Essential maintenance to computing services - Saturday 24th July 2010

Essential maintenance to computing services - Saturday 24th July 2010

No availability of some key computing services and restricted availability to other services.

What is happening?

On Saturday 24th July essential maintenance to the electrical and mechanical facilities, within our Edward Wright Building Data Centre, will mean that there will be no availability of some key computing services and restricted availability to others. The service outage will run from 08:00 on Saturday the 24th July until 18:00 the same day.

This will affect H: drives, printing, file storage and corporate applications.

A summary of service availability is shown in the table below, a detailed view is available via this weblink. All services provisioned from the Medicine domain at Foresterhill and those supplied to Aberdeen Sports Village, Kings College Conference Centre, Old Townhouse and Hillhead will be unaffected.

Data Centre Outage

What should you do?

If you intend to work you should be aware that most DIT services such as printing, file storage and most corporate applications will not be available and that you should save any work on a local storage regularly to minimise any work loss during this period.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Should you have any concerns or queries please contact the DIT Service Desk: