Lord Reed: "Judges and Their Travels" - the inaugural Lord Rodger Lecture

Lord Reed: "Judges and Their Travels" - the inaugural Lord Rodger Lecture

This is a past event

For more than 20 years, at the invitation of David Carey Miller, Alan Rodger came to Aberdeen to deliver an annual lecture to the students on the Universities of Baltimore and Maryland Summer School on Comparative Law.

Lord Rodger’s long-standing connection with the summer school is to be commemorated by a series of lectures. The first such lecture will be delivered by Lord Reed, one of the current Scottish Justices on the UK Supreme Court. Lord Reed will speak on the topic of “Judges and their Travels”. The Lecture will be chaired by Lord Hope, for many years Lord Rodger’s friend and colleague in the House of Lords and the Supreme Court.

The Lecture shall be given in the main Auditorium of the Kings College Conference Centre at 6.00 p.m. on 15 July 2016 and shall be followed by a wine reception.

The Lecture has been generously sponsored by Cloch solicitors, whose chairman, Philip Hannay, was a participant on the Summer School in 1999.

Attendance at the lecture is free, but in order to reserve a place please complete an online reservation, using the following link:


Kings College Conference Centre