- Protecting yourself and your personal data when applying for vacancies
We aim to ensure that vacancies published on MyCareerHub are suitable for students and graduates and are from legitimate companies and organisations. However, it is your responsibility to consider the advertised details and undertake your own research before you apply, and to be alert to possible fraudulent activity during and following the application process.
This guide is full of advice on how to identify, and protect yourself against, fraudulent activity when applying for opportunities.
Read our guide.
- Confidentiality
The Careers and Employability Service works in accordance with the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS) code of practice. The guidance process is confidential, and we aim to make this clear to everyone we see for careers advice and guidance. We will not pass on personal information without the individual's prior permission. We will make any limitations on this absolutely clear at the earliest possible stage, including:
Individual discussions may take place in an area that is not private.
Within the Careers and Employability Service, information is shared on a need-to-know basis. The need to know may be concerned with the needs of the individual or with the need to maintain and develop an effective service, including the development of staff.
The right, in exceptional circumstances, to pass on personal information, where there is a legal or 'duty of care' imperative. This will happen only in very exceptional circumstances, and will normally take place only following consultation with a member of the Service's Management Team and, where appropriate, reference to the University's Ethical Framework on the Boundaries of Confidentiality. Even in these circumstances, we would normally seek to explain this to the individual concerned.
The factual data an individual gives to the Service is used to compile anonymous statistics about the use of the Service. Careers staff may also keep notes on meetings with individuals to help them in their work with that individual. Other careers staff may have access to such notes, for example, where an individual has been referred for a follow-up session with another adviser. This information is normally kept for five years after completion of undergraduate or postgraduate studies, or, in the case of Research Staff, for the period that an individual is eligible to use the Service.
- Privacy
At the University of Aberdeen Careers and Employability Service, we respect the privacy of people who use our website and systems, and when personal information is used we do so in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection regulation (GDPR). More information at www.abdn.ac.uk/privacy
In order to administer our website, provide email alert services and consult on our work, the University of Aberdeen Careers and Employability Service occasionally captures personal data. This is done in the following ways:
Site access. The web site monitors access to the site for the purpose of system administration of the web server and statistical monitoring of web site usage. This may include 'cookies'. A cookie is a message given to a web browser by a web server. The message is then stored by the browser in a text file called cookie.txt. Every time the browser obtains a page from the server this cookie message is sent back. A cookie can be used to identify users and personalise their visit by customising web pages for them
On CareerHub, the password protected section of the website, users will voluntarily provide information on their personal preferences for the type of work they are seeking, and their occupation related skills. They may also choose to record other personal information that can help the careers service provide a better service. Registered users can change, add and delete these preferences at any time.
Privacy statements for CareerHub:
This privacy policy covers the University of Aberdeen Careers and Employability Service website and CareerHub. Any links from this site to other web sites are not covered by this policy.
- Employer guide for advertising opportunities
Read the guide linked below for information on:
- The types of opportunity that we advertise and what we consider when checking opportunities
- Our responsibilities for providing an effective and efficient service for advertising opportunities
- Disclaimer
All links from this web site have been selected by Careers and Employability Service staff. Links are provided for information only. We cannot accept responsibility for the sites linked to, or the information found there. A link does not imply an endorsement of a site; likewise, not linking to a particular site does not imply lack of endorsement.
While we have taken every care to compile accurate information and to keep it up-to-date, we cannot guarantee its correctness and completeness. The information provided on this site does not constitute business, medical or other professional advice, and is subject to change. We do not accept responsibility for any loss, damage or expense resulting from the use of this information.
We cannot guarantee uninterrupted access to this website, or the sites to which it links. We accept no responsibility for any damages arising from the loss or use of this information.
- Complaints and feedback
If you have a complaint about any aspect of the careers or co-curricular provision, please explain the cause for your concern and ask the member of careers staff to provide a satisfactory answer or resolution. If you would prefer not to talk to the responsible staff member, then please raise the matter with the Head of the Careers and Employability Service. You are able to contact the individuals in the following ways:
Ask for an appointment by sending an email to careers@abdn.ac.uk.
Send a direct email to the Head of the Careers and Employability Service, Tracey Innes, t.innes@abdn.ac.uk.
We anticipate that, by ensuring that all matters are considered informally at an early stage, problems can and will be resolved quickly and effectively at a local level. However, if you remain dissatisfied with the outcome or do not wish to discuss it locally, you are advised to follow the University's Complaints Handling Procedure. When a complaint is made the individual concerned will be informed of the procedure and assured of the confidentiality of the proceedings.
- Copyright
Unless otherwise noted, all materials contained in this site are copyrighted and may not be used except as provided in these terms and conditions or in the copyright notice or other proprietary notice provided with the relevant materials.
The materials contained in the site may be downloaded or copied provided that ALL copies retain the copyright and any other proprietary notices contained on the materials. No material may be modified, edited or taken out of context such that its use creates a false or misleading statement or impression as to the positions, statements or actions of the University of Aberdeen Careers and Employability Service.