Postgraduate Taught

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Postgraduate Taught

View the Catalogue of Courses to see all postgraduate courses (including course guides) for the following programmes:

MLitt in Comparative Literature

Study of literary texts in transnational, global and postcolonial contexts. Engage with literary and cultural texts from different language backgrounds using an exciting range of methodological approaches.

MLitt in Creative Writing

Work with creative writers in poetry, fiction, and film to advance your creative and imaginative writing potential professional work in the creative sector. Build awareness to the process and challenges involved in publishing creative work and obtain skills in critical thinking and self-reflection to support your personal creative development.

MLitt in English Language and Literature

Broaden your knowledge of English literary periods across historical and contemporary texts. Gain graduate-level skills and enhance your understanding of the relationship between language and literature. With a varied selection of modules to choose from, you have the flexibility to focus on themes and topics that suit your study interests.

MLitt in Ethnology and Folklore

Develop a broad-based understanding of how the disciplines of Ethnology, Folklore, and Ethnomusicology evolved through material culture, custom and belief, music and song, oral narrative, childlore and games, sports, and pastimes with emphasis on culture and tradition in the Scottish context.

MLitt in Film, Visual Culture and Arts Management

Are you motivated by images or words? If you are more interested in the power of the image and its meaning, this programme is for you. Images, whether moving or still, play a central role in shaping the world around us and the lives we lead. The MLitt Film and Visual Culture develops critical skills and theoretical understanding of visual culture in its social and historical contexts, through discussion and analysis of film, photography and theoretical writing.

MLitt in Literatures, Environments and Places

Discover how aspects of place and environment are shaped and expressed in literature across a spectrum of literary periods and styles. Examine the ways literature conveys the ideology of place through relevant issues drawn from different critical and interdisciplinary perspectives.

MMus in Music

Develop your creative musical interests into a wide range of career options with world-class expertise and mentoring in performance, composition and musicology. If you love listening or playing music to an advanced standard, or if you have started to compose music and understand the creativity involved, this programme will enable you to set your sights high in the music and arts industries. It will also provide a solid foundation for teaching or getting involved in progression careers.

MSc in Cultural and Creative Communication

Explore how art and culture play key roles in shaping the societies we live in and explore various methods in which creative materials can be brought to public view. Analyse the relationship between artist and audience and learn to develop strategies for cultural dissemination in the creative sector.

MSc in Global Business Communication

Our MSc in Global Business Communication at the University of Aberdeen provides in-depth communications skills and knowledge across business, law, health care, politics, media and energy industries. You will learn to communicate effectively and pragmatically in situations reliant on an understanding of human behaviour, relationships, tactics, and politics to uncover powerful solutions to challenges in communication and interpretation.

MSc in TESOL (Teaching English as a Second or Other Language)

Transform your undergraduate degree to earn a qualification helping students build their ability and confidence to speak English fluently. Expand your practice and skills through experiential tutoring sessions, seminars and peer-language teaching observation sessions while forming a solid grounding on relevant themes in language teaching.

Five-Week Intensive Summer Postgraduate Certification in TESOL

We also deliver an intensive Summer Postgraduate Certification programme in TESOL, enabling you to obtain a postgraduate certificate in just five weeks! Whether you have teaching experience or not, you will gain foundational knowledge in TESOL, enrich your teaching tools and explore how to use novel, innovative techniques in your teaching context.

MSc in Translation Studies

If you have a flair and ear for languages, you may want to study and put your skills to good use in new situations and settings. With demand growing for qualified graduates, a Translation Studies MSc can open doors to a range of exciting international and national careers as well as self-employment options globally.

MSc in Translation and Interpreting Studies

We live and work in a world that is linguistically and culturally diverse meaning there is a demand for strong linguists with a combination of interpreting and translating skills to support the growing complexity of international communication. Master a set of marketable skills to a professional standard with this flexible programme which offers to develop your understanding and application of translation and interpreting theories and techniques as well as equips you with expertise in conference and public service interpreting.