Dr Nakkeeran Kaliyaperumal

Dr Nakkeeran Kaliyaperumal
Dr Nakkeeran Kaliyaperumal
Dr Nakkeeran Kaliyaperumal

PhD, Fellow IoP (FInstP), Fellow IET (FIET), Chartered Engineer (CEng), Senior Member IEEE, Senior Member OSA

Senior Lecturer

Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 272817
Office Address

369 Fraser Noble Building

School of Engineering

University of Aberdeen

Aberdeen AB24 3UE

School of Engineering



  • Hong Kong  (01/2002 - 02/2005) - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • France (11/1999 - 12/2001) - University of Bourgogne
  • India (01/1999 - 10/1998) - The Institute of Mathematical Sciences

PhD (1995-1998) - Nonlinear Fibre Optics - Anna University, India

MTech (1993-1995) - Laser & Electro Optical Engineering - Anna University, India

BEng (1989-1993) - Electronics & Communication Engineering - CIT, Bharathiar university, India

External Memberships

Membership of Professional Bodies

  • Institute of Physics (IoP) - Fellow IoP (FInstP)
  • Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET) - Fellow IET (FIET)
  • Institute for Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) - Senior Member IEEE (SMIEEE)
  • Senior Member of Optica (formally Optical Society of America OSA) - Senior Member Optica (SMOptica)
  • Chartered Engineer (CEng) - IET

Research Overview

  • Optical fibre sensors
  • Modelling & simulations of soft robotics
  • Optical fibre communications
  • Solitons in nonlinear fiber optics
  • Optical pulse compression
  • Fibre lasers
  • Supercontinuum generation
  • Design of photonic crystal fibres
  • Dispersion-managed solitons
  • Modelling of semiconductor lasers
  • Integrability aspects of nonlinear partial differential equations

Funding and Grants

Santander Mobility Awards 2018
Title: Multimode Nonlinear Optics in Photonic Crystal Fibres 
Amount: £ 980 (Travel & Subsistence)
Period of award: 6 months (Jun '18 – Dec '18)

The Research Grants Council (RGC) Hong Kong project PolyU 152173/17E (co-PI)
Title: Multimode Nonlinear Optics in Photonic Crystal Fibers 
Amount: HK$ 495,846
Period of award: 3 years (Jan '18 – Dec '20)

The Research Grants Council (RGC) Hong Kong project PolyU 152144/15E (co-PI)
Title: Generation of Few-Cycle Pulses in Fiber Lasers by Using Passive Similaritons in Anomalous Dispersion Fibers
Amount: HK$ 696,029
Period of award: 3 years (Jan '16 – Dec '18)

The Research Grants Council (RGC) Hong Kong project PolyU 5263/13E (co-PI)
Title: Frequency Domain Mode-Locked Lasers
Amount: HK$605,300
Period of award: 3 years (Jan '14 – Dec '16)

UK India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) Exchange Project (co-PI)
Title: Development of Optical Fibre based devices for Sensing Applications
Amount: £30,010 (Travel & Subsistence)
Period of project: 2 years (July '13 - June '15)

Northern Research Partnership PhD Studentship Project (co-PI)
Title: Development of non-invasive blood glucose monitoring system
Amount: £31,000 (PhD Studentship)
Period of project: 3 years (Dec '12 - Nov '15)

Hydro-Aluminium Consultancy Project (PI)
Title: Non-destructive techniques for identification and quantification of elemental changes in extruded aluminium
Amount: £11,800 (consultancy)
Period of project: 15 March – 30 June 2011

The Royal Society Short Visit (UK-Japan) (PI)
Title: Optical Pulse Compression Using Chirped Solitons
Amount: £2,580 (Travel & Subsistence)
Period of visit: 2 weeks in Jan '10

The Research Grants Council (RGC) Hong Kong project PolyU 5289/07E (co-PI)
Title: Design and Analysis of a Novel Non-uniform Fiber Bragg Grating Pulse Compressor
Amount: HK$462,000
Period of award: 2 years (Jan '08 – Dec '09)

The Research Grants Council (RGC) Hong Kong project HKU 7118/07E (co-PI)
Title: The NLS models with novel nonlinearities: their applications in capillarity and optics
Amount: HK$497,750
Period of award: 2 years (Jan '08 – Dec '09)

The Royal Society International Joint Project Grants Programme (UK-Brazil) (PI)
Title: Design and Simulation of Terrestrial Dispersion-Managed Optical Fibre Systems
Amount: £12,000 (Travel & Subsistence)
Period of award: 3 years (Nov '07 – Oct '10)

Scottish Funding Council (co-PI)
Title: Innovation Instrumentation Technologies for 21st Century Oil and Gas Industries in Scotland
Amount: £57,299
Period of award: 6 months (Jan '07 – June '07)

The Nuffield Foundation Newly Appointed Lecturer Award (PI)
Title: Design and simulation of DM optical fibre transmission systems
Amount: £5000 (Computer, Software, Travel & Subsistence)
Period of award: 2 years (May '06 – Apr '08)

The Libyan Cultural Affairs studentship & project (PI)
Title: Analytical design of WDM-DM optical fibre transmission systems
Amount: £2650 (Computer, Software & Subsistence) + PhD studentship
Period of award: 3 years (May '06 – Apr '09)

The Royal Society of Edinburgh International Exchange Programme (PI)
Title: Optical fibre communications
Amount: £800 (Travel)
Period of visit: 27 Mar '06 – 07 Apr '06

The Royal Society International Joint Project Grants Programme (UK-HK) (PI)
Title: Dynamics of optical pulses in averaged, dispersion-managed fibres
Amount: £6,000 (Travel & Subsistence)
Period of award: 2 years (Oct '05 – Sep '07)

The Sixth Century Studentship (University of Aberdeen) (PI)
Title: Transmission performance improvement of DM fibre systems using NOLM
Amount: PhD studentship
Period of Award: 3 years (Dec '05 – Nov '08)


Teaching Responsibilities

Lectures:                  C/C++ Programming (MEng/BEng)

                                 Electronics Design (MEng/BEng)

                                 Optical Systems & Sensing (MEng)

Laboratories:            Electrical & Electronics Circuits (MEng/BEng)

                                  C/C++ Programming (MEng/BEng)

Supervision:              PhD study

                                  MEng/BEng Honours degree projects

                                  MSc projects


Page 4 of 18 Results 31 to 40 of 174

  • Supercontinuum Generation in a Silicon Nanowire Embedded Photonic Crystal Fiber for Optical Coherence Tomography Applications

    Gunasundari, E., Senthilnathan, K., Ramesh Babu, P., Ebenezar, J., Nakkeeran, K.
    Recent Trends in Materials Science and Applications: Nanomaterials, Crystal Growth, Thin films, Quantum Dots, & Spectroscopy (Proceedings ICRTMSA 2016). Ebenezar, J. (ed.). Springer, pp. 71-88, 18 pages
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
  • Tapering photonic crystal fibers for generating self-similar ultrashort pulses at 1550 nm

    Manimegalai, A., Senthilnathan, K., Nakkeeran, K., Babu, P. R.
    Optical Engineering, vol. 55, no. 6, 067108
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Generation of a train of ultrashort pulses using periodic waves in tapered photonic crystal fibres

    Atubaa, S. O., Nakkeeran, K., Chow, K. W., Ramesh Babu, P., Manimegalaid, A., Senthilnathan, K.
    Journal of Modern Optics, vol. 63, no. 21, pp. 2246-2258
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Designing a biosensor using a stampli photonic quasi - crystal fiber

    Melwin, G., Chu, S., Aruna Gandhi, M. S., Ramesh Babu, P., Aphale, S. S., Nakkeeran, K., Senthilnathan, K.
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings
  • Design of a photonic quasi-crystal fiber for the generation of few cycle laser pulses

    Gandhi, M. S. A., Sivabalan, S., Babu, P. R., Nakkeeran, K., Senthilnathan, K.
    Infrared physics & technology, vol. 68, pp. 69-74
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Characteristics of femtosecond pulse in silicon nanowire embedded photonic crystal fiber: Variational approach

    Senthilnathan, K., Gunasundari, E., Abobaker, A. M., Sivabalan, S., Nakkeeran, K., Ramesh Babu, P.
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings
  • Enhanced efficiency of second harmonic generation with twelve-fold photonic quasi-crystal fiber in telecommunication band

    Bhattacharjee, R., Abobaker, A. M., Senthilnathan, K., Sivabalan, S., Nakkeeran, K., Ramesh Babu, P.
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings
  • Few-cycle pulse generation using solid-core photonic quasi-crystal fiber

    Senthilnathan, K., Aruna Gandhi, M. S., Sivabalan, S., Ramesh Babu, P., Abobaker, A. M., Nakkeeran, K.
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings
  • Supercontinuum generation in a silicon nanowire embedded photonic crystal fiber

    Gunasundari, E., Abobaker, A. M., Senthilnathan, K., Sivabalan, S., Nakkeeran, K., Ramesh Babu, P.
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings
  • Transmission properties of THz silicon photonic crystal fiber

    Abobaker, A. M., Gunasundari, E., Senthilnathan, K., Sivabalan, S., Nakkeeran, K., Ramesh Babu, P.
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings
Show 10 | 25 | 50 | 100 results per page


Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Conferences

Contributions to Journals