The Thomas Reid Collecting Prize

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The Thomas Reid Collecting Prize

This is a past event

£500 TO GROW YOUR COLLECTION. The Thomas Reid Collecting Prize 2023/24 is open for applications.

Thomas Reid Collecting Prize

The Thomas Reid Collecting Prize is part of the Scottish Universities Book Collecting Prize Scheme, intended to encourage the collection of the printed word in physical form among the students of Scotland’s ancient universities.

The prize is named after Thomas Reid (d.1624), a great book collector who gave more than 1300 volumes to the University of Aberdeen.The Thomas Reid Collecting Prize is open to all registered students of the University of Aberdeen.

Applications may include the printed word in any physical form, from books to match tickets to film posters.

The collection can be of any size, and does not have to be complete by the date of submission.

ThomasReid Collecting PrizeThe winner will be awarded £500 to spend on an item or items for their own collection. They will also win the opportunity to work with professional Museums and Special Collections staff to identify items worth up to £250 which will enhance the University Special Collections.

This prize has been endowed by Dr William Zachs and is administered by the University of Aberdeen Museums & Special Collections & Development Trust.

Apply now

The deadline for applications is midnight on Friday 16th February.

Thomas Reid Collecting Prize


If you would like further information please email