Dr Aideen O'Leary

Dr Aideen O'Leary
Dr Aideen O'Leary
Dr Aideen O'Leary

B.A., M.Litt. (Trinity College Dublin), Ph.D. (Cambridge)


Accepting PhDs

Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 273100
Office Address

Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies

School of Language & Literature
University of Aberdeen
King's College
Aberdeen AB24 3UB



Telephone: +44 (0)1224 273100

Email: a.oleary@abdn.ac.uk

School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture


Dr Aideen O’Leary is Director of the Research Centre for Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies, Programme Co-ordinator in Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies, and Race Equality Champion of the School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture, at the University of Aberdeen. She holds BA and MLitt degrees from the University of Dublin, Trinity College, and a PhD from the University of Cambridge. She has previously held appointments at University College Cork and the University of Notre Dame, USA.

Dr O'Leary's principal research interests lie in the interactions between the Celtic and Anglo-Saxon worlds and Latin literature. Publications include Trials and Translations: the Latin Origins of the Irish Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles (Aberdeen, 2013), and ‘The Heretic and the Hibernophobe: Foreign Perceptions of Ireland from Antiquity to c. AD 1200’ in the Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies. She has received several external grants for individual and collaborative research, and has organised a series of events at Aberdeen entitled ‘Subversions of Classical Learning’.

Memberships and Affiliations

Internal Memberships

Race Equality Champion, School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture

Director, Research Centre for Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies

Academic Line Manager, School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture

Programme Co-ordinator (Discipline Leader), Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies


School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture Committees:

Current (Spring 2024): Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Research Committee, Education Committee

2012 onwards: Research Committee (to 2017), Teaching and Learning Committee (to 2019), Postgraduate Committee (2012-2016), and Impact Committee (to 2017)


Member of the University Race Equality Network and Women's Development Network

Ordinary Member of UCU Committee, University of Aberdeen branch (2022-2024)


External Memberships





Research Overview

My main research interests lie in the interactions between the Celtic and Anglo-Saxon worlds and Latin literature, and New Testament apocrypha.

I am happy to consider PhD research proposals in any of these areas.

Research Areas

Accepting PhDs

I am currently accepting PhDs in Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Studies.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your research ideas further.

Email Me

Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Studies

Accepting PhDs

Research Specialisms

  • Ancient History
  • Celtic Studies
  • Medieval History
  • Medieval Latin Language
  • Modern Languages

Our research specialisms are based on the Higher Education Classification of Subjects (HECoS) which is HESA open data, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.

Current Research

I am completing a monograph on the political, historical and religious implications of the mediaeval legend that St John the Baptist was killed by an Irish druid.

I am working on a new critical edition of Eadmer's Historia Nouorum in Anglia, 'History of Recent Events in England', a text which is essential for our understanding of England and its external relations in the eleventh and twelfth centuries.

Several articles are also in press or currently in progress.


Selected Publications

Learning Old English (ed., with Zhangfeng Xu). A new multimedia edition of the University of Aberdeen language course created by the late Dr Duncan Macrae-Gibson (Aberdeen University Press, November 2019). To order, email aup@abdn.ac.uk.

'Contested Consecrations and the Pursuit of Ecclesiastical Independence in Scotland and Ireland in the Early 1120s', North American Journal of Celtic Studies 2.2 (2018), 155-78

'Constructing the Magical Biography of the Irish Druid Mog Ruith', in Magic and Magicians in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time: The Occult in Pre-Modern Sciences, Medicine, Literature, Religion and Astrology, ed. Albrecht Classen (Berlin and Boston, MA,, 2017), pp. 219-29


Trials and Translations: the Latin Origins of the Irish Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles, 2 vols (Aberdeen, 2013)


‘The Heretic and the Hibernophobe: Foreign Perceptions of Ireland from Antiquity to c. AD 1200’, Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies 7.1 (2013), 1-51  Available at:https://www.abdn.ac.uk/riiss/content-images/JISSv7.1_sample.pdf


‘“Soldiers Strong in the Strife”: Passiones as Cynewulf’s Sources on the Apostles’, Anglo-Saxon 4 (2010), 121-43

‘Sex, Satire and Sanctity in Moriuht: a Foreigner’s View of Mediaeval Irish Penitence’, Mediaeval Scandinavia 20 (2010), 133-40

Tallaght, Bishop Mael Ruain, and the Culdees: Six Texts on Discipline and Memory (pamphlet) (Cambridge, 2008)

‘By the Bishop of Babylon? The Origins of the Collected Latin Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles’, in The Legacy of M.R. James, ed. L. Dennison (Donington: Shaun Tyas/Paul Watkins, 2002), pp. 128-38

‘Apostolic Passiones in Early Anglo-Saxon England’, in Apocryphal Texts and Traditions in Anglo-Saxon England, edd. Kathryn Powell and Donald Scragg, Publications of the Manchester Centre for Anglo-Saxon Studies, 2 (Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, 2003), pp. 103-19

‘Mog Ruith and Apocalypticism in Eleventh-century Ireland’, in The Individual in Celtic Literatures, ed. J.F. Nagy (Celtic Studies Association of North America Yearbook 1) (Dublin, 2001), pp. 51-60

Knowledge Exchange

‘Great Aberdonians’ -- speaker on the ‘Aberdonian History of Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Studies’, May Festival 2016

‘Humans, Vegans or Robots? Satirical Views of Humanity in Film and Literature’ -- event organiser, and contributor on ancient Roman satire, ‘Skeptics in the Pub’, Being Human Festival of the Humanities, November 2014

‘The Poet, the Druid and the Professor: a Research Showcase in Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Studies’ -- event organiser, and contributor on ‘Druidic Apocalypse’ project, May Festival 2014

‘Viking Tea Break’ -- contributor on the effects of Vikings on Ireland, May Festival 2013

Funding and Grants

Recent External Research Grants

Royal Society of Edinburgh Arts & Humanities Small Grant, 2015-16, for Druidic Apocalypse and Church Reform in Mediaeval Ireland -- research at Cambridge University Library and conference dissemination

British Academy/Leverhulme Trust Small Grant, 2015-17, for Druidic Apocalypse and Church Reform in Mediaeval Ireland -- research at the Warburg Institute Library, University of London, and conference dissemination

Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland Research Incentive Grant, 2016-17, for A New Critical Edition of Eadmer’s ‘History of Recent Events in England’ -- research at the Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and conference dissemination


Recent Internal Research Grants

School of Language and Literature, University of Aberdeen, grant to conduct research at the Huntington Library, San Marino, CA, and to attend the CSANA conference at UCLA, February-March 2018

School of Language and Literature, University of Aberdeen, grant to conduct research at the Warburg Institute Library, University of London, April 2017

Santander Mobility Award, for visit to Cambridge University Library, May 2015

School of Language and Literature, University of Aberdeen, grant to conduct research at the Warburg Institute Library, University of London, April 2015

Principal’s Excellence Fund, University of Aberdeen, grant to present a paper, ‘The Druid Mog Ruith, the “Irish Apocalypse” of 1096 and the Western Church’, at the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, October 2014

School of Language and Literature, University of Aberdeen, grant to present a paper, ‘Scots, Sots and Stereotypes: Anglo-Saxon and Carolingian Encounters with Ireland’, at the Medieval Academy of America Conference, University of California, Los Angeles, and to conduct research at the Huntington Library, San Marino, CA, April 2014


Conference Grants for ‘Subversions of Classical Learning’ Research Theme

(Organiser, on behalf of the Sir Herbert Grierson Centre for Textual Criticism and Comparative Literary History and the Centre for Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies, University of Aberdeen)

External Grants

Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature, Event Sponsorship for ‘Subversions of Classical Learning: a Conference to Commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Sir Herbert Grierson’, January 2016

Institute of Classical Studies, University of London, Conference Grant for symposium on ‘Reviving the Dead: Classical Imitation in Renaissance Literature’, May 2015 (collaborative application)

Internal Grants

Principal’s Interdisciplinary Fund, and Centre for Early Modern Studies, University of Aberdeen, grants for ‘Subversions of Classical Learning: a Conference to Commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Sir Herbert Grierson’, January 2016

Centre for Early Modern Studies, and School of Language and Literature,, University of Aberdeen, grants for symposium on ‘Reviving the Dead: Classical Imitation in Renaissance Literature’, May 2015

School of Language and Literature, University of Aberdeen, grant for workshop on ‘Satirical Voices: (Re)Imagining Satire from Antiquity to the Present’, May 2014




  • Celtic Scotland: Gaelic Cultural Moments from the Middle Ages to the Present

    Celtic Scotland: Gaelic Cultural Moments from the Middle Ages to the Present

    The course explores key cultural moments created through broadly Celtic inspiration at home and among the Scottish Diaspora. Our cultural study spans 1600 years, from the early Middle Ages to the Scottish Languages Bill (2023). Topics include St Andrew, mediaeval manuscripts, shinty and hurling, and Celtic inspirations in film and music. Comparative topics include St Patrick, Vikings, and the film Afro-Gàidheil.

Teaching Responsibilities

Courses I am teaching in Academic Year 2024-25:

Celtic Scotland: Gaelic Cultural Moments from the Middle Ages to the Present (Honours)

Modern Irish Language (Level 1; 2 semesters)

'The Celts, their Neighbours and the Classical World' (large Level 2 course)

Introduction to Old English Language (Honours)

Independent Study in Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies (Honours; 2 semesters)

Dissertation in Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies (Honours) -- Co-ordinator


Courses I taught in Autumn 2023:

Old English Language -- as Independent Study in Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies (Honours)

Brittonic Language -- Mediaeval Welsh (Honours; 2 semesters)

Modern Irish Language (Level 1; 2 semesters)

'Arthur in Mediaeval Celtic and Scandinavian Literature' (large Level 2 course)


Other/previous teaching responsibilities:

Old Gaelic Language (Honours; 2 semesters) – every other year

Independent Study in Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies (Honours) – I have taught various subjects including Old English, twelfth-century history, and mediaeval religion.

'Saints, Demons and the Desert' (Divinity course -- lecture contributions on the early Church in the Gaelic world, and the Culdees and their texts)‘

Lectures, tutorials and co-ordination for the large team-taught course ‘Barbarians, Romans, Gods and Warriors’ (Level 1)


Non-course Teaching Responsibilities

Personal Tutor -- student support and pastoral care