Dr Elham Moonesirust

Dr Elham Moonesirust
Dr Elham Moonesirust
Dr Elham Moonesirust

BSc, MSc, MSc, PhD, FHEA


Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 272084
Business School


Elham is a lecturer in Management Studies. Previously, she worked as Teaching Fellow at the University of Bath, and as Research Assistant at the University of Portsmouth. She holds an undergraduate degree in Statistics and two master’s degrees in Project Management, and in Management Studies. She completed her PhD in Management at the University of Bath in 2016. Her research interest centres on identity and subjectivity, power, science and technology studies, critical management studies, gender studies, and ethics of care. Prior to joining academia, Elham has worked for several years as project manager and senior researcher in the field of market research. 

She has taught courses in business and management at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, including Organisational Behaviour, Human Resource Management and Research Methodologies. Also, she has acted as supervisor for MA, MSc, and PhD theses in management studies.


Teaching Responsibilities

MS4053: Understanding and Managing Behaviour in Organisations (Aberdeen)

QB4005: Understanding and Managing Behaviour in Organisations (Qatar)

BU5583: Research Practice (Aberdeen - Course Coordinator)

MS4540: Business Management Dissertation (Aberdeen)