CEnv, CMarSci, CSci, FHEA
Honorary Research Fellow
- About
- Email Address
- alison.brand@abdn.ac.uk
- Office Address
Aberdeen Centre For Environmental Sustainability
School of Biological Sciences
University of Aberdeen
23 St Machar Drive
AB24 3UU
- School/Department
- School of Biological Sciences
University of Aberdeen (2020 – ). Honorary Research Fellow
University of Aberdeen (2016 – 2020). Research Fellow
Manta Environmental Ltd (2015 - present). Director/ Environmental Specialist.
RPS Energy (2014 – 2015). Senior Environmental Consultant.
Briggs Environmental Services (2013 – 2014). Senior Environmental Engineer.
BMT Cordah (2012 – 2013). Environmental Consultant/ Lead Environmental Modeller.
Open University (1997 – 2017). Associate Lecturer – modules included: biology, chemistry, ecology, environmental science, geology, mathematics, oceanography, physics & statistics.
Sunderland University (1996-1997) - Visiting Lecturer: Module leader and project supervisor - ecology)
The Queen’s University of Belfast (1994-1996) - Research Fellow - Responsible for artificial reef and lobster stock enhancement projects, and assisted in shellfish cultivation projects.
- PhD Oceanography1994 - University of SouthamptonThesis - Epibenthic colonisation on an artificial reef
- BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Statistics2011 - The Open University
- BSc (Hons) Environmental Science1987 - University of East Anglia
- Cert Ed Teaching & Learning in Higher Education1997 - University of Sunderland
- Pg Cert Teaching & Learning in Higher Education1998 - University of Sunderland
External Memberships
Advance HE: Fellow (FHEA)
Institution of Environmental Sciences: Member (MIEnvSc) & Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv)
Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology: Member (MIMarEST), Chartered Scientist (CSci) & Chartered Marine Scientist (CMarSci)
JNCC: Business Associate
MASTS Oil and Gas Environmental Research (OGER) Forum: Committee Member
SUT - Decommissioning and Wreck Removal Sub-committee: Member
Underwater Sound Forum (USF): Member
UK Acoustics Network (UKAN): Member
- Research
Research Overview
Developing Environmental Models
- Soil processes - Responsible for developing summary soil process models for the Scottish Government RESAS Theme 1. The models follow changes in soil properties in response to environmental drivers to allow the assessment of the relationships between soils and water quality, climate change and agriculture, and are designed for use by policymakers –Soil Management Assessment Tool (SoilMAT).
- Underwater noise (UWN) - developed an UWN for piling and vessel activities offshore from first principles for an Environmental Consultancy, once I realised that the model that they were using was not fit for purpose. I have continued to build on and improve the model to enable it to be used for activities involving the firing of seismic and explosive charges. The model received a good response from JNCC/ BEIS
Artificial Reefs
PhD thesis: Epibenthic Colonisation on an Artificial Reef. Southampton University (1994).
Current Research
Won a UoA Knowledge Exchange Award to develop an underwater noise (UN) model for explosives use in decommissioning. EDGAR is simple to use, requiring minimal inputs: activity type; explosive type and charge weight; number of explosions in 24 h; location; and depth. Outputs include: UN levels (Source Level, Sound Propagation Level and Sound Exposure Level); impact radii and numbers of marine mammals potentially impacted for behavioural disturbance, Temporary Threshold Shift and Permanent Threshold Shift; and graphs of received UN levels at various depths. Stakeholders include: JNCC, Marine Scotland Science, BEIS, SPEX and Thornton-Thomasetti. Initial stakeholder feedback has been very good, with suggestions to extend the model for UXO clearance.
Continuing with research to develop a module for use with UXO.
Past Research
Decommissioning Project Experience
Perenco: Underwater noise impact assessment for decommissioning activities at the Tyne platform involving explosives.
Perenco: Underwater noise impact assessment for decommissioning activities at the Guinnivere platform involving explosives.
BP Norge A/S: Prepared review of all decommissioning environmental reports and data for the Valhall Decommissioning Drill Cuttings Pile Data Study
ConocoPhillips: Prepared Energy & Emissions Technical Report for a decommissioning project, assisted with preparation for the Comparative Assessment and addressed regulator comments on underwater noise chapter of the ES.
Endeavour Energy UK Ltd: Reviewed Decommissioning DP & ES for Rene Rubee and authored underwater noise chapter.
Maersk Oil North Sea UK Ltd: Prepared underwater noise assessment, accidental events and waste management chapters for Leadon Decommissioning ES. Reviewed and edited the ES. Prepared decommissioning OPEP.
CNR International (UK) Ltd: Underwater Noise Impact Assessment for Ninian NP - Assessment of impact on marine mammals of underwater noise likely to arise from decommissioning of a platform on the UKCS. Collated data on marine mammal distribution in the installation area; completed impact assessment; and wrote technical report. Also, Energy & Emissions Assessment for Ninian NP - Collated data; completed impact assessment; and wrote technical report. Reviewed Drill Cuttings Pile Technical Report.
CNR International (UK) Ltd: Reviewed the Environmental Statement for the Murchison Decommissioning Project.
Underwater Noise Impact Assessment & Modelling Technical Reports
1. Decommissioning – see above 2. Seismic Activities Statoil ASA – Outer Moray Firth Seismic Site Survey – Technical Report.
Statoil ASA - Mariner Seismic Site Survey – Technical Report.
Statoil ASA - Jock Scott Seismic Site Survey – EIA Justification.
Maersk Oil North Sea UK Ltd – Redcastle VSP Site Survey – EIA Justification.
Total E&P UK – Corfe RSVSP Survey – EIA Summary.
Total E&P UK – Franklin F1z VSP Survey – EIA Summary.
Maersk Oil North Sea UK Ltd – Drumtochty VSP Survey – EIA Justification.
Centrica Energy – Pegasus West RSVSP Survey - EIA Justification.
Total E&P UK – West Franklin D VSP Survey – EIA Summary.
The Parkmead Group – Skerryvore Site Survey - EIA Justification.
Nexen Petroleum UK Ltd – Blackhorse Site Survey - – EIA Justification.
BMT Cordah Ltd (for Suncor Energy UK Ltd) – Critique of Underwater Sound Impact Assessment – Kratos Site Survey.
Maersk Oil North Sea UK Ltd – Rothesay Site Survey – EIA Justification.
3. Piling and Other Construction Activities ConocoPhillips - Underwater noise impact assessment for subsea piling installation activities at the Talbot field
Speedwell - Underwater noise impact assessment for subsea piling installation activities at the Cotton field on the UKCS.
Bridge Petroleum - Underwater noise impact assessment forGalapagos Field Installation Operations
Antrim Resources (NI) - Underwater noise impact assessment for an ES in North Sea.
GDF Suez - Underwater noise assessment of piling operations for a PON15C for Cygnus.
Statoil ASA - Underwater noise impact assessment for the Bressay Development ES.
Statoil ASA - Underwater noise impact assessment for the Mariner Development ES.
Nexen Petroleum UK Ltd - GEAD Platform Jackets PON15D EIA Direction Underwater Noise Assessment.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - Underwater noise impact assessment critique for Clair Ridge Platforms PON15D EIA Direction.
Xcite Energy Resources Ltd - Underwater noise impact assessment for the Bentley Field Development ES.
Oil Spill Modelling Technical Reports
Ithaca Energy/ ADTI: Prepared a workover OPEP for Athena, including oil spill modelling (OSIS).
Maersk Oil North Sea UK Ltd: Prepared a number of drilling OPEPs for wells in the Gryphon and Maclure fields, including oil spill modelling (OSIS).
ERM Ltd: OSIS oil spill modelling for IMA Field, Nigeria.
Endeavour Energy UK Ltd: OSCAR oil spill modelling for Rene Rubee OPEP.
Genesis Oil and Gas Consultants: OSIS oil spill modelling for Catcher.
Premier Oil: OSIS oil spill modelling for Solan OPEP.
XER Xcite Energy Resources: OSCAR oil spill modelling for Bentley ES.
Endeavour Energy UK Ltd: OSIS oil spill modelling for MacCulloch OPEP.
ConocoPhillips: OSIS oil spill modelling for SNS gas fields.
Other UKCS Experience
OMV: Environmental Advisor in DECC Stakeholder meetings. Project managed multilocation, multiwell exploration project, west of Shetland until it was put on hold by operator. Work completed included – ENVID meeting coordination and report, draft ES, OPEPs, DR-SATs and other permits. Mentored colleague re: use of OILMAP for oil spill modelling.
EnQuest PLC: Reviewed, authored and revised sections of the ESs for Scolty Crathes, Ythan and NE Dons.
Nexen Petroleum UK Ltd: Preparation/ QA of DR-SAT permits and OPEPs for GEAD wells.
Third Energy: Environmental Advisor in DECC Stakeholder meetings.
Client confidential: Preparation of PLANC, environmental sensitivities (pre-survey) documents for Loanen.
28th Round Environmental Licensing Support: Prepared and reviewed Appendix C supplements for various operators.
Centrica Energy: Contributed to a number of drilling OPEPs.
Talisman Sinopec Energy UK: Modelled and prepared technical report for Seagull Appraisal Well – Air Dispersion Modelling of Acid Gas Flare Emissions in support for a PON15B.
Antrim Resources (NI) Ltd: Participated in ENVID workshop, performed Risk Assessment and wrote ENVID report for new concept for Fyne Field.
XER Xcite Energy Resources: Participated in ENVID workshop and performed Risk Assessment for Bentley. Contributed to writing and review of Bentley ES.
Statoil (UK) Ltd: QA and author of various chapters of the Environmental Statement for Bressay. Undertook QA review and editing of Mariner drill cuttings impact assessment.
Shell UK Ltd - Analysis of Proteus model results using MatLab. Preparation of Figures and Appendices for Gravity Based Cell Study.
Antrim Resources (NI) Ltd: Review and editing of Environmental Statement for the Fyne Development.
Statoil (UK) Ltd: Review and editing of the Environmental Statement for Mariner.
Nexen Petroleum UK Ltd: Review and editing of the Environmental Statement for Solitaire.
Knowledge Exchange
Won a UoA Knowledge Exchange Award to develop an underwater noise (UN) model for explosives use in decommissioning (EDGAR). Stakeholders include: JNCC, Marine Scotland Science, BEIS, SPEX, and Thornton-Thomasetti.
EDGAR has been presented at the MASTS ASM 2020 via the SUT Decom and Wreck Removal Workshop and the 2020 USF Meeting.
PhD students
Abigail Davies (2019 -). The environmental impact of decommissioning: Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions (NDC)
Chloe Bates (2020 -). The impact of changes in management, climate and sea level on blue carbon and greenhouse gas emissions in coastal wetlands. (SUPER DTP)
MSc students
Beini Jiang (2018). Modelling carbon dynamics in the sediments of salt marshes.
Funding and Grants
Won a UoA Knowledge Exchange Award to develop an underwater noise (UN) model for explosives use in decommissioning (EDGAR).
- Teaching
Teaching Responsibilities
Previous teaching:
ES5514 – Contributed a series of mini video lectures on data sources in Marine Offshore decommissioning EIA and advising re: Oil and Gas EIA at tutorials
BI4803/ BI5082 – Environmental modelling
BI4017 – Supervised/ assessed honours essays
SBS Cromarty Postgraduate Workshop - Contributed to 3 day residential PG skills workshop.
- Publications
Page 1 of 2 Results 1 to 10 of 17
Offshore decommissioning horizon scan: Research priorities to support decision-making activities for oil and gas infrastructure
Science of the Total Environment, vol. 878, 163015Contributions to Journals: ArticlesExplosives Use in Decommissioning—Guide for Assessment of Risk (EDGAR): II Determination of Sound Exposure Levels for Open Water Blasts and Severance of Conductors and Piles from below the Seabed
Modelling, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 534-554Contributions to Journals: ArticlesExplosives Use in Decommissioning—Guide for Assessment of Risk (EDGAR): I Determination of Sound Pressure Levels for Open Water Blasts and Severance of Conductors and Piles from Below the Seabed
Modelling, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 514-533Contributions to Journals: ArticlesA systems model describing the impact of organic resource use on farming households in low to middle income countries
Agricultural Systems, vol. 184, 102895Contributions to Journals: ArticlesA simple approach to modelling the soil water budget in cool temperate mineral topsoils
Environmental Modelling and Software, vol. 127, 104700Contributions to Journals: ArticlesTreatment of organic resources before soil incorporation in semi-arid regions improves resilience to El Niño, and increases crop production and economic returns
Environmental Research Letters, vol. 14, no. 8, 085004Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab2b1b
- [OPEN ACCESS] http://aura.abdn.ac.uk/bitstream/2164/12415/3/Treatment_of_organic_resources_before_soil_incorporation_in_semi_arid_regions_improves_resilience_to_El_Ni_o_and_increases_crop_production_and_economic_returns.pdf
- [ONLINE] View publication in Mendeley
- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus
Modelling SoilMAT-ters
Contributions to Conferences: PapersModelling SoilMAT-ters
20th European Geosciences General Assembly 2018Contributions to Conferences: PostersModelling SoilMAT-ters
20th European Geosciences General Assembly 2018, pp. EGU2018-12925Contributions to Conferences: AbstractsProjecting soil under future climate and land use scenarios (Modelling)
Soil Carbon Storage: Modulators, Mechanisms and Modeling. Singh, B. K. (ed.). Academic Press, pp. 281-309, 29 pagesChapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-812766-7.00009-3