Personal Chair
- About
- Email Address
- c.rangin@abdn.ac.uk
- Telephone Number
- +44 (0)1224 273662
- Office Address
School of Biological Sciences,
Cruickshank Building,
University of Aberdeen,
St Machar Drive,
Aberdeen AB24 3UU
Scotland, United Kingdom- School/Department
- School of Biological Sciences
2016 - 2025 : Royal Society University Research Fellowship in evolutionary microbial ecology, University of Aberdeen
2012 - 2015 : Early-career NERC Fellowship in evolutionary microbial ecology, University of Aberdeen
2009 - 2012 : Post-doctoral researcher in microbial ecology, University of Aberdeen, JI Prosser and GW Nicol group
2005 - 2008 : PhD student in bacterial population genetics, University of Montpellier (France), under the supervision of G Béna and JC Cleyet-Marel
Memberships and Affiliations
- Internal Memberships
- Member of the School of Biological Sciences Executive Group (2020-present)
- Organiser of the School of Biological Sciences weekly scientific seminar series (2017-present)
- Member of the School of Biological Sciences Research committee (2017-present)
- Member of the University of Aberdeen Strategic Plan meeting (2018)
- External Memberships
Editorial Board: ISME J, Microbiome, Environmental microbiome
Commission of trust: Expert member of the French HCERES (High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education) (2017-present)
Grant panel member: NERC core member, Royal Society Hooke Committee, NERC Pushing the Frontiers, German DFG Priority Program
Conference organisation: XVIth archaeal workshop (2019); Member of local organising committee for the 20th European Nitrogen Cycle Conference (2016) and 14th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology (2017)
Grant review: NERC, BBSRC, Royal Society, NSF (USA), DFG (Germany), GACR (Czech Republic)
External PhD examiner
Reviewers for several journals, including Nature Communication, Cell, ISME Journal, Environmental Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Evolution, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, PLOS One, Frontiers in Microbiology, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Microbial Ecology, Archaea
Membership of professional bodies: SGM (Society of General Microbiology), SMBE (Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution), ISME (International Society of Microbial Ecology), Nitrification network
- Research
Research Overview
My research is directed toward understanding ecological adaptation of microorganism populations.
My work interest is orientated on microbial diversity and ecological function for microbes playing fundamental processes in the global biogeochemical cycling of nitrogen. I am currently more focused on microorganisms (both archaea and bacteria) implicated in the ammonia oxidation process.
My fundamental aims are to determine the environmental factors controlling their community structure and diversity and to understand their physiological and evolutionary adaptation.
Current Research
More details about projects and people on my personal website: https://www.gubry-rangin.com/
Funding and Grants
Awarded as PI
- SUPER-DTP PhD studentship (2022-2026) with T Henry: "The impact of environmental change on the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of symbiotic sponge communities"
- BBSRC Mitigation grant (2022) with M Jaspars: " Improving sustainable agriculture through discovery of new biological nitrification inhibition molecules".
- Royal Society University Research Fellowship extension (2021-2025): "Evolutionary processes associated to archaeal environmental adaptation".
- Royal Society Talent Grant (2020-2021): "Evolution of ammonia oxidation"
- Royal Society Enhancement Grant (2018-2022): "Experimental evolution of Thaumarchaeota".
- NERC standard grant (2017- 2021) with T William: "Evolution of thaumarchaeotal metabolism under contrasting oxygen conditions".
- Royal Society starting grant (2017-2021): "Unravelling the metabolic versatility and diversity of abundant but unexplored terrestrial Thaumarchaeota".
- University of Aberdeen PhD studentship (2017-2021): "Adaptation of Thaumarchaeota in terrestrial environments".
- NERC Directed grant (2017-2018): "Greenhouse gas emissions by soil microbes in tropical forest".
- Royal Society University Research Fellowship (2016-2021): "Adaptation in Thaumarchaeota: the interplay between ecology and evolution".
- NERC Biomolecular Analysis Facility Application (2015): "Single-cell comparative genomics of Thaumarchaeota".
- Early career NERC Independent Fellowship (2012-2016): “Evolutionary adaptation in archaea”.
- PhD studentship (2013-2016) funded by the Centre for Genome-Enabled Biology and Medicine: “Unravelling the unknown function of an under-explored but abundant archaeal group using single-cell genomics”.
- NERC Biomolecular Analysis Facility Application (2013): “Phylogenetic resolution and coherence in thaumarchaea”.
- NERC Biomolecular Analysis Facility Application (2013): “Evolutionary adaptation in archaea- community sequencing”.
- MRT (French Research Ministry) Postgraduate Scholarship (2005-2008)
- European ERASMUS Traineeship Grant (2004)
- ESA (European Space Agency) Traineeship Grant (2003)
Awarded as CoI
- BBSRC Mitigation grant (2022) with S Sepehrnia, P Hallett, Y Tanino: "Complex DNA-based tracers to investigate the transport of microbes in soil"
- Post-doctoral Daphne Jackson Fellowship (Dr Lisa Cole) (2021-2023) with A Malik, J Travis
- Post-doctoral Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship (Dr Nasrollah Sepehrnia) (2021-2023) with P Hallett, Y Tanino: "TRAMPAS"
- Internal Interdisciplinary Research Grant (2021) with T Mathanlal, J Martin-Torres, MP Zorzano: "Autonomous Robotic Sampling of Bio-Aerosols for real-time DNA sequencing using MinION sequencer"
- Internal Interdisciplinary Research Grant (2021) with M Nazarious, J Martin-Torres: "Sub-liquid and Atmospheric Measurement"
- EastBio DTP PhD studentship (2020-2024) with M Wenzel: "Using functional genomics and epigenetics to understand the molecular underpinnings of complex behaviour in a non-neural organism"
- Post-doctoral NERC standard grant (2014-2018) with JI Prosser, GW Nicol: “Soil ammonia oxidisers: an embarrassment of richness?”
- NERC Directed international grant (2018-2021) with J Travis, L Lancaster, G Bocedi, A Algar, A Papadopoulos: "Forecasting biodiversity losses in Wallacea from ecological and evolutionary patterns and processes"
- Teaching
Teaching Responsibilities
Current Supervision
3 PhD students, 1 MSc student.
Course co-coordinator:
- Meet the scientists
Lectures at undergraduate level:
- Ocean Biology
- Diversity of life
- Publications
Page 1 of 6 Results 1 to 10 of 58
Organic fertilizer significantly mitigates N2O emissions while increase contributed of comammox Nitrospira in paddy soils
Science of the Total Environment, The, vol. 954, 176578Contributions to Journals: ArticlesBiological Nitrification Inhibitors with Antagonistic and Synergistic Effects on Growth of Ammonia Oxidisers and Soil Nitrification
Microbial Ecology, vol. 87, 143Contributions to Journals: ArticlesLand use effects on soil microbiome composition and traits with consequences for soil carbon cycling
ISME Communications, vol. 4, no. 1, ycae116Contributions to Journals: ArticlesMetabolome fingerprinting reveals the presence of multiple nitrification inhibitors in biomass and root exudates of Thinopyrum intermedium
Plant-Environment Interactions, vol. 5, no. 5, e70012Contributions to Journals: ArticlesNiche breadth specialisation impacts ecological and evolutionary adaptation following environmental change
The ISME Journal, vol. 18, no. 1, wrae183Contributions to Journals: ArticlesNitrosotalea devaniterrae gen. nov., sp. nov., and Nitrosotalea sinensis sp. nov., two acidophilic ammonia oxidising archaea isolated from acidic soil, and proposal of the new order Nitrosotaleales ord. nov. within the class Nitrososphaeria of the phylum Nitrososphaerota
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, vol. 74, no. 9Contributions to Journals: ArticlesAccounting for extinction dynamics unifies the geological and biological histories of Indo-Australian Archipelago
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 291, no. 2031, 20240966Contributions to Journals: ArticlesMicroplastics alter soil structural stability as quantified by high-energy moisture characteristics
Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 476, 134940Contributions to Journals: ArticlesPhylogenetic reconciliation: making the most of genomes to understand microbial ecology and evolution
The ISME Journal, vol. 18, no. 1, wrae129Contributions to Journals: ArticlesDeciphering the functional importance of comammox vs. canonical ammonia oxidisers in nitrification and N2O emissions in acidic agricultural soils
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 193, 109415Contributions to Journals: Articles