Energy Arbitration Seminar on Mining Arbitration in Africa and Latin America

Energy Arbitration Seminar on Mining Arbitration in Africa and Latin America

This is a past event

Peter Hirst will be talking about his experience in mining arbitration in Africa and Latin America as well as career opportunities in international arbitration

Peter Hirst will be talking about his experience in mining arbitration in Africa and Latin America.

Peter has arbitrated and litigated in more than 50 international jurisdictions, from the Far East, Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa, US and South America where he has wide variety of experience in all arbitral institutions and areas of commercial law.  Peter is a fellow of the Indian Counsel of Arbitration and registered foreign lawyer of the Brazilian Bar (OAB).

Peter sits as an arbitrator and mediator and as well as being an accredited CEDR mediator is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.

Peter is noted in Chambers as "proactive and streetwise" and "an excellent negotiator, who knows how the industry works".

All welcome, no need to register.


Peter Hirst
Hosted by
Gloria Alvarez
The Sir Duncan Rice Library Room 224

No need to book, please join us on the day