Centre for The Novel

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Centre for The Novel

Co-Directors: Helena Ifill and Dan Wall

Contact: helena.ifill@abdn.ac.uk /d.j.wall@abdn.ac.uk

Centre for the Novel
School of Language and Literature, University of Aberdeen, King's College
Aberdeen, AB24 3UB, Scotland UK

The Centre for the Novel is a research centre based in the School of Language and Literature at the University of Aberdeen.

Its aim is to promote discussion about the theory and practice of the novel across a range of languages, historical periods and critical approaches. Bringing together staff from English, Modern Languages and Creative Writing, the Centre for the Novel organises events at which readers can hear writers discuss their own work, it showcases new scholarship in the field, and develops new research projects.

Through symposia, conferences, visiting fellowships and postgraduate teaching and research, the Centre explores the regional, national and international significance of the novel, and shows how this diverse and popular form has come to dominate world literature.

For information on our upcoming and past events, please see our news and events page here.