Dr Yazan Masannat

Dr Yazan Masannat
Dr Yazan Masannat
Dr Yazan Masannat


Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer



Yazan Masannat is an award-winning Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon specialising in Breast Cancer Surgery. He is an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Aberdeen. His NHS practice is based at Broomfield Hospital in Essex and his private practice is in the London Breast Institute at Princess Grace Hospital in Central London and Springfield Hospital, in Chelmsford, Essex. He has many areas of specialist interest in Breast Cancer Surgery including Breast Reconstruction, Oncoplastic Breast Surgery using the different techniques like therapeutic mammoplasty and Chest Wall Perforator Flaps when indicated to conserve the Breast and Revision Surgery after breast cancer treatment.

Yazan has more than 60 peer reviewed publications and has been awarded numerous research grants. He is an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Aberdeen/Scotland and an E-Tutor with the University of East Anglia/England. He is the Meetings Secretary and an elected member of the Board of Trustees of the Association of Breast Surgery, in addition to being an examiner at the European Board of Surgical Oncology and the European Board of Breast Surgery exams (UEMS).

He is also the creator of www.iBreastBook.com which is a free online resource with contributions from many of the leading Breast and Plastic surgeons across the world. The iBreastBook Webinar series, which he started during the covid pandemic with the support of colleagues has been a huge international success. As a result, Yazan is regularly invited worldwide as an international expert to lecture and teach on the different Oncoplastic Breast Surgical Techniques.

External Memberships

Tutor MS Oncoplastic Breast Surgery, University of East Anglia, Norwich 

Meetings Secretary & Trustee, The Association of Breast Surgery (ABS) 

Communications Lead/ Executive Group, the iBRA-net 

Examiner (UEMS) and Board Member the European Board of Surgical Oncology

Examiner (UEMS) the European Board of Breast Surgery 

Founder and Editor of iBreastBook 


Research Overview

MRI Scan in Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer


Page 2 of 3 Results 26 to 50 of 62

  • The relationship between cardiac dosimetry and tumour quadrant location in left sided whole breast and chest wall adjuvant radiotherapy

    Masannat, Y. A., Lazaraviciute, G., Garbett, I. K., Shivakumar, N., Brownlee, B. V., Gagliardi, T., Bromiley, A., Heys, S. D., Sharma, R.
    Breast Disease, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 67-74
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The ESSO core curriculum committee update on surgical oncology

    van der Hage, J., Sandrucci, S., Audisio, R., Wyld, L., Søreide, K., Amaral, T., Audisio, R., Bahadoer, V., Beets, G., Benstead, K., Berge Nilsen, E., Bol, K., Brandl, A., Braun, J., Cufer, T., Dopazo, C., Edhemovic, I., Eriksen, J. G., Fiore, M., van Ginhoven, T., Gonzalez-Moreno, S., van der Hage, J., Hutteman, M., Masannat, Y., Onesti, E. C., Rau, B., De Reijke, T., Rubio, I., Ruurda, J., Sandrucci, S., Soreide, K., Stattner, S., Trapani, D., D'Ugo, D., Vriens, M., Wyld, L., Zahl Eriksson, A. G., ESSO core curriculum contributors
    European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology, vol. 47, no. 11, pp. e1-e30
    Contributions to Journals: Review articles
  • Lipid composition in peri-tumoural adipose tissue in postmenopausal patients with breast cancer

    Cheung, S. M., Mallikourti, V., Gagliardi, T., Husain, E., Masannat, Y., Heys, S., He, J.
    Contributions to Conferences: Oral Presentations
  • Peri-tumoural spatial distribution of lipid composition and tumour cellular differentiation in breast cancer

    Cheung, S. M., Chan, K., Senn, N., Husain, E., Masannat, Y., Heys, S., He, J.
    Contributions to Conferences: Oral Presentations
  • Impalpable Breast Cancer and Service Delivery during the COVID-19 Pandemic: the Role of Radiofrequency Tag localization

    Strickland, J., Elsberger, B., Lip, G., Fuller, M., Masannat, Y. A.
    Archives of Breast Cancer, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 247-250
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Intra-tumoural lipid composition and lymphovascular invasion in breast cancer via non-invasive magnetic resonance spectroscopy

    Cheung, S. M., Husain, E., Mallikourti, V., Masannat, Y., Heys, S., He, J.
    European Radiology, vol. 31, pp. 3703–3711
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Deregulation of lipid composition in peri-tumoural adipose tissue in postmenopausal patients with breast cancer

    Cheung, S. M., Mallikourti, V., Gagliardi, T., Husain, E., Masannat, Y., Heys, S., He, J.
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings
  • Diagnosis and management of chyle leak following axillary dissection

    Sidapra, M., Fuller, M., Masannat, Y. A.
    Surgeon, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 360-364
    Contributions to Journals: Review articles
  • Incidence of male breast cancer in Scotland over a twenty-five-year period (1992 - 2017)

    Reddington, R., Galer, M., Hagedorn, A., Liu, P., Barrack, S., Husain, E., Sharma, R., Speirs, V., Masannat, Y.
    European Journal of Surgical Oncology, vol. 46, no. 8, pp. 1546-1550
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Lactate concentration in breast cancer using advanced magnetic resonance spectroscopy

    Cheung, S. M., Husain, E., Masannat, Y., Miller, I. D., Wahle, K., Heys, S. D., He, J.
    British Journal of Cancer, vol. 123, no. 2, pp. 261-267
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • International development and implementation of a core measurement set for research and audit studies in implant-based breast reconstruction: a study protocol

    Potter, S., Davies, C., Holcombe, C., Weiler-Mithoff, E., Skillman, J., Vidya, R., Masannat, Y., Weber, W., Heil, J., Wilson, S., Thrush, S., Whisker, L., Blazeby, J., Metcalfe, C., Avery, K.
    BMJ Open, vol. 10, no. 1, 035505
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Multifocal and multicentric breast cancer, is it time to think again?

    Masannat, Y. A., Agrawal, A., Maraqa, L., Fuller, M., Down, S. K., Tang, S., Pang, D., Kontos, M., Romics, L., Heys, S. D.
    Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, vol. 102, no. 1, pp. 62-66
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • q-Space Imaging Yields a Higher Effect Gradient to Assess Cellularity than Conventional Diffusion-weighted Imaging Methods at 3.0 T: A Pilot Study with Freshly Excised Whole-Breast Tumors

    Senn, N., Masannat, Y., Husain, E., Siow, B., Heys, S. D., He, J.
    Radiology: Imaging Cancer, vol. 1, no. 1, e190008
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Optimal Phased-Array Signal Combination For Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Measurement In Breast Cancer Using Multiple Quantum Coherence MR Spectroscopy At 3T

    Mallikourti, V., Cheung, S. M., Gagliardi, T., Masannat, Y., Heys, S. D., He, J.
    Scientific Reports, vol. 9, no. 1, 9259
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The impact of immediate breast reconstruction on the time to delivery of adjuvant therapy: the iBRA-2 study

    O'Connell, R. L., Rattay, T., Dave, R. V., Trickey, A., Skillman, J., Barnes, N. L. P., Gardiner, M., Harnett, A., Potter, S., Holcombe, C., Masannat, Y., iBRA-2 Steering Group, Breast Reconstruction Research Collaborative
    British Journal of Cancer, vol. 120, pp. 883-895
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Current practice and short-term outcomes of therapeutic mammaplasty in the international TeaM multicentre prospective cohort study

    O'Connell, R. L., Baker, E., Trickey, A., Rattay, T., Whisker, L., Macmillan, R. D., Potter, S., Masannat, Y., TeaM Steering Group
    British Journal of Surgery, vol. 105, no. 13, pp. 1778-1792
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • A population-based audit of surgical practice and outcomes of oncoplastic breast conservations in Scotland - An analysis of 589 patients

    Romics, L., Macaskill, E. J., Fernandez, T., Simpson, L., Morrow, E., Pitsinis, V., Tovey, S., Barber, M., Masannat, Y., Stallard, S., Weiler-Mithoff, E., Malyon, A., Mansell, J., Campbell, E. J., Doughty, J., Dixon, J. M.
    European Journal of Surgical Oncology, vol. 44, no. 7, pp. 939-944
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Pleomorphic LCIS what do we know?: A UK multicenter audit of pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in situ

    Masannat, Y. A., Husain, E., Roylance, R., Heys, S. D., Carder, P. J., Ali, H., Maurice, Y., Pinder, S. E., Sawyer, E., Shaaban, A. M.
    Breast, vol. 38, pp. 120-124
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Current margin practice and effect on re-excision rates following the publication of the SSO-ASTRO consensus and ABS consensus guidelines: a national prospective study of 2858 women undergoing breast-conserving therapy in the UK and Ireland

    Tang, S. S., Kaptanis, S., Haddow, J. B., Mondani, G., Elsberger, B., Tasoulis, M. K., Obondo, C., Johns, N., Ismail, W., Syed, A., Kissias, P., Venn, M., Sundaramoorthy, S., Irwin, G., Sami, A. S., Elfadl, D., Baggaley, A., Remoundos, D. D., Langlands, F., Charalampoudis, P., Barber, Z., Hamilton-Burke, W. L. S., Khan, A., Sirianni, C., Merker, L. A. G., Saha, S., Lane, R. A., Chopra, S., Dupré, S., Manning, A. T., St John, E. R., Musbahi, A., Dlamini, N., McArdle, C. L., Wright, C., Murphy, J. O., Aggarwal, R., Dordea, M., Bosch, K., Egbeare, D., Osman, H., Tayeh, S., Razi, F., Iqbal, J., Ledwidge, S. F. C., Albert, V., Masannat, Y.
    European Journal of Cancer, vol. 84, pp. 315-324
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Spontaneous bilateral breast haemorrhagic necrosis

    De Gabriele, S., Macmillan, M. T., Nomikos, A., Tahhan, M., Masannat, Y., Depasquale, I., Miller, I., Watson, H. G.
    British Journal of Haematology, vol. 176, no. 4, pp. 666-668
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Sentinel node biopsy using a magnetic tracer versus standard technique: the SentiMAG Multicentre Trial

    Douek, M., Klaase, J., Monypenny, I., Kothari, A., Zechmeister, K., Brown, D., Wyld, L., Drew, P., Garmo, H., Agbaje, O., Pankhurst, Q., Anninga, B., Grootendorst, M., Ten Haken, B., Hall-Craggs, M. A., Purushotham, A., Pinder, S., SentiMAG Trialists Group, Masannat, Y.
    Annals of Surgical Oncology, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 1237-1245
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Challenges in the management of pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in situ of the breast

    Masannat, Y. A., Bains, S. K., Pinder, S. E., Purushotham, A. D.
    Breast, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 194-196
    Contributions to Journals: Review articles
  • Conversion after laparoscopic cholecystectomy in England

    Hussain, A., Masannat, Y., Almusawy, H., Sinha, P.
    Surgical Endoscopy, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 668
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia: a case report

    Masannat, Y. A., Whitehead, S., Hawley, I., Apthorp, L., Shah, E. F.
    Case reports in surgery, vol. 2010, 549643
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Primary leiomyosarcoma of the male breast: a case report

    Masannat, Y., Sumrien, H., Sharaiha, Y.
    Case reports in surgery, vol. 2010, 534102
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
Show 10 | 25 | 50 | 100 results per page


Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Conferences

Contributions to Journals