The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council BBSRC - Research Council Awards

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The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council BBSRC - Research Council Awards


The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) is the UK's principal funder of basic and strategic biological research.


Please note, this scholarship is only available for Aberdeen campus students.

To deliver its mission, BBSRC supports research and research training in universities and research centers throughout the UK, including BBSRC -sponsored institutes; and promotes knowledge transfer from research to applications in business, industry and policy, and public engagement in the biosciences.


The funding is intended for: current and potential supervisors in university departments, research institutes or other approved bodies; students approaching the end of their undergraduate studies who wish to undertake further training and/or research; and those already holding a BBSRC studentship; universities and colleges in Great Britain and research institutes that are eligible to receive BBSRC studentships; companies wishing to collaborate with universities or eligible research institutes in providing research training; university careers staff who advise students on career choices.

Application Procedure

Information on the application procedure can be found here.


Available until further notice.

Further Info

More information about the scholarship

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Research Areas
How to Apply