Invasive pines in Argentina

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Invasive pines in Argentina

With the goal of adaptive management of invasive Pinus contorta populations in northwest Patagonia (Argentina), we are simulating different aspects of P. contorta invasions using Range Shifter as our modelling platform. We will model P. contorta population growth and spread, as well as its impacts on native grasslands and the effectiveness of different management strategies to counteract these impacts. We are carrying out field work to obtain data for the parameterisation of our simulation models. In this regard, we have evaluated the impacts of P. contorta invasion on native grassland productivity. In addition, we will engage with the different stakeholders involved with invasive P. contorta in the region to discuss possible management strategies and co-develop management simulation scenarios.

We will also set up management plots in the field to assess different management strategies of P. contorta invasive populations with the aim of reducing their impacts. On the other hand, we are using existing data to parameterise other aspects of our simulation models, such as some demographic rates and seed dispersal. Once we finish adjusting the parameters for our simulation models for invasive P. contorta populations we will test our model predictions with independent field data. Furthermore, we have been training undergraduate Biology students from “Universidad Nacional del Comahue”.