design depends on materials being shaped, finished and joined together. Design requirements define the performance required of the materials. What do engineers need to know about materials to choose and use them successfully? They need a perspective of the world of materials. They need understanding of material properties. They need methods and tools to select the right material for the job. This course will help you develop knowledge and skills required for the successful selection and use of engineering materials.

Engineering Mathematics 1 (EG1504)

15 Credit Points

The course presents fundamental mathematical ideas useful in the study of Engineering. A major focus of the course is on differential and integral calculus. Applications to Engineering problems involving rates of change and averaging processes are emphasized. Complex numbers are introduced and developed. The course provides the necessary mathematical background for other engineering courses in level 2.

Fundamental Engineering Mechanics (EG1510)

15 Credit Points

Engineering Mechanics is concerned with the state of rest or motion of objects subject to the action of forces. The topic is divided into two parts: STATICS which considers the equilibrium of objects which are either at rest or move at a constant velocity, and DYNAMICS which deals with the motion and associated forces of accelerating bodies. The former is particularly applied to beams and truss structures. The latter includes a range of applications, such as car suspension systems, motion of a racing car, missiles, vibration isolation systems, and so on.

Optional Courses

Select a further 45 credit points from courses of choice at Levels 1 or 2.

Year 2

Compulsory Courses

EG2513: Solids and Structures (15 credits)

Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (EG2004)

15 Credit Points

The fluid mechanics section of the course begins with the material properties of fluids. This is followed by studying fluid statics and principles of fluid motion. Bernoulli’s equation is used to explain the relationship between pressure and velocity. The final fluids section introduces the students to incompressible flow in pipelines.

The thermodynamics section presents: the gas laws, including Van Der Waals’ equation; the first law of thermodynamics with work done, heat supply, and the definitions of internal energy and enthalpy. The second law is introduced including entropy through the Carnot cycle.

Process Engineering (EG2011)

15 Credit Points

A general engineering course that provides insight into the two main conservation principles, mass and energy. Processes are usually described through block diagrams. This language, common to many disciplines in engineering, helps the engineer to look at their processes with an analytical view. Degree of freedom analysis is addressed, emphasising its importance to solve a set of linear equations that model fundamental balances of mass. Practical examples of Energy balances are displayed, bringing Thermodynamics to a practical level. Heat Transfer is introduced. Process control is introduced, explaining basic control techniques and concepts, i.e sensors, feedback, control loops and PID controllers.

Engineering Mathematics 2 (EG2012)

15 Credit Points

This course follows Engineering Mathematics 1 in introducing all the mathematical objects and techniques needed by engineers. It has three parts:

  • Matrices: definitions, operations, inverse and determinant; application to systems of linear equations.
  • Ordinary differential equations: 1st order (linear and separable), 2nd order with constant coefficients, forced oscillations and resonance.
  • Functions of two variables: partial derivatives and extrema, the chain rule, the heat equation and the wave equation.
Design and Computing in Engineering Practice (EG2501)

15 Credit Points

A general engineering course that provides an insight into the principles of engineering design process, computer programming in MATLAB and its application in parametric study and basic design optimisation, environmental ethics and sustainability in the context of design, and Computer Aided Design (CAD) using Solidworks. The course also includes hands-on exercises on the manufacture of simple parts using a variety of machine tools and joining processes.

Electrical and Mechanical Systems (EG2503)

15 Credit Points

This course provides students with an integrated development of methods for modelling, analysing and designing systems comprising electrical and mechanical components. In doing so it intends to emphasise to the students the similarity in behaviour between electrical and mechanical systems. The course aims to give an introduction to both electrical machines, circuit and systems, transformers, and similar mechanical systems like gearbox, vibrating system and principles of dynamics, and thus provide the foundation material for several courses at level 3 .

Optional Courses

Select a further 30 credit points from courses of choice at Levels 1 or 2.

Year 3

Compulsory Courses

EG3505: Engineer in Society (10 credits)

EM3019: Fluid Mechanics (15 credits)

Geotechnics 1 (EA3027)

15 Credit Points

This course is aimed principally at students interested in civil engineering and its focus is to familiarise students with the fundamental concepts involved in soil mechanics and engineering geology. The first course in the civil engineering programme includes the importance of soil mechanics in structural design. The main emphasis is on understanding the main principles of soil mechanics through the introduction of laboratory tests commonly used to obtain the engineering properties of different types of soil such as sand and clay. Discussion of the consequences of some soil failures (such as in the case of the Tower of Pisa) is also introduced.

Engineering Analysis and Methods 1a (EG3007)

15 Credit Points

Modern engineering analysis relies on a wide range of analytical mathematical methods and computational techniques in order to solve a wide range of problems. The aim of this course is to equip students with the necessary skills to quantitatively investigate engineering problems. Examples applying the methods taught to practical situations from across the full range of engineering disciplines will feature heavily in the course.

Stress Analysis A (EM3015)

15 Credit Points

One of the roles of an engineer is to ensure that engineering components perform in service as intended and do not fracture or break into pieces. However, we know that sometimes engineering components do fail in service. Course examines how we determine the magnitude of stresses and level of deformation in engineering components and how these are used to appropriately select the material and dimensions for such component in order to avoid failure. Focus is on using stress analysis to design against failure, and therefore enable students to acquire some of the fundamental knowledge and skills required for engineering design.

Mechanics of Structures (EA3518)

15 Credit Points

The major topic of this course is an introduction to modern methods of elastic structural analysis. In this topic, direct, energy and matrix methods are jointly used to solve, initially, problems of the deformation of simple beams. The theorem of virtual work is introduced in the context of beams and frameworks.

The rigid-plastic analysis of beams is then introduced along with the upper bound theorem and their importance to engineering design.

Design of Structural Elements (EA3519)

15 Credit Points

This course is an introduction to Structural Design using steel, concrete and composite steel/concrete.

The emphasis is on the design of individual components – the ‘Structural Elements’ – these being members in tension, compression, bending – in either steel or reinforced concrete – and in the bolted and welded connections between steel members.

There is an extensive laboratory exercise testing reinforced and un-reinforced concrete to destruction.

It should be noted that students are also required to do the separate course EA3720, half of which consists of a 9 week Steel Design exercise.

Structural Dynamics (EA3538)

10 Credit Points

This course introduces the theory of dynamics and the vibration of single and multi-degree of freedom systems.

Civil Engineering Design and Surveying (EA3720)

10 Credit Points

This course consists of two quite separate halves. The first is a 9 week Civil Engineering Design activity, which runs concurrently with the associated course EG3519 (Design of Structural Elements). Generally there will be two half days of timetabled sessions in each of those 9 weeks. The second half of the course is a one-week residential Field Surveying and Hydrology field trip, which usually takes place in the first week of the Easter break. There will be a charge to students to cover the specific transport, food and accommodation costs associated with that field trip.

Year 4

Compulsory Courses

EA4011: Geotechnics 2 (15 credits)

EA4012: Civil Engineering Hydraulics (15 credits)

EA4013: Advanced Structural Design (15 credits)

Environmental Engineering (EA4027)

15 Credit Points

This course will deal with various aspects related to:

  • Surface Waters: sources of water pollution and their impact on aqueous environment and public health, water quality and water supply, wastewater treatments;
  • Soil and Groundwater: groundwater flow, groundwaters contamination, contaminants' subsurface transport mechanisms, sustainable land-groundwater management;
  • Solid Wastes: sources of solid wastes, characterisation and treatment of solid waste, integrated solid waste management;
  • Air Pollution and Control: air pollutants and sources, air pollution meteorology, pollutant dispersion in the air, air pollution control.

Optional Courses

Select one of:

  • Individual Project (EG45PE)
  • Industrial Individual Project (EG45PF)
  • Individual Project Abroad (EG4513)
Individual Project Abroad (MEng) (EG4513)

60 Credit Points

The course is designed to provide the student with the opportunity to carry out a project in an approved European institution by pursuing a substantial and realistic exercise in the practice of engineering at or near a professional level, and to further enhance the student's critical and communication skills.

Year 5

Compulsory Courses

EG501S: Numerical Simulation of Waves (15 credits)

The Engineer in Society (EG501W)

15 Credit Points

Students will examine the societal grand challenges of water, food, medicine and energy (electricity and heat) to thread together the themes of environment, sustainability and ethics.

The course also aims to provide graduates with a versatile framework for evaluating and developing business models which should prove invaluable for both potential entrepreneurs and future senior executives.

Structural Vibrations (EG50T9)

15 Credit Points

The need for understanding dynamics in modern structural engineering arises from the fact that structures are often subjected to dynamic loads such as waves, wind, earthquake, blast and impacts. The structural engineer must therefore be able to understand and quantify dynamic loads and their effects. This course reviews the fundamentals of structural dynamics and explains more advanced concepts and methods (including analytical and numerical), as well as their applications to practical design and analysis problems. The theoretical concepts are illustrated by worked examples and numerous tutorial problems and assignments will enable students to gain confidence in their use.

MEng Group Design (EG5565)

30 Credit Points

Real-life contemporary engineering projects and challenges invariably require inputs from, and collaboration amongst, multiple disciplines. Furthermore, legal and economic aspects, as well as safety, team work and project management must also be successfully navigated through. This course enables students to immerse themselves in a realistic, multidisciplinary, multifaceted and complex team design project that will draw on their previous specialist learning and also enable gaining and practicing new skills of direct relevance to their professional career.

Land Remediation (SS5508)

15 Credit Points

This highly interactive course explores the principles and practice of contaminated land assessment and remediation. It provides broad knowledge of underlying science, as well as practical skills related to the assessment of contamination sources, pathways and risks to human health. While the lectures introduce theoretical background and gradually build the expertise, the practical have been based on various assessment tools and develop practical knowledge and quantitative skills. The learning activities replicate tasks that one would encounter in environmental consultancy and provide valuable transferrable skills.

Optional Courses

Select one of the following for First half-session:

  • Offshore Structural Design (EA50JG)
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (EG501V)

Plus, select one of the following for Second half-session:

  • Marine and Wind Energy (EG552U)
  • Mathematical Optimisation (EG551T)
  • Pipelines and Soil Mechanics (EG55F2)
  • Riser Systems and Hydrodynamics (EG55F9)
  • Engineering Risk and Reliability Analysis (EG55P6)
Offshore Structural Design (EA50JG)

15 Credit Points

This course follows on from the Level 3 Design of Structural Elements course and the Level 4 Advanced Structural Design course, extending the earlier concepts into areas relevant to Offshore Structural Design. The course aim is to introduce the student to some specialised fields of conceptual structural engineering design in an offshore context, and to develop confidence in these areas. The course divides into current main topics of offshore structures and involves hand calculations with the aid of spreadsheets and advanced computational modelling for accurate loading, analysis and design.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (EG501V)

15 Credit Points

The course aims to provide understanding of main principles and techniques underpinning computational fluid dynamics (CFD) combining numerical methods with practical experience using appropriate software. The course develops a foundation for understanding, developing and analysing successful simulations of fluid flows applicable to a broad range of applications.

Marine and Wind Energy (EG552U)

15 Credit Points

To provide an understanding of the physical principles, technologies and systems associated with renewable energy generation from wind and marine sources. To provide an understanding of the position of these sources of energy in the current and future global energy requirements and the technical challenges in meeting the future energy demand

Mathematical Optimisation (EG551T)

15 Credit Points

Ever wondered how Excel is able to draw an optimal line through a set of points? This course looks at how typical engineering problems that cannot be described mathematically (or are difficult to do so) can be solved so that the optimal solution is found. The course contains a range of examples to show how the techniques are applied to real world problems in different engineering disciplines. The course will show how to develop computational algorithms from scratch, with a fundamental understanding of how the algorithms function, both mathematically and then in real time on a computer.

Pipelines and Soil Mechanics (EG55F2)

15 Credit Points

Offshore production of oil and gas requires transportation of the oil and gas from where it is produced to shipping vessels, storage tanks or refinery. The transportation is done using pipelines which are installed on the seabed. This course examines the engineering and scientific concepts that underpin the selection of the material and size of such pipelines as well as safe installation and operation. The environmental impact and the role played by the seabed profile are also discussed. Contribution from industry-based practicing engineers is used to inform students of current practices and technologies in subsea pipelines.

Riser Systems and Hydrodynamics (EG55F9)

15 Credit Points

The course provides students with detailed knowledge of risers systems design considerations. Typical riser systems including flexible, steel catenary, hybrid and top tensioned riser systems are covered. The ocean environmental hydrodynamics and interactions between vessel, mooring and riser systems are also considered.

Engineering Risk and Reliability Analysis (EG55P6)

15 Credit Points

The world is full of uncertainties and there is a level of risk in every human activity, including engineering. Many industries require an engineer to manage significant risks and design for high reliability, such as oil and gas, subsea, nuclear, aviation and large civil projects (e.g. bridges and dams). To meet these engineering challenges and make rational decisions in the presence of uncertainty, this course will introduce students to methods and tools used by engineers to analysis risk and reliability.

We will endeavour to make all course options available. However, these may be subject to change - see our Student Terms and Conditions page.

How You'll Study

Learning Methods

  • Field Work
  • Group Projects
  • Individual Projects
  • Lectures
  • Research
  • Tutorials

Assessment Methods

Students are assessed by any combination of three assessment methods:

  • coursework such as essays and reports completed throughout the course;
  • practical assessments of the skills and competencies learnt on the course; and
  • written examinations at the end of each course.

The exact mix of these methods differs between subject areas, year of study and individual courses.

Honours projects are typically assessed on the basis of a written dissertation.

Why Study Civil and Environmental Engineering?

Offering up the same breadth of benefits on offer through the Civil Engineering degree, the focus on environmental engineering is ideally suited to students who want to progress into careers where they can use engineering principles and solutions to have a direct positive impact on environmental challenges and problems facing society. 

Aberdeen Global Scholarship

The University of Aberdeen is delighted to offer eligible self-funded international on-campus undergraduate students a £6,000 scholarship for every year of their programme.

View the Aberdeen Global Scholarship

Entry Requirements


The information below is provided as a guide only and does not guarantee entry to the University of Aberdeen.

General Entry Requirements

2024 Entry

SQA Highers
Standard: AABB (Mathematics and Physics or Engineering Science required*)
Applicants who achieve the Standard entry requirements over S4 and S5 will be made either an unconditional or conditional offer of admission.

A Levels
Standard: ABB (AB required in Mathematics, plus at least one from Physics, Design & Technology, Engineering or Chemistry). Applicants who are predicted to achieve the Standard entry requirements are encouraged to apply and may be made a conditional offer of admission.

International Baccalaureate:

Minimum of 34 points including Mathematics and Physics at HL (6 or above)

Irish Leaving Certificate:

Five subjects at Higher, with 4 at H2 and 1 at H3. H2 or above in Mathematics and H3 or above in Physics required.

* FOR CHEMICAL OR PETROLEUM ENGINEERING: Please note: For entry to Chemical or Petroleum Engineering an SQA Higher or GCE A Level or equivalent qualification in Chemistry is required for entry to year 1, in addition to the general Engineering requirements.

2025 Entry

SQA Highers
Standard: AABB (Mathematics and Physics or Engineering Science required*)
Applicants who achieve the Standard entry requirements over S4 and S5 will be made either an unconditional or conditional offer of admission.

A Levels
Standard: ABB (AB required in Mathematics, plus at least one from Physics, Design & Technology, Engineering or Chemistry). Applicants who are predicted to achieve the Standard entry requirements are encouraged to apply and may be made a conditional offer of admission.

International Baccalaureate:

Minimum of 34 points including Mathematics and Physics at HL (6 or above)

Irish Leaving Certificate:

Five subjects at Higher, with 4 at H2 and 1 at H3. H2 or above in Mathematics and H3 or above in Physics required.

* FOR CHEMICAL OR PETROLEUM ENGINEERING: Please note: For entry to Chemical or Petroleum Engineering an SQA Higher or GCE A Level or equivalent qualification in Chemistry is required for entry to year 1, in addition to the general Engineering requirements.

The information displayed in this section shows a shortened summary of our entry requirements. For more information, or for full entry requirements for Engineering degrees, see our detailed entry requirements section.

English Language Requirements

To study for an Undergraduate degree at the University of Aberdeen it is essential that you can speak, understand, read, and write English fluently. The minimum requirements for this degree are as follows:

IELTS Academic:

OVERALL - 6.0 with: Listening - 5.5; Reading - 5.5; Speaking - 5.5; Writing - 6.0


OVERALL - 78 with: Listening - 17; Reading - 18; Speaking - 20; Writing - 21

PTE Academic:

OVERALL - 59 with: Listening - 59; Reading - 59; Speaking - 59; Writing - 59

Cambridge English B2 First, C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency:

OVERALL - 169 with: Listening - 162; Reading - 162; Speaking - 162; Writing - 169

Read more about specific English Language requirements here.

Fees and Funding

You will be classified as one of the fee categories below.

Fee information
Fee category Cost
RUK £9,535
Tuition Fees for 2025/26 Academic Year
EU / International students £24,800
Tuition Fees for 2025/26 Academic Year
Self-funded international students commencing eligible undergraduate programmes in 2025/26 will receive a £6,000 tuition waiver for every year of their programme - See full terms and conditions
Home Students £1,820
Tuition Fees for 2025/26 Academic Year

Additional Fees

  • In exceptional circumstances there may be additional fees associated with specialist courses, for example field trips. Any additional fees for a course can be found in our Catalogue of Courses.
  • For more information about tuition fees for this programme, including payment plans and our refund policy, please visit our Tuition Fees page.

Scholarships and Funding

UK Scholarship

Students from England, Wales and Northern Ireland, who pay tuition fees may be eligible for specific scholarships allowing them to receive additional funding. These are designed to provide assistance to help students support themselves during their time at Aberdeen.

Aberdeen Global Scholarship

The University of Aberdeen is delighted to offer eligible self-funded international on-campus undergraduate students a £6,000 scholarship for every year of their programme. More about this funding opportunity.

Funding Database

View all funding options in our Funding Database.


Civil engineering graduates are sought after in a wide variety of industries and business sectors. Civil engineering graduates work in civil and structural companies, working on site, in design offices, project management, buildings and environmental engineering. Civil engineers function very well in both onshore civil engineering sectors as well as the offshore renewable and oil and gas energy sectors.

Having an environmental element to your degree is very useful to understanding the now complex issues of climate change and its effects on infrastructure. Having this additional element to your degree can make you highly employable in a changing environment where innovation and understanding environmental issues can make a real difference to quality of life and can be essential to meet regulatory requirements.

Recent graduate job roles have included:

  • Graduate Civil and Structural Engineer
  • Graduate Design Coordinator
  • Structural Engineer
  • Bridge Engineer
  • Site Engineer
  • Graduate Transport Engineer

Recent graduates work at companies such as:

  • Arch Henderson
  • Atkins
  • Fairhurst
  • Jacobs
  • Mott MacDonald
  • Network Rail
  • Skanska
  • Petrofac
  • Kier Group
  • VolkerStevin
  • Petrofac


Our Civil Engineering degrees are accredited by the Engineering Council, Institution of Structural Engineers, Institution of Civil Engineers, Institute of Highways Engineers and the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation and are your first step towards achieving Chartered Engineer status.

This degree holds accreditation from

Engineering Work Experience

The Engineering Work Experience course develops students’ work readiness. Hear what our students and partner organisations have to say about their experience.

Focus on employability

Image for useful fact about this Degree

100 Years of Engineering

The School of Engineering is celebrating 100 years of engineering at the University of Aberdeen in 2023.

Image for useful fact about this Degree

Industry Project

You can undertake your level 4 project with one of our many industry partners, to gain hands-on experience and work on real-world engineering challenges.

Our Experts

Information About Staff Changes

You will be taught by a range of experts including professors, lecturers, teaching fellows and postgraduate tutors. However, these may be subject to change - see our Student Terms and Conditions page.


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TAU Formula Racing

TAU Formula Racing

TAU (Team Aberdeen University) Racing is a student-run Formula Student team that competes annually at Silverstone. It is made up of students from a variety of disciplines and helps develop excellent and highly-relevant career skills.

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Student Societies

Student Societies

The University is home to a broad range of student societies including professional teams, extra-curricular and subject-focused organisations and purely recreational groups based on a shared interest.

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Discover Uni draws together comparable information in areas students have identified as important in making decisions about what and where to study. You can compare these and other data for different degree programmes in which you are interested.

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Contact Details

Student Recruitment & Admissions
University of Aberdeen
University Office
Regent Walk
AB24 3FX

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