Page 5 of 4441 to 50 of 431 Past Events
MSc Physician Associate Studies Open Day and Online Info Session
-Interested in becoming a Physician Associate (PA)? We are hosting an in person Open Day on 22 May, as well as an Online Info Session on 21 May, where you can find out more about our MSc Physician Associate Studies programme. Register on the links below.
HERU External Seminar - Professor Tim Bolt
-Professor Bolt is a health economist at Saitama University in Japan. His current research focuses on the application and development of Discrete Choice Experiments (DCEs). Seminar Title - A DCE to support deployment of an STI PoCT device in Sub-Saharan Africa. This presentation will introduce parallel choice experiments undertaken to support an randomised...
Rowett Seminar
-Dr Sean Austin, Group Leader, Carbohydrates Group in the Nestle Institute of Food Safety & Analytical Sciences
A career in medical communications
-Vikte Lionikaite - Oxford PharmaGenesis
Rowett Seminar
-Dr Stefano Gaburro has a strong academic background in preclinical research (mainly neuroscience).
The Granite Men: 1730-1914
-The history of the granite industry in Aberdeen from the Elphinstone Institute Public Lecture Series 2024
ACHDS Seminar: NHS Grampian Director of Public Health update and implications for research
-Susan Webb, Director of Public Health in NHS Grampian will give an overview of the most recent Public Health Report for the region and discuss implications for research.
Bioinformatics Training Course - Visualisation with R and ggplot2
-Part of the Centre for Genome Enabled Biology and Medicine (CGEBM) bioinformatics training course series, this course will introduce you to plotting scientific data using R and ggplot2.
Measuring Behavior 2024
-The 13th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research.
Cafe Med: Seminar 4: Spinal Muscular Atrophy - A treatable childhood motor neuron disease
-10 years ago, Spinal Muscular Atrophy was the second most common inherited cause of infant mortality worldwide, but you may never have heard of it. Severely affected children had a life expectancy of less than 3 years, but now three novel and expensive therapies have emerged, which are providing new...