Dr Shadi Hashem

Dr Shadi Hashem
Dr Shadi Hashem
Dr Shadi Hashem

Research Fellow

Email Address
Office Address
116 St. Mary's Building
Old Aberdeen Campus
Elphinstone Road
AB24 3UF

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School of Geosciences

Research Overview

My primary research interests focus on the field of Behavioural Economics, Agriculture and food supply chains and Entrepreneurship. Specifically, I’m interested in finding ways to promote sustainable production, supply chains and consumption.



Current Research

Currently, I’m a researcher in VISIONARY project. This project aims promote the sustainability of agri-food production systems by generating in-depth knowledge on drivers and barriers of food system transition towards sustainability.

For more info about the project, please find link to project website here: https://visionary-project.eu/.

Past Research

Examples of my work are the investigation of consumer behaviour and practices of sustainable food consumption,  understand how supply chain collaboration may enhance agriculture supply chains competitive performance, particularly for disadvantaged small scale farmers.

More recently, I was part of a research project on findings ways to promote the sustainability of Mediterranean fruit and vegetables supply chains through digital innovations (knowledge exchange hubs and blockchain), and optimisation of business models and voluntary sustainability standards.