Professor Stephen Reid
Emeritus Professor
- About
- Email Address
- steve.reid@abdn.ac.uk
- School/Department
- School of Engineering
Previous appointments:
- 1969?70 Research Officer, Engineering Sciences Division, Central Electricity Research Laboratories, Leatherhead Surrey.
- 1970?76 Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST).
- 1976?80 Lecturer, Engineering Department, University of Cambridge.
- 1980-84 Jackson Professor of Engineering Science, University of Aberdeen.
- 1985-2005 Conoco Professor of Mechanical Engineering, UMIST/University of Manchester
- 1992?95 UMIST Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Academic Development
UMIST 1994-95 Deputy Principal and Vice-Chancellor - 2001-04 UMIST Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research
UMIST, 2003-04. Deputy Vice-Chancellor
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (FRSE), 2011.
- Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng), 1993.
- Fellowship grades: FIMechE, FIMA, FASME.
- Chartered Engineer (CEng) and Chartered Mathematician (CMath).
- President, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, calendar years 2000, 2001.
- Academic: ScD (Cambridge), DSc (honoris causa) University of Aberdeen, 2005 .
- Emeritus Professor University of Manchester, 2005-
Other appointments:
- HEFCE 2005-2008, Member of Sub-Panel 28, Mechanical, Aerospace and Manufacturing Engineering for RAE 2008.
- Visiting Chair Professor of Applied Mechanics, Distinguished Visitor Programme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2002-2004.
- 1987- present , Editor-in-Chief, Int. J. Mechanical Sciences.
- 1983-2005, Associate Editor, Int. J. Impact Engng.
- Research
Research Overview
Impact and Explosion Engineering
Dynamic Structural Plasticity
- Impact loading of beams, plates and shells/tubes/pipes
- Pipe whip
- Pipe-on-pipe impact
- Computational and experimental methods and techniques for impact
Impact Energy Absorption
- Metal tubes - lateral crushing, crash cushions; buckling; inversion; splitting
- Structural shock waves - dynamic crushing of cellular materials/structures
- Mechanics of cellular materials - wood, polymeric/metallic foams and honeycombs
- Roll-over and falling-object protective structures (ROPS and FOPS) for vehicles
Penetration Mechanics
- Plates and shells
- Metal
- Composite
- Concrete
Composite Materials and Structures
- Damage mechanics for composites
- Vibration techniques for damage detection in composite structures (HKPU)
- Composite springs (HKPU)