Ioan. Damasceni viri suo tempore in divinis primatum tenentis, omnia quae hactenus & a noblis & ab ailis haberi potuerunt opera, ad vetustiora Graecorum exemplaria collata atque emendata. Sunt antem haec. De orthodoxa fide, Iacobo Fabro Stapulense interprete, lib III. Quantum bona opera viventium defuntis prosint, Ioanne Oecolampadio interpete, sermo. Praeterea historia Iosaphat & Barlaam, quam ferunt Trapezontium transtulisse. Eisudem Damasceni vita, Ioanne Oecolampadio interprete.
- Owner
- Forbes, William, of Tolquhone (1528-1596)
- Author
- John of Damascus, St.
- Publication Place
- Basel
- Publication Year
- 1535
- Date of Provenance
- 1588
- Type of Provenance
- Signature
- Shelfmark
- pi f276 Joh - Search the Library Catalogue
Other Book Owners
- Forbes-Leith, J., of Whitehaugh (d.1781)
- Reid, Robert (c.1500-1558)
- Mackenzie, John Whitefoord, Esq. (1794-1884)
- Aberdeen Diocesan Library
- Brodie, T. Dawson, Sir