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Page 6 of 14 (Results 251 to 300 of 653) Results ordered by Publication Place, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Bryan, Jacob. The workes of ... Alexander Read ... Containing: I, Chirurgicall lectures of tumors and ulcers, II, A treatise of the... Read, A. London 1650
Boswel, Alex. Archaeologia graeca, or, The antiquities of Greece. (2 vols.) Potter, J. London 1706
Beattie, James Hay Select fables of Esop and other fabulists. Dodsley, R. London 1770
Beattie, James Tales in verse. Pinkerton, J. London 1782
Beattie, James Sympathy. Pratt, S.J. London 1781
Beattie, James The pursuits of literature. Mathias, T.J. London
Beattie, James The fane of the druids: a poem. Ogilvie, J. London 1789
Beattie, James Historical account of the grand tragic ballet, called Medaea and Jason, as it is performed with uncommon applause at the... London 1781
Beattie, James The execution of Sir Charles Bawdin. Chatterton, T. London 1772
Boswell, David The abridgment of the history of the Reformation of the Church of England. Burnet, G. London 1682
Boswell, James The abridgment of the history of the Reformation of the Church of England. Burnet, G. London 1682
Boswell, Alexander (Lord Auchinleck) The works of Armand de Bourbon, Prince of Conti. Conti, Armand de Bourbon. London 1711
Boswell, Alexander (Lord Auchinleck) Critical reflections on poetry, painting and music, with an inquiry into the rise and progress of the theatrical entertainments of... Du Bos, J. London 1748
Boswell, Alexander (Lord Auchinleck) An essay concerning human understanding. Locke, J. London 1721
Blackhall, Alex. Christianographie. Pagitt, E. London 1636
Liddel, Duncan The historie of Guiccardin: containing the warres of Italie and other parts, continued for manie yeares under sundrie kings and... Guiccardini, F. London 1618
Leslaeus, G. Analecta ecclesiasticarum exercitationum: collectore Richardo Montacutio. Montagu, R. London 1622
Letherland, J. The new attractive: containing a short discourse of thee Magnes of Loadstone, and amongst other his vertues, of a new... Norman, R. London 1585
Lloyd, R. El Testamento Nuevo de nuestro Senor Iesu Christo. London 1596
Brooks, Hugh Cecil The life of the fields. Jefferies, R. London 1902
A......, Bella Kerala; the land of palms, by I.H. Hacker. Followed by Through the eyes of the island children, by Basil Matthews. Hacker, I. H. London 1912
A., A. W. The life of the fields. Jefferies, R. London 1902
Johnston, William Medicinal experiments. Boyle, R. London 1693
Booth, Williamson The life of the fields. Jefferies, R. London 1902
Sutherland, G. Philosophicall rudiments concerning government and society. Or, A dissertation concerning man in his severall habitudes and respects, as the member... Hobbes, T. London 1651
Sudderland, James Philosophicall rudiments concerning government and society. Or, A dissertation concerning man in his severall habitudes and respects, as the member... Hobbes, T. London 1651
Lumley (John, Lord) A treatise, wherein is declared the sufficiencie of English medicines, for cure of all diseases, cured with medicines. Whereunto is... Bright, T. London 1615
A., I. Medicinal experiments. Boyle, R. London 1693
Read, Alex. Insectorum sive minimorum animalium theatrum. Moufet, T. London 1634
Wiskert [Wishart], Wolter Actes and monuments of these latter and perillous dayes, touching matters of the Church. Foxe, J. London 1563
Wilsonne, John G. Haddoni lucubrationes passim collectae, & editae. Haddon, W. London 1567
Common Library of Aberdeen The whole works of W. Tyndall, John Frith, and Doct. Barnes. Tyndale, W. London 1571-3
Adamson, John Diversi tractatus theologici, ab Hadriano Saravia editi. Saravia, H. London 1611
B., J. Analysis logica in Epistolam Pauli Apostoli ad Galatas. Rollock, R. London 1602
Rogers, Hester An exposition of the creed. Pearson, John London 1723
Hester, Rogers The iliad of Homer Homer London 1720-1721
Rogers, Hester Miscellanies Swift, Jonathan London 1731
Gant, Archibald An inquiry into the human mind, on the principles of common sense. Reid, T. London 1764
Jamesone, Williame A regiment for the sea. Bourne, William London 1576
Hamilton, Alexander XCVI Sermons. Andrewes, L. London 1629
Hamilton, Christine XCVI Sermons. Andrewes, L. London 1629
Hume, Patrick XCVI Sermons Andrewes, L. London 1629
Scott, John XCVI Sermons. Andrewes, L. London 1629
Abercrombie, Alexander, of Glassaugh A further discovery of bees, heating of the nature, government, generation and preservation of the bee... Rusden, M. London 1679
Abercromby of Birkenbog The farmer's compleat guide through all the articles of his profession. Ball, J. London 1760
Abercromby of Birkenbog Dictionarium botanicum. Bradley, R. London 1728
Abercromby of Birkenbog Modern Eden. Rutter, J. London 1767
Abercromby, Jean A week's conversation on the plurality of worlds. Fontenelle, M de. London 1757
Abercromby, Thomas S. A week's conversation on the plurality of worlds. Fontenelle, M de. London 1757
Aberdeen Church of Scotland Training College, Senior Female Students History of England from 1685. Macaulay, T. B. London 1889