The Art History Research Seminar

The Art History Research Seminar

This is a past event

'How to Hold Onto A Hurricane' with Professor Hannah Ryan (St Olaf College)

Artists in the Caribbean and Gulf Coast experience hurricanes with increasing regularity and develop innovative means to capture the experience in a variety of remarkable ways, rendering the unimaginable imaginable. This talk will explore works of art across media that hold onto hurricanes for humanity's collective consciousness.

Hannah Ryan serves as Assistant Professor of Art History at St. Olaf College and holds a Ph.D. in Art History from Cornell University. With a decolonial and intersectionality feminist perspective, she researches and teaches broadly in modern and contemporary art history of the Americas and global Caribbean. As an occasional curator, she has organized exhibitions on Chandra McCormick and Keith Calhoun’s photographs abstracted by Hurricane Katrina, as well as the films of Cuban artist Ana Mendieta. Her current book projects include food and feminisms in contemporary Caribbean art (with Lesley Wolff), and evocations of milk in the Transatlantic.

This event will held online via MS Teams. Please email Karl Kinsella, if you would like to attend, and the link will be forwarded to you.