Tenth International Scott Conference

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Tenth International Scott Conference
Scott Conference 2014

Tenth International Scott Conference, Aberdeen 2014

8 - 12 July 2014, University of Aberdeen

Activating the Archive

The University of Aberdeen is home to the Bernard C. Lloyd Collection of Walter Scott Materials, one of the largest collections of material relating to Scott anywhere in the world.

Recently moved to a new home in the Special Collections Centre in the award winning Sir Duncan Rice Library the Lloyd Collection is particularly rich in materials that demonstrate the international and cultural legacies of Scott's work. With the broad theme of Activating the Archive the Tenth International Scott Conference explored the ways in which archives related to Scott may be exploited for scholarship and how they can enhance our understanding of his work.

The University of Aberdeen welcomed the Scott Conference back to Scotland in the year of Homecoming Scotland when we also celebrated the bi-centenary of the publication of Waverley in a library which holds fine Jacobite collections.


Tenth International Scott Conference, Aberdeen 2014

Activating the Archive

8 - 12 July 2014, University of Aberdeen


Tuesday 8 July

2pm - 5pm: Sir Duncan Rice Library Ground Floor

Registration and Tea / Coffee

5.30 - 6.45: Meston Lecture Theatre 1

Opening Plenary: Ann Rigney

Things in the Archive: Scott's Material Legacy

7.30 - 9 Civic Reception: The Town House, Union Street, Aberdeen.

Wednesday 9 July: General Theme: Celebrating Waverley at 200

Items from the Bernard C. Lloyd Collection reflecting this theme will be on display in the ground floor entrance area of the library.

9.15 - 10.45am

Panel Session (Meeting Room 1, 7th Floor) Chair: Elizabeth Elliot

Caroline McCracken-Flesher: Anxiety in the Archive: from The Antiquary to the Last Edition

Lucy Majella Linforth: Activating the Antique: Walter Scott and the Object of Antiquarianism

Tamara Gosta: Archiving Scott: Sir Walter Scott's The Antiquary

Panel Session (224, 2nd floor) Chair: tbc

John Knox: Walter Scott and the Poetry of Common Sense

Neil MacFarlane: 'Our fat friend': Scott's Food Politics

Alex Thomson: Ower True Tales: Scott and the Art of Politics

Panel Session (LG29, lower ground floor) Chair: Andrea Cabajsky

Julie Watt: Who Was Alice Lee? The Afterlife of Scott's Heroines

James M Morris: Nabobs as Conduits of Sympathy in Scott's Guy Mannering and St. Ronan's Well

Lisa McKenna: Respectfully Inscribed: Cultural Memory and Remembrance in The Tale of Old Mortality

10.45 - 11.15: coffee (Ground Floor Sir Duncan Rice Library)

11.15 - 12.45

Plenary Panel Session (Meeting Room 1, 7th Floor)

Memories of Underdevelopment led by Tony Jarrells

Miranda Burgess: Scott's Polybus

Ian Duncan: Is Waverley a Bildungsroman? Or Scott, the Historical Novel and the History of Man

Tony Jarrells: We have never been national: The Regional and the Global in Scott's Novels

12.45 - 1.30: lunch (Ground Floor Sir Duncan Rice Library (TBC))

1.30 - 3

This time has been set aside for meetings and networking events and spaces provided for you to discuss possible projects and plans.

The following events are scheduled:

Edinburgh Edition of Walter Scott's Poetry Advisory Board (Meeting Room 3, Room 713, 7th floor)

Postgraduate and Early Career Researchers Information Session (Meeting Room 1, 7th Floor)

If you are not involved in either of these events please feel free to use room 224 (2nd floor), the Breakout Room (adjacent to Meeting Room 1 on the 7th floor), room LG29 (Ground Floor)and Meeting Room 2 (at the far end of the 7th floor) for meetings and networking events. If you would prefer you could use this time to consult items in Special Collections. Please request these in advance by emailing speclib@abdn.ac.uk

3 - 3.30: coffee (Ground Floor Sir Duncan Rice Library (TBC))

3.30 - 4.30

Panel Session: (Meeting Room 1, 7th Floor) Chair: Ali Lumsden

Ina Ferris: Out of the Archive

Elizabeth Elliott: 'Friends of Old Books and Wine': Edinburgh archives and the life of the Bannatyne Club

Panel Session: (224, 2nd floor) Chair: Brian Wall

Anna Fancett: Archives of Meaning Within the Text: How Interrogating Familial Motifs Leads to a Multiplicity of Readings in the Waverley Novels.

Claire Lamont: Walter Scott and Jane Austen

Panel Session: (LG29, lower ground floor) Chair?

Kang-yen Chiu: The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in China

Anne McKee Stapleton: From Waverley Station to Waverly, Iowa: Walter Scott's Literary Diaspora

5pm - 6.30 pm

Jane Millgate: The Making of Scholarship

A plenary event led by Tara Ghoshal Wallace

Chair: Tara Ghoshal Wallace

Ian Alexander: Scott's Last Edition

Ian Duncan: Walter Scott: the Making of the Novelist

Peter Garside: Anonymity

David Hewitt: The Millgate Article

Caroline McCracken-Flesher: Jane Millgate and the Community of Past and Present

Wednesday evening is free. Space has been provided in the Seminar Room, Humanity Manse for postgraduates and early career researchers to get to know each other.

Thursday 10 July: General Theme: Scott and Music

Items from the Bernard C. Lloyd Collection reflecting this theme will be on display in the ground floor entrance area of the library.

9.15 - 10.45 am

Panel Session: (Meeting Room 1, 7th Floor) Chair: Timothy Baker

Evan Gottlieb: Of Great Unknowns and Divine Inexistences: Thinking Scott's and Meillassoux's Worlds Together

Benjamine Toussaint: Castle Dangerous: Resurrecting an Independent Scotland?

Penny Fielding: Scott, Hogg and the Time of Law

Panel Session : (224, 2nd floor) Chair ?

Catherine Jones: Operatic Remediations of The Bride of Lammermoor: Donizetti's Lucia in Comparative National Context

Susan Bennett: Walter Scott and the Italian Opera

Edward Jacobson: Rebecca's Body, Rebecca's Harp: Reading Scott through Marschner's Der Templer und die Jüdin

Panel Session: (LG29, lower ground floor) Chair?

John Huston Alexander: 'They Asked for a Paper': C. S. Lewis on Scott

Michael Buck: Scott as 'Baby-Boomer': Retirement Anxieties and Sir Robert Peel

10.45 - 11.15: coffee (Ground Floor Sir Duncan Rice Library)

11.15 - 12.45

Panel Session (Meeting Room 1, 7th Floor) Chair: Celine Sabiron

Graham Tulloch: Walter Scott and Andrew Stewart—Using the Archives to Complete the Story

Tom Toremans: Translation as Reception: Scott in Dutch Translation, 1824-1834

Andrea Cabajsky: Reconsidering Scott's Canadian Reception in the Nineteenth Century Through the Content of Library Catalogues

Panel Session: (224, 2nd floor) Chair ?

Chriselle MacKinnon: Gender Identity and The Body as Performance in Walter Scott's Rob Roy

Caroline Mary Jackson-Houlston: Witches and Bitches? Scott's Women of Power

Brian Wall: Disinheritance and National Conflict in Rob Roy and The Bride of Lammermoor

Panel Session (LG29, lower ground floor) Chair ?

Yuko Matsui: Scott's Novels in Victorian School Textbooks

Mary Catherine Nestor: Scott Made Young: Intertextual Engagement in Three Adaptations of Ivanhoe

Kristian Kerr: 'Such reading as was never read': Scott's Canon Trouble

12.45 - 1.30: lunch (Ground Floor Sir Duncan Rice Library)

1.30 - 3: Plenary Session (Meeting Room 1)

Scott the Real: Beyond the 'Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border' led by Sigrid Rieuwerts

Sigrid Rieuwerts: Scott in Variation: An Archival Quest

Ian Campbell: The Carlyles, Scott, Border Minstrelsy

James Hamilton: Scott and the Signet Library

3 - 3.30: coffee (Ground Floor Sir Duncan Rice Library)

3.30 - 4.30

Panel Session: (Meeting Room 1, 7th Floor), Chair: Tom Toremans

Douglas Lowndes: 'La Donna del Lago' Re-imagined

Celine Sabiron: Activating the Film Archive: The Scott Cinema Canon

Panel Session: (224, 2nd floor) Chair?

Marguerite Nesling: The Secret Life of the Rev. Micah Balwhidder: Forces of Change in John Galt's Annals of the Parish

Robert Irvine: Galt's Annals of the Parish and the Emergence of a Class Society

Panel Session: (LG29, lower ground floor) Chair: Peter Garside

Paul Barnaby: Scottomania: The Collecting Life of James C. Corson

Lindsay Levy: One of the handsomest rooms in Scotland

5.15pm - 7pm

Snack stovies supper and whisky tasting in Dunbar Street Hall. This event is free and is open to all delegates who have indicted in advance that they wish to attend. Guides will be waiting at the library entrance at 5 pm to take you to Dunbar Street Hall.

7.30 Sir Walter Scott and Opera: A Scottish Opera Event

St Machar's Cathedral, The Chanonry, Old Aberdeen

Tickets are required for this event but may be purchased at the door.

Friday 11 July: General Theme: Scott and Popular Culture

Items from the Bernard C. Lloyd Collection reflecting this theme will be on display in the ground floor entrance area of the library.

Panel Session: (Meeting room 1, 7th Floor) Chair: Daniel Cook

Deirdre Shepherd: Hunting for Walter Scott

Gillian Hughes: Pickling Virgil? Scott's Notes for The Lay of the Last Minstrel

Panel Session: (224, 2nd floor) Chair?

Fiona Robertson: Scott, Peacock, and the Skull of Cadwallader

Marie Michlova: Sir Walter Scott's early biographers

Annika Bautz: Handing over, Scott and Bulwer among the ruins of Pompeii

Panel Session (LG29, lower ground floor) Chair: Caroline Jackson-Houlston

Lucy Macrae: “A vast o' bits o' stories”: Robert Shortreed, William Laidlaw and the making of Scott's Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border

Samuel Baker: The Somers Tracts and The Antiquarian Novel, From Waverley to the Late Scott

Nancy Moore Goslee: Larder and Library: Redeeming Archives in Castle Dangerous

10.45 - 11.15: coffee (Ground Floor Sir Duncan Rice Library)

11.15 - 12.45

Panel Plenary Session: (Meeting Room 1, 7th Floor)

Activating the Archive: A Roundtable Discussion

Led by Alison Lumsden with Siobhan Convery, Lindsay Levy, and Paul Barnaby

12.45 - 1.30: lunch (Ground Floor Sir Duncan Rice Library)

1.30 buses leave for Castle Fraser trip (a place must be reserved for this trip in advance)

5.30 approx: buses return from Castle Fraser

7.30: Conference Dinner: The Bishop's Table (available to those who hold a ticket)

Saturday 12 July

9.15 - 10.45

Plenary Panel

Reading The Lay of the Last Minstrel (Meeting Room 1)

Led by Daniel Cook with J.H. Alexander, Gillian Hughes, Susan Oliver, Ainsley McIntosh, Alison Lumsden and John Patrick Pazdziora

10.45 - 11.15: coffee (breakout room, 7th Floor)

11.15 - 12.30 Closing Plenary (Meeting Room 1, 7th Floor)

David Hewitt: 'All ye know on earth, and all ye need to know'

12.30 - 1: Business meeting

1pm : lunch (breakout room, 7th Floor)

Social Events

Tenth International Scott Conference, Aberdeen 2014

Activating the Archive

8 - 12 July 2014, University of Aberdeen


The conference was based at the University's Old Aberdeen Campus and most events took place in the Sir Duncan Rice Library. However, we also had a number of events around the city including a civic reception in Aberdeen's Town House, a conference dinner, a trip to one of Aberdeenshire's famous castles, and a performance of Scott songs by Scottish Opera. Items from the Lloyd Collection were also be on display throughout the conference.

Civic Reception

Tuesday 8 July 2014 7.30 - 9pm, Aberdeen Town House

The City of Aberdeen welcomed delegates with a drinks reception and finger buffet.

Sir Walter Scott at the Opera - A Scottish Opera Recital

Thursday 10 July 2014, St Machar's Cathedral, Aberdeen

Rich with romanticism and full of the supernatural, Scott's novels and poetry have been a well-mined source for generations of composers, and have inspired over 90 operas. This intimate recital features work by Donizetti, Rossini and Bizet as well as Arthur Sullivan, of Gilbert and Sullivan fame, and Scottish composer Hamish MacCunn. Performing in the stunning surroundings of St Machar's Cathedral, a stellar line-up brought the programme to life, including world-renowned soprano Judith Howarth and tenor Michael Colvin, accompanied by Scottish Opera's Head of Music Derek Clark on piano.

Conference Trip to Castle Fraser

Friday 11 July 2014
The conference visited Castle Fraser, one of the famous tower houses of Aberdeenshire built in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Castle Fraser had an important music collection which has been catalogued and explored by scholars of the University of Aberdeen. It is owned by the National Trust for Scotland: see Castle-Fraser-Garden-and-Estate

For more information on Castle Fraser see: http://www.visitscotland.com/info/see-do/castle-fraser-p248311

Alternative Event

Friday 11 July 2014

For those who wanted to spend more time in Old Aberdeen or relax in the city we arranged an alternative one hour walking tour of Old Aberdeen.

Conference Dinner

Friday 11 July 2014 7.30
The conference dinner was held at the University's Bishop's Table restaurant.