Senior Lecturer in Accountancy
Senior Lecturer
- About
- Email Address
- thereza.deaguiar@abdn.ac.uk
- Telephone Number
- +44 (0)1224 274357
- Office Address
Universty of Aberdeen Business School
MacRobert Building - Office 718
Kings College
AB24 5UA
- School/Department
- Business School
Dr de Aguiar received her PhD in Accounting from the University of St. Andrews. She is, currently, Senior Lecturer in Accountancy at the University of Aberdeen. Previously, she worked at the University of Glasgow and Herriot-Watt University as Lecturer in Accountancy. She also taught in an MSc on Carbon Management, which was a partnership between the University of Glasgow and Crichton Carbon Centre. Before her academic career, Dr de Aguiar worked for five years in two power companies: COELCE and FECSA (ENDESA Group) in Brazil and Spain, respectively. She was the Head of the Revenue and Control Division and subsequently, the Head of Studies and Financing Department at COELCE. Afterwards, she participated in ENDESA’s international study programme in FECSA, while studying her Masters degree in Management and Economics.
In relation to the accounting profession qualifications and memberships, Dr de Aguiar is Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA), Chartered Management Accountant (ACMA), ACCA Certified Accounting Technician (ACCA CAT) and member of the CFC Regional Accounting Council (Ceará - Brazil from 1999 until 2023).
- BAcc Accounting1999 - Universidade Federal do Ceará, BrazilConsidered comparable to the British Bachelor degree standard by the UK NARIC
- PG Dip Production Engenering, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil2001 - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil
- MSc Business and Economics2004 - Universidade Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain
- PhD Management/Accounting2009 - University of St. AndrewsPhD revalidated in Brazil by the Universidade de Brasília-UnB and in Chile by the Universidad de Chile
- PG CAP Education2012 - Heriot-Watt University
Memberships and Affiliations
- Internal Memberships
- Non ex officio member to the Senatus Academicus
- Member of the Committee for Research Ethics & Governance in Arts, Social Sciences & Business
- Research Ethics Officer to the Business School
- External Memberships
- Member of the Regional Accounting Council (Ceará - Brazil 1999-2023)
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2013 – Present)
- Member of the UKRIO Advisory Community (2022 - Present)
- Member of BAFA Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Monitoring (EDIM) Group (2022 - Present)
Prizes and Awards
Teaching Award Nominations
- The University of Aberdeen Best Undergraduate Lecturer Award 2024.
- The University of Aberdeen Most Inspiring Award 2024 (Shortlisted to the award ceremony on the 18th April 2024 for this category).
Please, see the following webpage: https://www.abdn.ac.uk/students/nominations-2024-7196.php#panel7199
Research Recognition
The following paper was one of the top 5 papers in the running for Best Paper Award at the 2024 Scottish BAFA: Haque, S., de Aguiar, T.R.S. and Ahmad, N. "Financialisation of the UK Stewardship Code: conceptualising financial institutions’ climate change disclosures through Foucault’s dispositives analytics".
The following paper was the most downloaded article in the Social and Environmental Accountability Journal. (Result from statistics in April/2012): de Aguiar, T.R.S. and Fearfull, A. (2010) “Global Climate Change and Corporate Disclosure: Pedagogical Tools for Critical Accounting?” Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 22 (4), pp. 64-79.
Other recognition
“Heartfelt Thanks!” for my dedication and active participation at AICPA & CIMA Academic Champion dialogues and events in 2024.
- Research
Research Overview
Research Interests
My research interests focus on social and environmental issues. In particular, I explore issues related to Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Disclosure, Accounting for Carbon Emissions, Climate Change Policies, Gender Equality, and Education.
Research Areas
Accepting PhDs
I am currently accepting PhDs in Accountancy.
Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your research ideas further.
My current supervision areas are: Accountancy.
PhD supervision - concluded
- Adebiyi, Isaac. PhD topic: Gender issues on accounting standard setters. Co-supervisor: Prof. Shamima Harque. PhD awarded in 2023.
- Ang Soon Young. PhD topic: Environmental NGO and actions on climate change. Co-supervisor: Prof. Danture Wickramasinghe. PhD awarded in 2018.
PhD supervision - in progress
- Bulbul, Sana. PhD topic: Social and environmental initiatives in financial financial sector. Co-supervisor: Prof. Shamima Harque.
- Tagoe, Joana. PhD topic: Gender pay gap. Co-supervisor: Prof. Shamima Harque.
Funding and Grants
Peer-reviewed research income
The Carnegie Trust, December 2019: £9,944.00 (with Dr. Nan Liu)
Objective: Develop the research project entitled: Cladding issues in high rise buildings – the evolution of the performance-based regulation from an interdisciplinary perspective.
CAPES (the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. In English: Council for Personal Development at Higher Education), June 2014: Approximately £3,000.00 (Sole applicant)
Objective: Grant to cover expenses to a visit to the Universidade Federal do Ceará and Universidad Nacional de Brasília in Brazil.
HEA (Higher Education Academy), April 2011: £102.65 (Sole applicant)
Objective: Travel grant to attend a conference entitled ‘Inter-disciplinary Sustainability Education: Insights, Momentum and Futures’ in York.
Competitive/internal research income
SRC University of Aberdeen, April 2018: £750.00 (with Prof. Chandana Allawatage)
Objective: Research assistant.
Wards Fund in Accounting and Finance at University of Glasgow, May 2017: £1,500.00 (Sole applicant)
Objective: Workshop with Sustainable Scotland Network and graphic design to public exhibitions.
ESRC University of Glasgow Impact Acceleration Account Small grant fund & Glasgow Knowledge Exchange small grant fund, May 2016: £1,000.00 (Sole applicant)
Objective: Resources for public engagement with Glasgow City Council (Material for public exhibitions).
Wards Fund in Accounting and Finance at University of Glasgow, March 2016: £1,200.00 (Sole applicant)
Objective: Interviews transcriptions.
Wards Fund in Accounting and Finance at University of Glasgow, December 2015. (£1,600.00)
Objective: Interviews transcriptions.
University of Glasgow Knowledge Exchange small grant fund. November 2015: £500.00 (Sole applicant)
Objective: Resources for public engagement with Glasgow City Council (Lunch for a workshop).
Wards Fund in Accounting and Finance at University of Glasgow, 2015: £2,995.96 (Sole applicant)
Objective: Fund to cover copies of material from the University of Glasgow’s archive and a research assistant.
QAA (Quality Assurance Agency) and Heriot-Watt University, 2012/2013: £ 550.00 (with Dr. Audrey Paterson, Dr. William Jackson and Dr. Akira Yonekura)
Objective: to develop projects on enhancement of teaching and learning. These projects were developed in partnership.
The Edinburgh Centre for European Financial Studies at Heriot-Watt University, 2012: £667.00
Objective: Attend EBEN (European Business Ethics Network) Conference 2012 in Newcastle.
The Edinburgh Centre for European Financial Studies at Heriot-Watt University, 2011: £750.00
Objective: interviews transcription.
- Teaching
Teaching Responsibilities
Teaching and co-ordinating:
Management Accounting 2 (AC2031)
Accountability and Sustainability (AC4034)
Accounting Dissertation (AC4528)
Non-course Teaching Responsibilities
PhD external examiner
- Aitor Salesa Rubira – VIVA held on the 28th November 2023. Universidad de Zaragoza.
- Osai Simeon Nnodim - VIVA held in 4th June 2021. University of Dundee.
- David Robert Moore - Report submitted on the 22nd October 2020. La Trobe University.
- Jingjing Xing - VIVA held on the 10th August 2020. University of Leicester.
- José Antonio Moseñe - VIVA held on the 4th Deciembre 2019. Universidad de Zaragoza.
- Anees Farrukh – VIVA held on the 24th June 2019. Heriot-Watt University.
- Leonardo José Seixas Pinto. VIVA held on the 20th June 2016. Universidad de Brasília.
PhD internal examiner
- Mohd Hairul Azrin. Supervisor. VIVA held on the 30th September 2016. University of Glasgow.
External examiner
- Nominated as external examiner for the BA Accounting and Finance at the University of Stirling (From 1st October 2018 to 30th September 2021).
- Publications
Page 1 of 2 Results 1 to 10 of 20
Managing the unwanted:: an application of dispositional analysis on the Athena SWAN initiative in UK Business Schools
Gender, Work and OrganizationContributions to Journals: ArticlesChatGPT: Reflections from the UK higher education institutions, accountancy bodies and BIG4s
Accounting Research Journal, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 308-329Contributions to Journals: ArticlesMapping accounting literature on climate finance: identifying research gaps and reflections on future research
Accounting Research Journal, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 249-269Contributions to Journals: ArticlesAthena SWAN Gender Equality Plans and the Gendered Impact of COVID-19
Gender, Work and Organization, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 591-608Contributions to Journals: ArticlesIs the use of financial accounting fit for purpose?: An exploration of the theoretical foundations, framework and practicalities
Accounting Research Journal, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 412-428Contributions to Journals: ArticlesFinancial Accounting and the Natural Environment
Routledge Handbook of Environmental Accounting. Bebbington, J., Larrinaga, C., O'Dwyer, B., Thomson, I. (eds.). 1st edition. RoutledgeChapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)Sustainability on campus: knowledge creation through social and environmental reporting
Studies in Higher Education, vol. 43, no. 11, pp. 1882-1894Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2017.1289506
- [OPEN ACCESS] http://aura.abdn.ac.uk/bitstream/2164/10932/1/135682.pdf
- [ONLINE] University of Glasgow institutional repository
Turning accounting for emissions rights inside out as well as upside down
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 139-159Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/2399654417703662
- [OPEN ACCESS] http://aura.abdn.ac.uk/bitstream/2164/10326/1/138431.pdf
Shifts in modes of governance and sustainable development in the Brazilian oil sector
European Management Journal, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 701-710Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.emj.2017.05.001
- [OPEN ACCESS] http://aura.abdn.ac.uk/bitstream/2164/12253/1/140491.pdf
Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes: The UK Context [Research Briefing]
University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Business SchoolBooks and Reports: Other Reports