Professor Gerhard Kling

Professor Gerhard Kling
Professor Gerhard Kling
Professor Gerhard Kling

Dr rer. pol. (PhD ECON), Dipl. Vw. (BSc/MSc ECON), PG Cert HE, BSc (MATHS), MSc (MATHS)

Chair in Finance



Professor Gerhard Kling holds a Chair in Finance at the University of Aberdeen. Before joining Aberdeen, he was a Professor of International Business and Management at SOAS University of London, a Professor of Finance at the University of Southampton and held academic posts at UWE and Utrecht University. He worked as a Practice Specialist in Corporate Finance at McKinsey & Company, where he mainly focused on firm valuation and M&A. He received a PhD in Economics from the University of Tuebingen and was awarded the Dissertation Prize of the International Economic History Association. He studied Economics and Mathematics (BSc and MSc). He is excited about programming with experience in Python, C/C++, MATLAB, STATA etc. In his free time, he enjoys recreational programming in GDScript (Godot), Blender, and C++ (Unreal).


  • MSc Mathematics 
    2018 - OU 
  • BSc Mathematics 
    2014 - OU 
  • PG Cert Higher Education Higher Education 
    2009 - UWE 
  • Dr rer. pol. Economics 
    2004 - University of Tuebingen 
  • Diplom Volkswirt Economics 
    2002 - Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich 

Memberships and Affiliations

Internal Memberships

Programme Leader MSc FinTech

External Memberships

Associate Editor, European Journal of Finance

Editorial Board, Asia Pacific Business Review

Member, Social Sciences College, European Science Foundation

Prizes and Awards

  • British Academy of Management, Best Full Paper Award (Sep 2019)
  • Leslie Walshaw Award 2018, Mathematics (Jan 2019)
  • Financial Management, Best Paper Award (Oct 2018)
  • Dissertation Award, International Economic History Association (Aug 2006)
  • Dissertation Award, University of Tuebingen, RWT Group (Jun 2005)
  • New Researcher Prize Economic History Society (Apr 2004)
  • Alumni Award for Young Economists LMU (May 2002)

Research Overview

Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance, Applied Mathematics

Research Areas



Research Specialisms

  • Finance
  • Financial Mathematics
  • Applied Statistics
  • Applied Mathematics

Our research specialisms are based on the Higher Education Classification of Subjects (HECoS) which is HESA open data, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.

Funding and Grants

Research on China's Financial System towards Sustainable Growth: The Role of Innovation, Diversity and Financial Regulation; funded by the ESRC (ES/P005241/1) and the NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China: 71661137002).


Teaching Responsibilities

Big Data in Business & Finance (IN2502)

Financial Crime & Cybersecurity (BU551X)

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Forecasting (BU593C)


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Books and Reports

Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Journals

Working Papers