Course Code
BM 2009
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr I Stewart


SM 1001; SM 1501; CM 1015 or CM 1016; CM 1510


SM 2001; BI 20M3; BI 20B2


This course is restricted to students on the degree of BSc Biomedical Sciences. The practical work required in this course may pose difficulties to students with some disabilities. If this arises alternative arrangements will be made. Any student wishing to discuss this further should contact the School Disability Co-ordinator.


The course is prosection based and thus consists of student led group work centred on prosections of a cadaver. Specific learning objectives are given for each practical. Other resources used are anatomical models. The course concentrates on the study of the locomotor system (limbs and back), the respiratory and cardiovascular system, alimentary system and nervous system as they are arrayed in the thorax and abdomen.


2 two-hour practical classes per week and 1½-hour tutorial/short talk per week.


1st Attempt: 1 two-hour written and practical examination (60%) and in-course assessment (40%). 4 in-course assessments, each worth 10% of final total. Each in-course assessment using questions in same style as those to be included in final exam and carried out under exam conditions.

Resit: 1 two-hour written and practical examination (100%).

Formative Assessment

1 in-course assessment using questions in same style as those to be included in final exam and carried out under exam conditions. Carried out prior to summative in-course assessment.


Model answers provided to students immediately after each in-course formative or summative assessment, and marked scripts returned to provide continuous feedback as to performance.

Weekly list of sample questions provided in hard copy with model answers provided the following week.