Windows updates - Saturday 17 March - 1am to 5am

Windows updates - Saturday 17 March - 1am to 5am

Substantial updates may lead to a longer initial logon time on Monday morning

What is happening?

Digital & Information Services are deploying substantial Windows updates during the IT maintenance window on Saturday 17 March.

What should you do?

Save any work and log off of your computer on Friday night before you leave. On Monday morning, some of you may experience a longer initial logon time. This is expected behaviour.


Microsoft release monthly security updates for all Windows computers. One of the critical updates this month is a major update of Windows 10. Approximately 500 computers will download and install the major Windows 10 update automatically over the weekend. It is those 500 PCs that will have the longer logon time on Monday morning.

We apologise for any inconvenience.