Network Outage 24th March

Network Outage 24th March

Unplanned network outage

There is a strong chance you may lose your network connectivity and telephony sometime in the next 2 hours.

At present, our Foresterhill Campus is experiencing a campus wide unplanned network outage.  This was initially believed to be a mains power failure, however, we have now ascertained that the main network fibre between the campuses appears to have been severed.

Our engineers are investigating the exact cause of the fibre cut.  The suspicion is that building work somewhere on the Foresterhill campus may have dug through an essential duct somewhere.

Please be aware that phone and computer connections across both campuses are affected.  Phones at Old Aberdeen have a dependency on some servers at Foresterhill.  These servers are offline due to the network fibre loss.

Our next update will be issued at 1pm or sooner should we have more news.