University of Aberdeen and EIS announce partnership

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University of Aberdeen and EIS announce partnership

Teachers are set to benefit under measures agreed between the University of Aberdeen and the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS).

The two institutions have forged a partnership to provide professional learning and development opportunities for teachers. They will work together to develop a menu of courses, conferences and research opportunities designed to meet the needs of primary and secondary teachers at different stages in their careers.

Jack Barnett, Ex President of the EIS and a former graduate of the University, said: "We want a partnership with Aberdeen because it is a University which is prepared to take forward the continuous professional development (CPD) agenda for teachers in an innovative and imaginative way, with the emphasis on practical action research."

The partnership will focus on four key areas – Inclusion, A Curriculum for Excellence, Leadership and Management, and Mentoring and Coaching – which will allow teachers to pursue their particular areas of professional interest.

The EIS currently has a number of similar partnership agreements with other Scottish universities.

Across the North of Scotland a network of support for teachers will be established to complement career guidance already offered by local authorities and schools.  This will involve local teams comprised of University tutors, EIS Learning Representatives and Chartered Teachers who will help teachers plan every step of their CPD pathway.

Myra Pearson, Head of the University of Aberdeen's School of Education, said the partnership would bring significant benefits to teachers.

"It will support teachers in the early stages of their careers and help them focus their continuous professional development activities in a coherent fashion."

 Mr Barnett added: "It is the view of the EIS that supporting the professional development of teachers –  at whatever stage of their career they might be – is absolutely central to our aim of promoting sound learning and providing a world class quality educational system in Scotland."

The first EIS University of Aberdeen joint conference is planned for Saturday 19th May and will focus on Enhancing Inclusive Practice.  It will take place in the School of Education, University of Aberdeen.

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