Computing Department Seminar. Hautli-Janisz on "Annotating aspects of deliberation in political negotiations"

Computing Department Seminar. Hautli-Janisz on "Annotating aspects of deliberation in political negotiations"

This is a past event

Abstract: This talk revolves around the concept of deliberation and whether and how it can be automatically manifested in discourse. One of the key points of the talk is the operationalization of this rather abstract notion, which orignates from political science and assumes that participants in a multilog, i.e. a multi-party conversation, justify their positions truthfully, rationally and respectfully and eventually defer to the better argument. To that end, I will present the relevant dimensions that determine deliberation in discourse and the linguistically-motivated system that annotates the  dimensions in German political negotiations. Among other modules, one focus lies on annotating how speakers relate to their own utterances and to those of other participants in the discourse. I will also present an innovative visualization system that has been developed in order to interpret patterns of deliberation across a discourse as well as for individual speakers.

Bio:  Annette Hautli-Janisz got her PhD from the University of Konstanz and has worked on several areas of theoretical and computational linguistics. Her main interests lie in the automatic extraction of aspects of deliberation in political negotiations, the linguistically-informed computational analysis of Urdu and Hindi and the visualization of linguistic patterns.

Annette Hautli-Janisz
Hosted by
Alice Toniolo
Meston 5