Research Seminar - Dr Zeray Yihdego

Research Seminar - Dr Zeray Yihdego

This is a past event

The Legality of Arming Non-state Actors: International Law at Cross Roads

Dr Zeray Yihdego from the University of Aberdeen will speak as part of the Law School's research seminar series 2014-15 on 'The Legality of Arming Non-state Actors: International Law at Cross Roads'.


The duty of non-intervention upon the affairs of a sovereign state bans arming, financing and training armed groups of a third state as fully endorsed by the International Court of Justice in Nicaragua v. USA and other similar cases.  This is why States do not ‘normally’ and openly supply with weapons to armed groups of another State.   However, several countries are overtly arming Kurdish and other Syrian rebels to fight the Islamic State (also referred to as The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant [ISIL]) in Iraq and Syria. This paper examines whether this practice contravenes, or complies with, the non-intervention norm in the light of general international law, the recently adopted UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) and the responses of the international community to the practice at issue.  It will submit that this situation is unprecedented, which may well challenge/or reinforce the application and validity of the duty of non-intervention under international law.

Hosted by
School of Law
New King's NK11

This event is free of charge; no booking is necessary.

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