IMPORTANT: Essential maintenance to Network in Inverness - Saturday 13th February 2010

IMPORTANT: Essential maintenance to Network in Inverness - Saturday 13th February 2010

Essential maintenance to Raigmore network

What is happening?

University of Highlands and Islands Engineers will be carrying out maintenance to their main data centre in Inverness.  This work will take place between 8am – 5pm Saturday 13th February 2010.  As a result all University of Aberdeen network connections at Raigmore will be disrupted for this time period.

What should you do?

During this time, there will be interruptions to the Undergraduate Teaching Centre (Staff and Classroom), the Centre for Rural Health and the Resnet in the Student residences and therefore network connections should be considered at risk, with the possibility of extended periods of network outage.Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.