- About
- Email Address
- ehud.meir@abdn.ac.uk
- Telephone Number
- +44 (0)1224 272603
- Office Address
Room 139
Fraser Noble building
- School/Department
- School of Natural and Computing Sciences
- Research
Research Overview
Hopf algebras. Tensor categories. Invariant theory. Cohomology of groups.
Current Research
In my current research I apply techniques from geometric invariant theory (GIT) to study Hopf algebras and related structures.
GIT techniques, combined with Schur-Weyl duality, enabled me to give a complete set of scalar invariants for semisimple Hopf algebras and for 2-cocycles on a given finite dimensional Hopf algebra.
Some of these invariants are well known, and arise also in representation theory or in topological quantum field theory (TQFT). Others have an unfamiliar nature.
the GIT technique also enabled me to show that for a given semisimple Hopf algebra H the subspace of invariant vectors (H^{i,j})^{Aut_{Hopf}(H)} is spanned by elements which are constructible from the structure maps of H.
- Teaching
Teaching Responsibilities
First semester 2018/19: Calculus 1 (MA1005)
Second semester 2018/19: Rings and fields (MX3531) and Number Theory (MX4545)
First semester 2019/20: Calculus I (MA1005)